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1、1,程常现 主编,印刷专业英语 English and Knowledge on graphic communication,2,翻译的标准,文学翻译 清末启蒙思想家严复“信达雅”三字标准 信:译文的思想内容忠于原作 达:译文表达通顺明白 雅:风格优美 科技英语翻译 准确规范 通顺易懂 简介明晰,3,准确规范 所谓准确,就是忠实地、不折不扣地传达原文的全部信息内容。 所谓规范,就是译文要符合所涉及的科学技术或某个专业领域的专业语言表达规范。例如:The printer then sent the pages to a bindery where they were folded, sewn t

2、ogether, trimmed, and encased in a cover. 印刷工人把印刷品送到装订厂,在那里进行折页、装订、裁切并包上封面。,4,通顺易懂 译文语言必须明白晓畅、文理通顺、结构合理、逻辑关系清楚,没有硬译造成语言晦涩难懂的现象。,5,简介明晰 译文要简短精炼、一目了然,要尽量避免繁琐、冗赘和不必要的重复。例如:Most printing is done in order to convey a message from one person or group of people to another. 译:大多数印刷是为了在人们之间传递信息。或:大多数印刷是为了从一个

3、人或一群人到另一个人或一群人传递信息。,6,科技英语文体的特点,第三人称句多 科技文体的主要目的在于阐述科学事实、科学发现、实验结果等,不是介绍发明者或者发现者的主观感受。因此,科技文章往往不用第一、第二人称句。,7,科技英语大量使用被动语态 科技英语主要以客观陈述为主,表述科学发现、科学事实、实验报告和各类说明。 专业名词、术语多,重要,8,Printing graphic arts graphic communications (图文信息传播)印刷 说明了某种情况下英文术语的多变性 反映了印刷科技发展的不同历史阶段,9,我国及国际印刷工业和图像传播业的发展与展望Development an

4、d Prospects of Printing and Graphic Communication Industry at Home and Abroad 网印工业SCREEN PRINTING INDUSTRY 出版与印刷PUBLISHING & PRINTING,10,印刷专业英语 Language & Knowledge On Graphic Arts,程常现 编译,印刷工业出版社,1999年8月 印刷专业英语 English And Knowledge On Graphic Communications,程常现 主编,印刷工业出版社,2007年1月,11,Its products ar

5、e all around us,When we think about an industry ,we generally think in terms of its major product or products. The steel industry produces steel and the automotive industry, automobiles. But what does the graphic arts industry produce? The answer is things that are printed or related to the printing

6、 business, such as paper, inks, films or bindings.,纸张,油墨,胶片,装订材料,12,Printed products are all around us. Books and magazines, newspapers and catalogs, maps and charts, posters and brochures, stamps and paper money are some examples of products produced in their entirety by the graphic arts industry.,

7、书,杂志,报纸,目录册,地图,图表,广告,小册子,邮票,纸币,13,Printing plays a key role in the generation of products produced by other industries as well. For example, textiles, wallpaper, toothpaste tubes, soft drink cans, candy wrappers, oranges and baseballs all contain printed images. Even the circuits used for electronic

8、 devices such as calculators and television sets are printed.,textile 纺织品 wallpaper 墙纸 toothpaste tube 牙膏皮 soft drink can 饮料罐 candy wrapper 糖纸 orange 橘子 baseball 棒球 calculator 电子计算机 television set 电视机 circuit 电路板,纺织品,墙纸,牙膏皮,饮料罐,糖纸,橘子,电路板,电子计算器,电视机,14,When we use the graphic communication as an alter

9、native of printing or graphic arts, we also extend the product scope of printing industry. Satellite communication of documents, computer generated images, monitor display of words, etc., are consider as a part of graphic communication products.,satellite communication of documents 文件的卫星传输 computer

10、generated images 计算机生成图像 monitor display of words 文件在显示器上显示,文件的卫星传输,计算机生成图像,文件在显示器上显示,15,The list of products in whole or in part by the graphic communication industry is almost endless. Think about it. Printing is all around us.,16,Its purpose is to communication,Most printing is done in order to c

11、onvey a message from one person or group of people to another. Newspapers, books, magazines ,catalogs, greeting cards, labels, and business forms are all examples of printed products used for this purpose. They all contain messages. When a message is sent by one person and received by another, commu

12、nication takes place.,贺卡,标签,商业表格,17,Printing messages are graphic or visual in form. They are made up of symbols, drawing, and photographs. Communication through the use of printed images is called graphic communication. The primary purpose of the graphic arts industry, then, is to produce products

13、that communication graphically.,18,Scope of the industry,This book is a product of the graphic communications industry. Several individuals and business enterprises played an important role in its creation. Together these individuals and enterprises represent the scope of the industry. So lets now t

14、ake a brief look at how this book was produced.,19,The main purpose of this book is to help you learn scientific English on graphic communications. It deals with the organization, tools, materials, and processes of the graphic communication industry. The content, or message, of this book was develop

15、ed by the author after consultation with the publisher.,20,The publisher provided design and editorial assistance and managed the production and sale of the book. Type had to be set by the workers that specialize in type composition. They are called compositors or typesetters. Illustrations were gat

16、hered. Artists created drawings and photographers made photographs.,排字工,排字工,21,The assembled type, artwork, and photographs were sent to a printer, who made plates, and printed the pages. The printer then sent the pages to a bindery where they were folded, sewn together, trimmed, and encased in a co

17、ver.,symbol 标志 drawing 图画 photograph 照片 type 文字 artwork 画稿,文字,画稿,照片,装订厂,折叠,装订,裁切,包上封面,制版,22,The author, editor, publisher, compositor, artist, photographer, printer, and binder all played an important role in the creation of this book. Supplies such as paper and ink products and printing equipment were needed as well. The graphic communication industry encompasses a wide range of occupation, activities , and enterprises.,



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