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1、,八年级下册第一单元笔记,1. I dont think people will use money.,Language points on listening,我认为人们就将不再用钱了。,I dont think he will come.,people will use money 是省略了连词that的宾语从句。当主句是I think结构时, 否定的宾语从句中的not要前移到主句。,我想他不会来的。,2. Everything will be free?,一切都是免费的?,They enjoy free medical care.,句中形容词free意思是“免费的”。,他们享受免费医疗。

2、,Admission is free for children under 9.,九岁以下儿童免费。,3. I think there will be only one country.,我认为将来只有一个国家。,This will be the house youre looking for.,there will be 是There be句型的拓展,表达“将有”或“将会有”,其中will表示猜测, 作“可能; 大概”解。,这大概就是你找的那所房子了。,4. I hope so.,我希望如此。,If you want to go home, just say so.,句中so是副词,意思是“

3、就像那样;是这样”,承接前句,以避免重复前面所说过的内容。,如果你想回家的话,尽管说好了。,People will use the subways less.,人们将较少使用地铁。,句中less是副词little的比较级。little可用作副词, 意思是“少”, 可修饰动词作状语。,You rest too little.,你休息得太少了。,2c,There will be句型,Language focus,There will be是There be句型的拓展,作“将有;将会有”解。,其中will是情态动词。,那么该句型的否定式和疑问式是什么样子呢?,There will be more p

4、ollution in the future.,否定式:,疑问式:,肯定回答:,肯定回答:,There will not (wont) be more pollution in the future.,Will there be more pollution in the future?,Yes, there will.,No, there wont.,Language points,1. In ten years, I think Ill be a reporter.,十年后,我想我会当一名记者。,句中介词in意思是“在以后”,后接表示一段时间的词语,多和将来时态连用。,Hell come

5、back in a week.,他将于一周之后回来。,2. because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it., 因为我去年到上海,一下子就喜欢上了它。,fall in love with 意思是“爱上”,其中with是介词,后接名词或代词。,He has fallen in love with Mary.,他已爱上了玛丽。,3. As a reporter, I think I will meet lots of interesting people.,作为一名记者,我想我会认识很多有趣的人。,句中as是介词, 作“作

6、为”解, 后多接表示职业的名词。,She works as an interpreter in that company.,她在该公司里担任翻译员。,4. I dont like living alone., 我不喜欢一个人住。,句中alone是副词,作“单独地”解,多修饰一个动词作状语。,For years Mary lived alone in New York.,玛丽孤身一人在纽约生活了好几年。,此外,alone还可用作形容词,意思是“单独的;独自的”,但一般只作表语,而不能作定语。,She watches TV when she is alone.,独自一人时,她便看电视。,【拓展】

7、lonely作形容词,可意为“寂寞的”,有较浓厚的感情色彩,在句中作表语或定语。例如: I was alone, but I did not feel lonely. 我虽独自一人, 但我不感到寂寞。,5. Ill probably go skating and swimming every day.,我可能会天天去滑冰和游泳。,“go + v-ing”是一种固定结构,意思是“去”,其中的动词多是表示户外活动的。,去观光,去远足,去骑马,sightseeing,hiking,horse riding,去骑自行车,去打猎,去钓鱼,去滑旱冰,bike riding,hunting,fishing,

8、roller skating,去滑雪,去滑冰,去购物,去游泳,skiing,skating,shopping,swimming,和go连用构成固定短语的动词-ing形式,6. dress 【例句】 Get up and dress quickly. 赶快起床穿衣服。 The mother is dressing her baby. 母亲正在给婴儿穿衣服。 【点拨】 dress可作不及物动词, 意为“穿好衣裳”;dress还可作及物动词,意为“给穿好衣裳”。,【拓展】 dress up意为“穿上盛装、打扮”。例如: She dressed up for a ball. 她穿上盛装去参加舞会。 T

9、he children dressed up as policemen. 孩子们把自己打扮成了警察。,7. I think Ill go to Hong Kong on vacation, and one day I might even visit Australia.,我想我会去香港度假,甚至哪天会去加拿大。,介词短语on vacation意思是“在度假”,在句中可用作表语或状语。,School is closed for the summer and children are on vacation.,学校夏天关闭,孩子们放假。,She has gone to Canada on vac

10、ation.,她到加拿大去度假。,one day 意思是“(过去)某一天;(将来)有一天”,在句中多作时间状语。,One day Ill be famous!,总有一天,我将闻名于天下。,One day he slipped and hurt his leg.,有一天他滑倒,把腿摔坏了。,Language points, They help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs.,他们帮助我们处理日常家务,还做我们最不情愿做的工作。,动词短语help with, 意思是“帮忙做”, 其中with是介词, 后接名词或代词。,Can

11、I help with the bill?,能不能我来付帐?,有时, “帮忙做”也可用help (to) do sth. 结构。,After an earthquake, a snake robot could help look for people under buildings.,地震过后, 蛇形机器人可以帮助找埋在建筑物下面的人们。,此外,表示“帮助某人做”则用help sb. with 或help sb. (to) do sth.。,Please help me with this luggage.,请帮我搬这件行李。,Can you help me to open this bot

12、tle?,你能帮我弄开这个瓶子吗?, However, they agree it may take hundreds of years.,但他们承认这需要上百年时间。,句中动词take意思是“花费;需要;占用”,The flight will take three hours.,路上要飞三小时。, Scientists are now trying to make robots look like people and do the same things as us.,科学家们正在研制不论是外形还是行为都更像我们人类的机器人。,make do 意思是“使做”。,Japanese compa

13、nies have already made robots walk and dance.,日本公司已研制出能走路、跳舞的机器人。,the same as 意思是“和一样的”。,She was born on the same day as me.,她和我出生在同一天。,He thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person.,他认为让机器人像人一样做事可不简单。, For example, there are already robots working in factories.,比

14、如, 已经有了在工厂做工的机器人。,“There be + 名词 + doing sth.”可视为固定句式,意思是“有人在做。”,There are many ducks swimming in the lake.,有很多鸭子在湖里游泳。, They do simple jobs over and over again.,它们一遍又一遍地干一些简单的活计。,over and over again意思是“再三”,在句中多修饰一个动词作状语。,They ran the tapes over and over again.,他们将磁带播放了一遍又一遍。, Some will look like hu

15、mans, and others might look like snakes.,有些机器人可能像人,有些可能像蛇。,Some, and others 是固定句式,意思是“有些;有些”。,Some boys are reading and others are listening to the radio.,有些孩子在阅读, 有些则在听收音机。,That may not seem possible now, but ,它们现在好像不可能,但。,句中seem意思是“看来好像;似乎”,用作半系动词,后面可接形容词作其表语。, and even electric toothbrushes seemed impossible a hundred years ago.,在一百年前, 电动牙刷看来都不可能。,


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