2017人教版高一英语必修四 unit 4 body language 词语用法小结

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1、高一 B4U4 词语用法小结编写:吴瑚 1. represent: vt.=to stand for, symbolize; to serve as an example of 代表,象征,作为的例子 representative: n. (美国)众议员,代表,销售代理 adj. 典型的, 有代表性的 1) 秃鹰象征着美国而鸽子象征着和平。 The bald eagle represents the United States while the dove represents peace. 2) 这个方程式中的 X 代表什么? What does X represent in this eq

2、uation? 3) 他代表工友们出席工会会议。 He represented his fellow-workers at the union meeting. 4) 博物馆曾藏有几幅代表这个艺术家早期风格的油画。The museum had several paintings representing/which represented the artists early style. 5) a sales representative of a company 公司的销售代表 6) We chose him our representative. 我们选他当我们的代表。 7) They a

3、ppointed him as their representative. 他们委派他为代表。 2. association: n.U联合, 交往 C协会, 联想 1) association football 英式足球 2) Chinese Football Association 中国足球协会 3) FIFA 国际足球联合会 (全称法语:Fdration internationale de football association)International Federation of Association Football 4) 我和他的交情可追溯到高中时代。My associatio

4、n with him goes back to our days in high school. 5) 苏格兰给我各种愉快的联想。Scotland has all kinds of happy associations for me. associate: vi. 结交,交往 (+with) n. C 伙伴,同事,朋友,合伙人 1) He associates with all sorts of people. 他与各种各样的人交往。 2) Never associate with bad companions. 千万不要与坏人为伍。3) He is one of my associates

5、at the store. 他是我店里的一位同事。 associatesuieit vt.联想,把.联想在一起(+with) 1) She associated happiness with having money. 她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。 2) They associate turkey with Thanksgiving. 他们把火鸡和感恩节联系在一起。 associatedsui.eitid adj. 联合的,相关的 1) There are many serious health hazards associated with smoking. 许多危害健康的情况都与吸烟有关。

6、2) In childrens minds, summers are associated with picnics. 在孩子们看来, 夏天总是和郊游连在一起的。 3. flight: n. C,U 飞翔,飞行 C 班机,航班 1) He completed the flight in 50 minutes. 他用 50 分钟飞完了全程。 2) Did you have a good flight? 你乘机旅行愉快吗? 3) Could you tell me what time Flight 212 arrives in New York City? 劳驾, 212 班机什么时候到达纽约市?

7、 4) Ill book you on a direct flight to London. 我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。4. curious curiously (out of) curiosity be curious about sth / to do sth 5.宿舍,可供许多人睡的大寝室 dormitory (=dorm) 6.学生食堂 the student canteen 7. greet sb. with a smile 含笑欢迎某人 (vt.) He greeted her by saying “Hello”. 他向她打招呼,说“Hello” 。(vt.) A beautif

8、ul view greeted us. 美丽的景色呈现在我们面前。 (greet: vt. 映入眼帘) 8. approach: vi./vt.=to come near or nearer (to), as in space or time 接近, 靠近 1)毕业的日子近了。 The time for graduation is approaching. 2)他悄悄地走近那只小鸟。 He approached the bird quietly. approach: n. U 接近,靠近 C (+to) 通道,入口 C (+to) 方法,方式 1) Snow announced the app

9、roach of winter. 雪宣告了冬季的来临。 2) All approaches to the city were blocked. 通往这座城市的所有道路都被封锁了。 3) I like her approach to the problem. 我喜欢她解决这个问题的方法。 9. cheek: n. C 脸颊,脸蛋; U厚脸皮 1) Tears were streaming/rolling down her cheeks. 热泪从她脸上流下来。 2) She kissed him on both cheeks. 她吻了他的双颊。 3) She had the cheek to sa

10、y such a thing. 她竟厚颜地说出这样的话! cheek: vt.无礼地向.讲话 eg How can you cheek your grandparents in that way? 你怎么可以那样无礼地对祖父母讲话? cheeky: adj. 厚颜无耻的 10. defence/defense: n.U国防,防御 C防御工事 defend: v. 防御,防卫 1) He plays in defence/defense. 他在比赛中负责防守。 2) department of defense 国防部 3) self-defense 正当防卫,自卫4) The countrys

11、defences/defenses are weak. 这个国家的防务虚弱。 5) 军队防卫我们的国家以免受攻击。 The army is to defend our country against attack. 6) The accused man had a lawyer to defend him. 这被告有一律师为他辩护。 7) Shes running to defend her 400 metres title. 她为蝉联 400 米冠军而参赛。 8) defending champion 卫冕冠军 defendant: n. C被告 defender: n. C 防御者, 守卫

12、者; (足球)后卫 11. major: adj. (more) important, great(er) 主要的,重要的 major roads / problems 要道 / 重大问题 Her major is French and she is a French major, thats, she majors in French.她的专业是法语,她是法语专业的学生,也就是说,她(在大学)主修法语。 major: n. C1. (大学中的)主修科目 2. (大学专业的)主修学生 vi. 主修 (+in) major: n. C成年人,已到法定年龄者 eg Majors should ta

13、ke more responsibilities and be more intelligent in handling personal relations. 成年人要承担更多的责任,在处理人际关系中也要变得更机智。 minor: n. C 未成年人 eg You cant serve drinks to minors. 你不能把酒卖给未成年人。 minor: n. C 副修科目,副修科学生 vi. 副修,兼修 (+in) 1) English is his major and education is his minor. 他主修英文,副修教育。 2) He majored in Engl

14、ish and minored in education. 他主修英文,副修教育。 12. misunderstand: vt. 误会,曲解 (过去式/过去分词 misunderstood; n. misunderstanding ) 1) He wrote her a letter for fear (that) she might misunderstand him.他给她写了封信,免得她误会。 2) His intentions were misunderstood. 他的意图被误解了。 3) Her poor French often leads to misunderstanding

15、s when she visits France.她的法语很差劲,因而她访问法国时常引起误会。4) I must weigh my words to avoid any misunderstanding. 我须字斟句酌以免产生误解。 13. dash: vi. 猛冲,急奔 (必须后接副词或介词短语) vt. 匆忙完成; 泼溅 1) His wife dashed in breathlessly. 他的妻子上气不接下气地冲了进来。 2) An ambulance dashed to the scene of the accident. 一辆救护车飞驰到事故现场。 3) He dashed down a glass of juice. 他匆忙地喝下一杯果汁。 4) She dashed a glass of beer in his face. 她把一杯啤酒猛地泼在他的脸上。 dash: n. Singular 急冲,奔跑 (+at/for) CSingular 短跑 1) He made a dash for the bus. 他猛冲过去追赶汽车。 2) make a dash for the exit 猛冲到出口 3)


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