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1、Unit 3 Families Celebrate TogetherLesson 23 Li Mings Happy Birthday,Lets sing a song.,greet each other,talk about the colour, size, kind, style and price,the result of the shopping,How to shop:,A task: Act out your dialogues about shopping.,Language notes:,1. May I see what you wrote in your card, J

2、enny?,5. on the top of 在顶上,2. Best wishes to you on your thirteenth birthday.祝你十三岁生日快乐。,4. Not yet!,6. All ready!,宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序,7. wait for sb./sth.,8. Come on.,9. post office,11. go inside the post office = go into the post office,10. post/mail sb. sth. = post/mail sth. to sb.,3. cardboard box tap

3、e,1. Suppose(假设) you have a good friend who lives in Canada or any other foreign(外国的) countries, and he/she will send you a nice present for your birthday. What present do you hope(希望) to get from him/her? And why?,Think about it!,2. What presents did Li Ming get from Jenny and Danny? Make a guess.,

4、Listen and catch the answer: What presents did Li Ming get from Jenny and Danny?,cap,Read quickly and answer the questions:1. What does the letter mainly talk about?,many thanks for the presents,the present from Jenny,birthday party,the present from Danny,2. Whats the main idea(主要意思) of each paragra

5、ph?,birthday cake and candles,Read carefully and answer the questions: Where did Li Mings mother get the presents from? How is the jacket from Jenny? How about the cap from Danny? What did Li Mings mother and father give him? Who did they invite to the party? What did they eat? And why? What did Li

6、Mings mother buy? What did Li Mings mother, father and he do when it was time for dessert?,in fashion,Language notes:,1. Many thanks for sth. Many thanks for doing sth. 因而非常感谢Many thanks for your help.= Many thanks for helping me.,定语从句,2. I love the jacket (that/which) you gave me, Jenny.,3. in fash

7、ion 时髦的,时尚的,流行的,Her clothes are always in fashion, but very cheap.,4. fit fit fit fit fitted fitted,out of fashion 不时髦的 follow the fashion 赶时髦,Language notes:,1. How did you know what size to buy?,带疑问词的不定式短语做宾语 相当于what size you should buy,I dont know what to do.= I dont know what I should do.,2. Eve

8、ry time I wear it, I will think of you.think about 考虑 think of 想起,想到,3. carry into,5. look good = look nice,4. blow blew blown,用适当的介词填空: 1. She bought a delicious birthday cake _ thirteen candles. 2. When it was time _ dessert, she turned _ the lights. 3. His father carried the cake _ the room and h

9、e blew out the candles. 4. Jeans are _ fashion in Canada. 5. Li Ming got a letter _ the post office. 6. When I saw the photo, I always thought _ you. 7. Many thanks _ helping me.,with,for,off/out,into,in,from,of,for,选择最佳答案: 1. The coat _ me well last year. A. fit B. fits C. will fit D. have fitted 2

10、. How did you know _? A. what size should you buy B. what size to buy C. what size did you buy D. what will you buy 3. He can finish his homework in _ time.A. twenty minute B. twenty minutes C. twenty minutes D. twenty minutes,A,B,D,A discussion: Talk about family birthday celebrations in China and

11、Canada.,A task: Make a chart of family birthday celebrations in China and Canada.,Write the things that are different about China here.,Write the things that are different about Canada here.,Write the things that are the same about China and Canada in the middle.,; http:/ 网店转让 淘宝转让 dth26ewc什么好吃的,还不立


13、!”差点没闪着腰。而且不知是有心还是无意,他把琴边的一个格子一拨,有片小小的纸笺从琴里滑出来,落在地上。应该是以前就夹在琴里的吧?说不定是从前琴主人遗留的?被明柯一拨弄,就滑了出来,但奇怪的是,明柯看不见、明秀也看不见。明柯道:“四姐,那回头我叫人来抬!”明秀亲自送他到门口,一笑回去。扬琴还摆在双螭银妆灯架边儿上,纸落在架脚,近窗。明秀拣起它来,其实并不是很旧,小小、秀丽得似春水般一封信笺,封得郑重。明秀还未拆开,筱筱报说,表 来访。明秀便把信笺还丢在地上,足一钩,踢它到长长流苏的窗帘子底下,去见宝音,临去给筱筱一个眼色,筱筱会意,阖了琴房的门。宝音坐在书房中。适才她来时,撞见了五少爷,行礼、

14、问好,明柯恭贺她身子看起来大安了,她道了谢。他又问,过几天要不要同上学塾去?指的是府中的女塾,韩毓笙若不生病卧床时,是爱去的,宝音便点点头。明柯殷勤,约好这两天帮她理书,便先告辞去了,宝音款款行进书房,坐着品茗等四姑娘来,一边欣赏她书房景致。这书房,内外两间,鸳鸯板壁,堂心一道水磨紫檀嵌太湖石的屏风隔开,进得屏后,壁上一卷云烟山水、两挂草字联轴,架上图书经籍、卷典册页,桌前文房四宝、香茗细点,案边珊瑚净瓶、雕漆香盒,小窗外头,细木曲作芍药栏,一弯细泉从假山上引下来,恰似檐前飞瀑。宝音看此景致,与表 屋里比起来,何止天上地下?无怪乎刘四姨娘、明蕙,还有不少人,争争争,吐了血都要往上争。所谓安贫乐道,除非住在深山里,心远地自偏,对红尘繁华或者能一哂置之,但明明在一座府邸中,是一家人,待遇有这样大的差别,心可以安乐么?就算不贪图物质享受好了,单论及雅事,琴棋书画诗酒花,四姑娘也远远压过诸姐妹们去,真的可以叫人心平么?宝音在书架上认出了许多熟悉的书本。光看着它们的封面,她就几乎可背诵出里头的内容。这儿,


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