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1、组员:王超 王渊栋王正驰 李天正,深圳国际能源大厦,Shenzhen International Energy Mansion,Brief Introduction(简介),Project: Shenzhen International Energy MansionType: Invited Competition, 1st PrizeSize: 96,000M2Client: Shenzhen Energy Company Collaborators: Arup, TranssolarLocation: Shenzhen, ChinaStatus: OngoingArchitect: BIG

2、Partner in charge: Bjarke IngelsProject Leader: Andreas Klok PedersenTeam(负责团队): Cat Huang, Alex Cozma, Fan Zhang Kuba Snopek, Flavien Menu, Stanley Lung,Wang Chao,Surrounding Environment(周边环境),1. Project Profile(项目概况)The project site is located at the south gate of the political, cultural and busin

3、ess centre of Shen-zhen, north-east of the crossing of Binhai Road and Jintian Road. 2. TrafficTowards west a high-way bridge passes by the building. Cars access the building from the back.3. Pedestrians(人行区域)Pedestrians access the building from surrounding sidewalks. 4. Skyline(天际线)By keeping the h

4、eight of the towers to 200 and 100 meters, they will form together with the neighboring towers a continuous curved skyline marking the center of Shenzhen.,Wang Chao,Surrounding Environment(周边环境),Wang Chao,Site-plan(总平面),Site-plan,Parking Entrance(停车库入口) Commercial Entrance(商业入口) Lobby Entrance(大厅入口)

5、,Wang Chao,Design Evolution(设计演化),Basalt(玄武岩),Frond(棕榈叶),Origami lantern(折纸灯笼),Terrace(梯田),Fluctuation facade,Wang Chao,Design Evolution(设计演化),Ecological Designs,The combination of natural light maximization and sun exposure minimal,The use of the architectural ,sunlight, air, humidity and wind spee

6、d,(自然光线最大化与日光照射最小化相结合),Conform to the nature (顺应自然),Wang Chao,Climate 气候,Wang Zhengchi,World map of the subtropical/tropical climate,According to the Kppen-Geiger climate classification(柯本气候分类), Shenzhen is a subtropical climate with high humidity.深圳属于亚热带气候,且湿度高。,Because of adjacenting to the equato

7、r(赤道),the sun elevation angle of this aera can be 90 all the year round. 由于毗邻赤道,该地区的太阳高度角可达90度。,Shenzhen,The office need following two conditions:Sunshade devices 遮阳装置Interior air dehumidification devices 室内空气除湿装置,Shenzhen International Energy Mansion,Improve building design,Wang Zhengchi,The challe

8、nge - a comfortable working environment in a subtropical climate conditions, while reducing energy consumption.,改良建筑设计,Traditional modern office building lead to large energy consumption.,Traditional office building,new building,Floor plan,Structure,Glass curtain wall,新的挑战-亚热带环境下舒适的办公环境,降低能耗。,传统办公建筑

9、导致巨大的能量消耗,Improve building design,Wang Zhengchi,改良建筑设计,The reform of outer layer of the building facade can significantly improve the buildings sustainable performance. 尤其是建筑立面的改革可以提高建筑的可持续性性能,The floor plan and the appearance of the new building should be in accordance with local climate. 楼层的平面和新建筑

10、的外表面和气候相适应。,Two points:,Green & Sun,Wang Zhengchi,Green spots for recreation are surrounding the site. 基地周边设有绿色休闲区域,Utilize all roofs of the building volume as green parks. 利用建筑的屋顶作为绿色花园,绿化与日光,The site is located directly facing east and west. 基地面向东部和西部,In the morning and evening there is a low sun

11、on the east and west facades. 在早晨和夜晚东西立面接受的日光照射较少,During mid-day the sun is in a steep angle on the smaller south facing facade 正午时分日光垂直照射在少量的南立面上.,Wind & Visibility,Wang Zhengchi,The wind is coming predominantly from the east and west directions this area. 风向主要是东向和西向风,风向与视觉效果,The buildings prominen

12、t location on the main entrance axis to the Binhai Road in Shenzhen. 建筑位于滨海路的主要入口中轴线处,The new building can be a visible landmark 新建筑将成为地标性的建筑,Wind protection on the roof gardens of the high building. 高层建筑屋顶花园的防风装置,Wind,Binhai Road,Program 功能布局,Li Tianzheng,The main parts: offices(办公楼) a commercial p

13、odium(裙楼) a parking garage below grade,Plans of typical floor,Program 功能布局,Li Tianzheng,Plans of the podium,Specific modifications 特定区域,Li Tianzheng,Ripple(波纹),Folded facade,The facade geometry follows always the same angles, allowing for a relatively simple type of deformations in the faade.,Specif

14、ic modifications 特定区域,Commercial entrances,Entrances(入口),Lobby entrance,pulled out,pushed back,Li Tianzheng,Specific modifications 特定区域,Li Tianzheng,Views(视野),To create extra good views,Wang yuan dong,Curtain wall 幕墙,Disadvantages1.The traditional curtain wall glass facade has a low insulation . 传统的

15、幕墙玻璃立面的绝缘隔热性能较低。2. Glass facade leaves the offices overheated by the direct sunlight.办公楼因阳光直射而受热过度。3.This results in excessive energy consumption for air conditioning.空气调节需要消耗大量能量的费用。,Measures 措施,1.By folding the facade we achieve a structure with closed and open parts.采用包围式结构,建筑将出现包围和开放区域。2.The clo

16、sed parts are providing a high-insulation facade, while blocking the direct sunlight.包围区域可确保立面获得高度绝缘隔热效果,遮挡太阳光的直射。,Wang yuan dong,3.On the outside the closed parts are fitted with solar thermal heat panels . 1)powering the air conditioning 2)providing dehumidification for the working spaces.室外包围区域将装配太阳能面板,为空调作用提供能源和为工作区域提供除湿作用。4.The folded wall creates condition of plenty of diffused daylight by reflecting the direct sun between the interior panels.包围的墙面使人们在某个角度欣赏到玻璃窗外的美景,内部面板之间太阳能的反射也提供了充分的散射光线。,


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