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1、Unit 9,My favorite subject is science.,Section B 1a-2c,1. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?_ your _ subject? 2. 我最喜欢的科目是科学。My _ _ is _. 3. 他最喜欢的科目是什么?Whats _ _ _?,Grammar Focus,Whats favorite,favorite subject science,一、重点句型。,his favorite subject,4. 他最喜欢的科目是语文。His _ _ is _. 5. 她最喜欢的科目是什么? _ _ favorite _? 6. 她最喜欢的科目是美术。_ _

2、 subject is _. 7. 为什么鲍勃喜欢历史?_ _ Bob like _?,favorite subject Chinese,Whats her subject,Her favorite art,Why does history,8. 因为很有趣。 _ its _.9. 为什么鲍勃和弗兰克喜欢体育?_ _ Frank and Bob _ P.E.? 10. 因为很有乐趣。_ its _. 11. 你的音乐老师是谁?_ is your _ _?,Why do like,Because interesting,Who music teacher,Because fun,12. 我的音乐

3、老师是谢女士。My _ _ is _ Xie. 13. 你的地理课是在什么时候?_ is your _ class? 14. 它是在周一和周五。Its _ _ and _.,When geography,on Monday Friday,music teacher Ms.,Whats your favorite subject?,Why do you like ?,Because its ,Ask and answer with your partner.,Who is your teacher?,Its on .,When is yourclass?,easy,boring,difficul

4、t,interesting/fun,free,busy,cool,boring difficult busy,1a,Match the words on the left with their opposites on the right.,easy interesting fun free cool,Guess,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday,Davids schedule,1. When is Davids Chinese class?,2. When is Davids math class?,3. On

5、Tuesday, David has,4. When is the soccer game?,5. When is Bills birthday party?,boring difficult busy,Listen and check () the words you hear in 1a.,easy interesting fun free cool,1b,Listening,Whats Davids favorite subject?,Listening,Listen again. Circle the classes David talks on this schedule.,1c,1

6、d,Pairwork,Whats Davids favorite subject?,_,Why does he like?,Because its _.,Talk about Davids favorite subject with your partner.,When is the class?,Its on _.,What does my sister think of these subjects?,2a,music _ art _ English _ history _ science _ Chinese _ P.E. _ math _ geography _,relaxing,eas

7、y interesting fun relaxing useful boring difficult,easy,boring,difficult,relaxing,boring,difficult,difficult but interesting,useful,Sallys schedule.(日程表),relaxing,difficult,difficult but interesting,boring,favorite/relaxing,useful,She thinks it is / It is,At, she has ,is fromto,Then at, she has,Afte

8、r that, she has,forhours,Dear Jenny, I am very busy on Friday. At 8:00 I have math. It is not fun. The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult. Then at 9:00 I have science. It is difficult but interesting. At 10:00 I have history. After that, I have P.E. at 11:00. It is easy and fun.

9、Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00, and after that we have Chinese. It is my favorite subject. Our Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang is great fun. My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours. It is really relaxing! How about you? When are your classes? What is your favorite subjec

10、ts? Your friend, Yu Mei,Reading,Read the following letter. Underline the subjects that Yu Mei likes. Circle the subjects she doesnt like.,2b,2c,math,Chinese,science,history,P.E.,art,lunch,At, she has ,At, she has a/anlesson.,1. free用作形容词,意为“空闲的”,其反 义词为busy“繁忙的”。如: Are you free this Friday?这个周五你有空吗?

11、Yes, I am. 是的,我有。拓展 free还可意为“免费的”。如:The fruit is for free here today. 今天这里的水果是免费的。,Explanation,2. useful是形容词,是由“名词use (使用)+后缀ful”构成,意为“有用的”。类似结构还有:help+ful helpful 有帮助的color+ful colorful 绚丽多彩的 注意 useful是虽以元音字母“u”开头,但其发音为辅音/ju:/,故其前用冠词a,而不用an。如:It is a useful book. 这是一本有用的书。,3. fromto意为“从到”。既可指时间也可指地

12、点。如:We go to school from Monday to Friday. 我们从星期一到星期五去上学。Its not far from his home to school. 从他家到学校不是很远。,4. finish用作动词,意为“完成;结束”,其第三人称单数为finishes。如:Mike finishes her homework at 7:00 p.m.迈克晚上7点钟做完了作业。,5. “for+一段时间”意为“共(多长)时间,表示持续一段时间。如:Jack usually plays soccer for an hour after school. 放学后杰克通常踢一个小

13、时的足球。 6. lesson用作名词,意为“课;课程”,常用短语:have lessons 上课 do ones lessons做功课 Lesson One = the first lesson 第一课,一、选词填空。Im not _ today. I have much (很多) work to do. 2. When do you have a music _? On Tuesday afternoon. 3. _ is the second day of a week. 4. Bob usually does his homework for an _. 5. For me, dinn

14、er usually _ at 7:00 P.M.,free,lesson,hour,Monday,finishes,Exercises,Monday, free, finish, lesson, hour,二、单项选择 1. They have an art lesson _ 2:00 p.m. _ Tuesday. A. on; on B. at; at C. at; on 2. Do you have _ today? Yes, we do. A. English B. an English C. the English 3. I think history is really _, I dont like it. A. interesting B. boring C. exciting,C,A,B,4. Barry, lets go to school! Today is _. We dont need to go to school. A. Monday B. Saturday C. Friday 5. My father works all day long. He is really _. A. free B. cool C. busy,



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