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1、 Teaching Plan for Module 1, NSEFC Book 2The Fifth Period: speaking and writing: “Our Body and Healthy Habits”I. Teaching Objectives1. Language Objectives(1) Important words and phrases1. Headache 2.Migraine 3. Symptom 4. Notany more 5. Toothache 6. Take ones temperature 7. Have a temperature(2) Imp

2、ortant sentence patternsI dont get migraine any more.2. Ability Objectives(By the end of the lesson, students should be able to :)(1). Students can make use of these useful expressions to talk about health problems.(2). Students can write a paragraph about a health problem.3. Moral objectives1. Enab

3、le students to have the motivation to keep healthy.2. Enable students to have the team spirit.II. Important Point1. Master some important and difficult words, phrases and sentence patterns. such as: Migraine, Notany more, Take ones temperature, Have a temperature2. Know how to describe the symptoms

4、of an illness. 3. Master how to put several sentences in the right order.III. Difficult PointsHow to write a paragraph about a health problem.IV. Teaching Methods1. Student-centered teaching method, Task-based teaching method.2. Teaching Aids: blackboard, a projector and computer. Teaching Procedure

5、sStep Lead-in (3mins) (At first, the teacher greets students, and then asks all students to review these worlds that they have learned in the four parts this module. Especially, the words which relate to illness. such as: toothache, headache, flu, migraine, get a cold, have a temperature, sore throa

6、t) 内江师范学院学生试讲教案1T: Good morning, girls and boys! Today, we continue to learn this module. Before starting our class, I want you to review these words which relate to illness we have learned in this module. What are them?Ss: T: Of course, there are many other words relate to illness, you should pay a

7、ttention to them maybe; we use them in the speaking and writing parts. Now please turn to page8, speaking 2.Step Pre-writing (whole class work) (20mins)Speaking (pair-work) (8mins)(Ask students to discuss with their partners to make a dialogue about a health problem. At first, ask two students to re

8、ad and translate the example on the textbook to make sure the students understand it. Then tell students they can use the example on their textbook as a sample. Give them 4mins to prepare the dialogue. Then ask 2 groups to play for the whole class. At last, teacher makes a conclusion that students s

9、hould pay more attention to how to describe the symptoms of an illness.)T: We have learned much information about our body and illness. Now please look at the speaking two, the example on our textbook. Who want to read it for us?Ss:(read the example) T: OK. Who would like to translate it for us?S: (

10、ask one student to translate it)T: Do you understand this example? Now please discuss with your partners to make a dialogue like the example. Of course, you can make a more integrated dialogue. But your dialogue must include the name of the illness and the description of the illnesss symptoms. Do it

11、!(4mins later)T: Stop. Now, some volunteers share your dialogue with us?SA and SB (hands up)T: OK. Please!Ss:T: Well done! Someone else? (Ask another pairs to do it)Ss: T: OK. In this part, we have learned to how to describe the symptoms of an illness. If you like, you can make more dialogues to pra

12、ctice after class. OK, the following time we will deal with the ordering activity.内江师范学院学生试讲教案2Ordering the sentences (8mins) (First, the teacher lets the students skim these sentences themselves, and then the teacher deals with the difficulty that students cant understand. Teacher gives students 3m

13、ins to order them in right order. Give one minute to students to check their answer with their partners. Then ask two or three students to give their answer to whole class. Teacher gives the right answer to students, and gives the reasons.)T: there are eight sentences in this part, please skim these

14、 sentences yourselves to find out the difficulty that you cant understand. (2mins later) Do you have any difficulty? S: I cant understand sentence “e”. T: There is an important phrase“not any more”in this sentence you can use another phrase “no more” to instead of it. Give you an example: if you tel

15、l lies again, I will not believe you any more. Do you understand now?Ss: T: Who would like to share your answer with our classmates? How about your idea? (Ask a student to answer) S1: T: Do you agree? Ss: T: Look at them. We learn it together. From this paragraphs main idea, we know it is about the

16、boys experience form being sick to get well. Right? So we can order these sentences by the sequence of events, So the right answer is 6,3,5,2,8,1,7,4. Understand?Ss: T: Now please read the paragraph together. “I am a sixteen-year-old boy.” Begins!Ss: Show a simple(5mins)T: Now, I show you one sample about this writing. Please look at it. Pay attention to the grammar and tense.T: Generally, we should use the past tense not the present ten


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