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1、Unit 2 Wish You Were Here Reading (2),Step 1 Revision,1. Question: What topic does this letter refer to? 2. Ask the students to retell the three adventurous activities the writer will do during his coming travel in Africa according to the following clues:,1) to travel on camels:,where to leave and h

2、ow to go how and where to travel how long to travel,2) to travel down the Nile:, when and where to start how to travel and why what to wear,3) to travel to see wild animals:, where to live what to drink and eat what to buy and why how to get close to wild animals,Step 2 Words and expressions:,1. exp

3、ect e.g. I expect there would be strong agreement about this. TIP: expect + clause expect + n. (sb. / sth.) expect to do expect sb. to do expect so expect not = dont expect so,2. on camels,e.g. Watch out for dangers while traveling on camels. TIP: by camel / on the camel(s) / on camels by bike / on

4、the bike(s) / on bikes by car / in the car(s) / in cars,3. so many exciting places,e.g. I feel shamed that Ive made so many mistakes. TIP: 1) so many + n. (countable) so much + n. (uncountable) so few + n. (countable) so little + n. (uncountable) 2) such little toys (小),4. on clear nights,e.g. The n

5、ewly-wedded couple often takes a heart-to-heart talk in the moonlight on clear nights. TIP: at night / in the night on a cold night on Saturday night on the night of,5. go white-water rafting,e.g. To our embarrassment, we turned ourselves upside down while doing white-water rafting. TIP: go mountain

6、 climbing go house hunting go Internet surfing,6. go on a trip,e.g. They are longing to go on a honeymoon trip to Venice. TIP: 1) go on a visit (trip, tour, journey) visits (trips, tours, journeys) go on duty (strike, business, sale) 2) go on with a visit = continue ,7. include / contain,e.g. Whisky

7、 contains a large percentage of alcohol. Detailed instructions are included in the booklet. TIP: All the persons, including him, got invited. = who include him = (with) him included,8. get close to,e.g. The firefighters couldnt get close to the burning wreck on time. TIP: 1) be (get) close to (adj.)

8、 2) follow sb. close behind (adv.) 3) with ones eyes closed (vt.) 4) close v.s. closely (区别),9. scare the animals away,e.g. The sight of the snake scared the boy away. TIP: 1) scareaway (off, stiff, to death) 2) scared / scary (区别) 3) scare = frighten,10. supplies of food,e.g. The draught-hit areas

9、are more dependent upon supplies of food. TIP: 1) n. a supply of food a food supply supplies of food food supplies 2) vt. supply A to B supply B with A,1. in case + clause e.g. In case anything important happens, please contact me in time. TIP: 1) In case of fire, please call 119. 2)Youd better take

10、 an umbrella in case. 3)in this / that / on / any / many case(s),Step 3 Two important drills,e.g. Ill just say whatever comes into my head. Whoever breaks the law should be punished. TIP: whatever / however / + adv.-clauses = no matter what / how / e.g. Keep calm, whatever happens. = no matter what,

11、2. whatever (however) + n.-clauses,Step 4 Multiple choice for consolidation,1. Those flowers are so special that I would do _ I can to save them. A. whatever B. no matter what C. whichever D. that,A,2. He sat _ against the wall and listened to the teacher _. A. close; close B. closely; closely C. cl

12、osely; close D. close; closely,D,3. John may phone tonight. I dont want to go out _ he phones. A. as long as B. in order that C. in case D. so that 4. We have _ in your bill the cost of the teapot you broke just now. A. increased B. included C. contained D. charged,C,B,5. You should try to get a goo

13、d nights sleep _ much work you have to do. A. however B. no matter C. although D. whatever 6. A middle-aged woman came _ to the bus stop only _ the bus had gone. A. to run; to find B. running; to find C. and ran; finding D. running; finding,A,B,7. Have you heard from Janet recently? - No, but I _ he

14、r over Christmas. A. saw B. will be seeing C. have seen D. have been seen 8. With _ electrical equipment, wood and paper in one place, there is a danger of fire. A. so many B. so much C. such many D. such much,B,B,9. On seeing the accident, he felt _. A. scary B. scared C. scare D. scaring 10.The ca

15、r _ he goes to school is made in Japan. A. by which B. in which C. by that D. with which,B,B,Homework Finish exercises on page 94 to 95.,Thanks for your cooperation!,; http:/ 河北CPP流延膜 wld51xoy 从院子里走来,走进一看,才看清来人正是被分配到七王爷府里的春兰。“春兰,你怎么来了?”“先别管我了,王爷是不是还把自己关在屋子里不出来?”“是啊,王爷都把自己关在屋子里三天三夜了,连着几日不上朝,连太后的晨昏定省都



18、懿突然沉默了,但是原本灰暗的眼神又开始燃起了希望的光,渐渐的灼目。“无痕,随我进宫。”“王爷,您不换下衣服?”“不必了,耽误了这许久,想必父皇早就等不及了,既然如此,何必呢?”“是,属下这就去牵马。” 司马昭懿赶到御书房已经是一个时辰后了。皇帝的表情严肃,御笔朱批着奏章,眉头紧皱不舒。司马自从通传进来就一直站着,虽头发凌乱,但玄色衣服更加衬托的他挺拔硬朗,像是一副铮铮铁骨,父子俩就这么僵持着。终于,皇帝放下了最后一本奏折。“你知道朕为什么叫你来吗?”“儿臣不知?”“你还知道你是儿臣啊?朕以为皇儿不知何为君何为臣了。”“儿臣不该,那父皇又怎么知道,何为父何为子?”“混账,这是你该跟朕说话的态度?”“在你杀了我母亲和姨母之后,我再无父。”“孽障,孽障啊来人,给朕把七皇子拖去殿外跪着,无朕的命令不许起来,任,


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