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1、2015 广安市高考英语单项选择、阅读理解一轮练习(广安市高考英语单项选择、阅读理解一轮练习(3)及答案)及答案【四川省绵阳市 2014 高考英语一模试题】单项填空(共单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 15 分)分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.The bird _ its wings and flew to the south.A. beat B. hit C. strike D. struck22. Dr. Frank failed many times but he finally to fi

2、nd a successful way to solve the problem.A. broke off B. broke up C. broke down D. broke through23. The class is unusual _ the students are all over fifty and none of them attended the middle school when they were young.A. in how B. in what C. in which D. in that24. Life is like sport, I mean its a

3、hard competitive business.A. in which B. by which C. for which D. of which25.-I was wondering whether perhaps you could remember the name of the place.-Im afraid that me for the moment.A. reminds B. puzzles C. disturbs D. escapes26.-Were the audience allowed to join in the play?-Yes, the actors to s

4、atisfy the audience were successful.A. who it was the duty B. of which the duty wasC. whose duty it was D. whose was the duty27. -Why did he stay at home?-It was only _ it was raining _ he stayed at home.A. since; so B. because; that C. for; that D. as; what28. In our childhood, we were often _ by G

5、randma to pay attention to our table manners.A. demanded B. allowed C. reminded D. hoped29.-Is there any particular soup you would like to have?- you select is all right with me.A. Whatever B. Anyone C. No matter what D. Whichever30.-When can we come to visit you?-Anytime you feel like .A. one B. it

6、 C .so D. that31. I expect youve already done it, the manager asked you to give him a ring this afternoon.A. but B. and C. though D. so32.-What happened?-As you know, my schoolmates never their clothes well.A. hanging B. hanged C. hung D. hang33. With a great weight _off her mind, she passed all the

7、 tests successfully.A. taken B. taking C. being taken D. to be taken34. We knew we were getting close to the park we started seeing the tiger right next to the road.A. when B. before C. while D. until35. Every weekend, Mrs Green asked her daughter to visit the museum in order to _ her interest in sc

8、ience.A. grow B. build C. make D. develop【参考答案】2135、ADDBD CBCDB ACAAD高考英语冲刺阅读理解专项高考英语冲刺阅读理解专项-BA popular saying goes, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” However, thats not really true. Words have the power to build us up or tear us down. It doesnt matter if the wor

9、ds come from someone elses or ourselves - the positive and negative effects are just as lasting.We all talk to ourselves sometimes. Were usually too embarrassed to admit it, though. In fact, we really shouldnt be because more and more experts believe talking to ourselves out loud is a healthy habit.

10、This “self-talk” helps us motivate ourselves, remember things, solve problems, and calm ourselves down. Be aware, though, that as much as 77% of self-talk tends to be negative. So in order to stay positive, we should only speak words of encouragement to ourselves. We should also be quick to give our

11、selves a pat on the back. The next time you finish a project, do well in a test, or finally clean your room, join me in saying “Good job!”Often, words come out of our mouths without us thinking about the effect they will have. But we should be aware that our words cause certain responses in others.

12、For example, when returning an item to a store, we might use warm, friendly language during the exchange. And the clerk will probably respond in a similar manner. Or harsh(刻薄的)and critical language will most likely cause the clerk to be defensive.Words possess power because of their lasting effect.

13、Many of us regret something we once said. And we remember unkind words said to us! Before speaking, we should always ask ourselves: Is it loving? Is it needed? If what we want to say doesnt pass this test, then its better left unsaid.Words possess power: both positive and negative. Those around us r

14、eceive encouragement when we speak positively. We can offer hope, build self-esteem(自尊)and motivate others to do their best. Negative words destroy all those things. Will we use our words to hurt or to heal? The choice is ours.1. The main idea of the first paragraph is that _.A. words have a lasting

15、 effect on us B. not sticks and stones but words will hurt us C. inspiring words give us confidence D. negative words may let us down 答案解析:答案为 A。本题考查段落大意。段落大意一般通过段落的 topic sentence 来体现,第一段的最后一句话 “the positive and negative effects are just as lasting.” 即为该段的 topic sentence, 故 A 选项正确.。2. There is no sense for us to feel embarrassed when we tal


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