usefull expressions

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《usefull expressions》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《usefull expressions(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1Useful Expressions (Unit One-Six)Unit One 1. 激烈争论 a heated discussion; 2. 出人意料的方式 in an unexpected way; 3. 举行盛大晚宴 give a large dinner party; 4. 追捕 / 查到 track down; 5. 坐下 be seated; 6. 来访的美国博物学家 a visiting American naturalist; 7. 宽敞的餐厅 a spacious dining room; 8. 激烈的讨论 a spirited discussion; 9. 一看见 a

2、t the sight of; 10. 真正重要的是 what really counts; 11. 参加争论 join in an argument; 12. 两眼盯着正前方 stare straight ahead; 13. 突然醒悟 come to with a start; 14. 最有可能的地方 the likeliest place; 15. 使受惊吓而去做frighten into doing ; 16. 像石雕一样端坐着 sit like a stone image; 17. 走向 make for; 18. 镇定自若的典范 an example of perfect self

3、- control; 19. 且慢 just a minute 20. 脸上露出一丝淡淡的微笑 a faint smile lights up ones faceUnit Two 1. 从书本中获取知识 obtain knowledge from books 2. 亲自作调查 personal investigation 3. 做现场观察 make on-the-spot observations 4. 研究有关某一问题的文件 study papers on a subject 5. 社会阶层 social class 6. 发号施令 give an order 7. 出生卑微的人 peopl

4、e of humble origins 8. 烧饭锅 a cooking pot 9. 判断真理与谬误的头脑 a mind for judging truth and error 10.认真思考的 with careful thought 11.力量的源泉 a source of strength 12.毫不犹豫 not hesitate a moment 13. 有效地采取行动 act on with effect 14. 被无用的习俗束缚住手脚 be chained to customs which have lost their usefulness 15. 满怀希望地 with hop

5、e 16. 把恐惧抛在后面 leave fear behind 17. 存在 in existence 18. 不知疲倦的作家 a tireless writer 19. 一切人生来平等 all men are created equal 20. 一份丰富的思想遗产 a rich legacy of ideas Unit Three1.申请 apply for 2.地方报纸/政府 local newspaper/government 3.申请教师职位 apply for a teaching post 4.在上海的一个郊区 in a suburb of Shanghai 5.手头拮据 be s

6、hort of money 6.做的可能性很小 the chance of doing sth. is slim 7.结果 as a result 8.太沮丧以至于不感觉紧张了 too depressed to feel nervous 9.挣扎着活下来 struggle to survive 10. 繁忙的大街 busy main road 11. 布满皱纹的前额 a wrinkled forehead 12. 不以为然的神态 with an air of disapproval 13. 散发出气味 smell of 14. 根据判断 judging by 15. 的极为重要的组成部分 a

7、vital part of 16. 重视 attach much importance to 17. 没有共同语言 have little in common 18. 从到不等 range fromto 19. 教学计划 teaching-set 20. 轮流做 do sth in turn 21. 享受闲暇之乐 enjoy leisure 22. 终于不能使人忍受的最后一击 the last straw Unit Four 1. 密友 a close friend22. 感到无拘无束 feel at ease 3. 指出 point out 4. 使玩具失去平衡 throw the toy

8、off balance 5. 一首表示感谢的诗 a poem of thanks 6. 在某人的能力范围内 within ones limits 7. 超出力所能及的范围 beyond ones intellectual limits 8. 对心满意足 be content to 9. 对具有免疫力 be immune to 10. 与通信往来 correspond with 11. 一本拍纸簿 a pad of paper 12. 对某人来说毫无意义 mean nothing to someone 13. 信奉简朴 believe in simplicity 14. 回复到 revert t

9、o 15. 实际应用 practical application 16. 相对(来说)次要 relatively minor in importance 17. 推断其运作原理 deduce the operating principle 18. 推理中的一个漏洞 a flaw in ones reasoning 19. 不赞成的表情 an expression of disapproval 20. 研究出解决方法 work out an solution 21. 一个家喻户晓的名字 a household name 22. 对迷惑不解 be bewildered by 23. 受到关注 re

10、ceive attention24. 挑选出 single out Unit Five 1.对某人造成危害或损坏 do sb harm 2.起作用;被用作 serve as 3.年复一年的,每年 from year to year 4.十有八九,极有可能的 in all likelihood 5.发生 come about 6.上升;增长 go up 7.组成;构成 make up 8.首先;第一 first of all 9.使情况更糟的是 to make matters worse 10. 起先,开始时 at first 11. 自动地;独自地 by itself 12. 砍倒;砍伐 cu

11、t down 13. 尤其是,最 most of all 14. 反对;不喜欢 object toUnit Six 1.及时 in time 2.自信心 self-confidence 3.即将结束 draw to a close 4.曾经一次/不止一次 on one occasion/on more than one occasions 5.做决定 make a decision 6.在某一特定的情况下 in a particular situation 7.不妥当的决定 a poor decision 8.寻找内心的平静 find the peace of mind9.深思熟虑的决定 a

12、considered decision 10. 手术室 the operating room 11. 经常遇到的问题 a constant problem 12. 开业/从业 in practice 13. 提前 in advance 14. 容忍 live with 15. 说不定何时 at one time or another 16. 承担全部责任 take full/sole responsibility for 17. 判断上的失误 a mistake in judgment 18. 考验人/令人煎熬的时刻 trying moments 19. 为某人做手术 operate on s

13、omeone 20. 生活中的一部分 be a part of ones life Unit Seven 1.鼓起勇气 summon up the courage 2.一下子,立刻 right off 3.毒品贩子 drug dealers / drug pushers 4.注射毒品 shoot up 5.消磨时间,闲荡 hang out 6.进行战斗 fight the battle 7. 接受挑战 rise to the challenge 8. 耽溺于,上瘾 be addicted to 看护,领养 foster care 9. 翻滚,打翻 turn over 10. 看望,探知 che

14、ck in on 11. 开始喜欢;逐渐习惯于做某事 take to 12. 顶嘴,反驳 talk back313. 轻易得来的钱 fast money 14. 表明立场 take a stand 15. 焚烧 set on fire 16. 推动力 driving force 17. 一块空地 a vacant lot 18. 逐步增加,提升 step up 19. 偶遇 run into 20对谦虚 be modest about 21. 打通,到达 get through 22. 使某人懂得,使某人明白 get trough to sb. 23. 随波逐流;漂泊不定;居无定所 drift

15、 along 分开;疏远 drift apart 渐渐进入 陷入 drift into / toward 随漂流 drift with 从漂流到 drift from to 逐渐回去 drift back 24. seize property 没收财产 inherit property 继承财产 transfer property 转移财产 recover property 追回财产 personal (movable) property 动产 real property 不动产 kick up / make a fuss 挑起事端;引起忙乱 fuss about / over 为而大惊小怪 a fuss about / over / of 为大惊小怪 fuss with对过分讲究make a fuss about nothing 小题大做


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