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1、1,采矿工程英语 English for Mining Engineering,李 明 2008/8/7,2,Lesson 1 Blasting in Development Workings,开拓巷道爆破 Many patterns of hole rounds for blasting are round in practice. The nature of the ground to be blasted, the function of each hole, the kind of explosives used, the way in which the holes are load

2、ed and fired, their number, diameter, depth, and spacing are to be considered for any particular round. Round炮眼组/循环/扩槽;spacing 间距/间隔;burden抵抗线;explosive炸药;be proportional to 与.成比例。 在实践中,炮眼组爆破的许多形式是环形的用于扩槽。每一个炮眼组要爆破岩层的性质,每个炮孔的作用,应用的炸药种类,炮孔装药及点火方式,炮眼数量,直径,深度,间距都要被考虑到。,3,However, the following principl

3、es are of general application: the Strength of the explosive should be proportional to the strength of the rock; the burden should be proportional to the strength of the explosive. 然而,以下规则普遍应用:炸药的强度应与岩石的硬度成比例(相称),抵抗线应该与炸药的强度成比例(相称)。,4,Drift, crosscut, adit, shaft or raise present a similar problem i

4、n breaking that only one free face is attached. To have more than one free face, most rounds initiate the break by a pyramid or diamond cut , V-cut and burn cut, then other holes are fired in succession.平巷、石门、平硐、井筒或天井在爆破过程中都存在一个相同问题,即只有一个自由面。为了形成多个自由面,许多炮眼组开始利用锥形或菱形掏槽,V形掏槽及一字形(直线)掏槽爆破,然后依次起爆周围(其它)炮孔

5、。,5,The V-cut is generally located at the center of the face. One of explosives most widely used for blasting in underground work is ammon-dynamite. Locate 位于;ammon-dynamite硝铵炸药;emulsion explosive乳化炸药; V形掏槽一般位于工作面中心。地下矿山爆破工作中应用最广泛的炸药之一是硝铵炸药。 Modern mining practice indicates the short delay blasting

6、is more and more widely used for breaking rocks. Indicate指出/预示/暗示/象征; the short delay blasting 毫秒延期爆破; 现代采矿实践中毫秒延期(微差)爆破越来越广泛地应用于爆破岩石。,6,Apart from the initial fracturing of the rock by the explosive, the fragmentation in delay blasting is further influenced by the time interval between the shots. A

7、n instantaneous blast caused all rock to move together. The difference between these two types of blasts is a delay period which results in a better fragmentation.Apart from除.以外; initial最初的; fragmentation爆炸/碎裂;fracture破裂/断面; instantaneous瞬时的/立即的;apparently显然/俨然; 除了炸药爆炸所造成的最初的破裂外,借助于炮眼间时间间隔形成的延期爆炸所引起

8、地破碎进一步加强了,瞬时爆破导致所有的岩石一起抛掷,这两种爆破的区别是延迟时间,其能导致较好的破碎。,7,This delay period will apparently depend on three factors: the type of rock, the burden of the shot hole, the shot hole spacing. The optimum delay period is mainly influenced by the type of rock。 Optimum最佳条件/最适度;shot 爆破/炮眼;shot hole炮眼; 显然,延期时间取决于三

9、个因素:岩石类型,炮眼的最小抵抗线,炮眼间距,最佳延期时间主要受岩石类型影响。,8,It is a common impression that the 15-to-25 millisecond delay at present available with short delay detonation is a suitable delay interval. Millisecond毫秒;available可用的/合用的/通用的; impression印象/认为; detonation雷管; 通常认为目前,1525 毫秒的延期时间是合适的间隔时间,其与微差电雷管通用。,9,Reading m

10、aterial: Drilling and Blasting,钻眼爆破 There are two-approaches to this phase of shaft sinking. One consists of drilling and blasting the complete shaft bottom in one operation and is termed full-bottom. The second known as the benching method involves drilling and blasting one-half the shaft at a time

11、. Approach途径/方法/接近;phase阶段/局面/状态;bench 把分成台阶形;shaft sinking井筒掘进;shaft bottom井底。 井筒掘进有两种方法,一种方法是由一次钻眼爆破整个井底叫做全井底方法(可译为:一种方法是井筒全断面一次爆破),第二种方法被称作台阶法,一次钻眼爆破井筒断面的一半。,10,The advantages of the benching method are: 台阶法的优点: 1、A constant large capacity sump is provided which is of considerable benefit when si

12、nking a wet shaft. Sump水仓/水窝;constant经常的/不断的/经久的;benefit利益/好处;wet湿的; 当掘进有涌水的井筒时,提供一个大容量的永久水仓是有利的。,11,2、The time required to clean bottom after mucking is minimized; the remaining rock being blown into the sump. Mucking装岩/抓岩;minimize减少到最低限度;blow放炮/爆破/(风)吹/喷水/喷气; ; 装岩后需要清理井底的时间减少到最低值,剩余的岩石可被清理(吹)到水窝里去

13、。 3、Fly rock up the shaft is minimized, As the shot rock is thrown against the opposite side of the shaft, Therefore, it is not normally necessary to move the stage before blasting.stage阶段/吊盘;shot rock爆落岩石; 向上的飞石减到了最少,因为爆落的岩石被抛向井筒对面,因此爆破前通常不必移动吊盘。,12,When using a full-bottom round, extreme care must

14、 be taken to minimize the amount of powder per delay in the cut, This is done to avoid damage to the stage. The stage is usually withdrawn a minimum of 150 feet from the bottom for blasting. This can involve a delay of 30 minutes or more because, as a safety precaution, the stage is not moved with m

15、en on the bottom.,13,Extreme 极度的/极端的/非常的;withdraw撤离/缩回;precaution 警惕/预防措施; 当采用全断面爆破时,必须非常小心地把掏槽眼的每段装药量减到最低。这样做为了避免破坏吊盘,吊盘通常撤离到距井底最少150英尺以躲避爆破,这可以包括在30分钟甚至更多的延期里,因为作为一项安全预防措施,人员在井底时,吊盘不能移动。,14,Lesson 2 Support of Mine Workings,矿山巷道的支护 Prior to mining operations, Strata are subject to a vertical compr

16、essive force due to the weight of the overlying beds. In addition, the rocks are subject to a lateral or sideways force, due to the fact that they are externally constrained and are thus unable to expand sideways, These vertical and lateral forces are in equilibrium or in other words they balance each other and the strata remain at rest in their natural position.,15,采矿作业之前,由于上覆岩层的重力作用,地层受到垂直压力。另外,岩层还受到水平(横向)的或侧向力。由于这个缘故,岩层表面上被抑制,不能侧向扩张(膨胀),这些垂直的和横向的压力保持平衡,换句话说,它们相互平衡,地层在原位置静止不动。prior to在.之前;sideways 横的(地)/斜的; excavation挖掘/采掘/巷道; Full-face全断面掘进;shaft and drift井巷掘进;winning采掘空间/工作;,


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