humanizing your classroom teaching 华师(国培初中)

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1、Humanizing Your Classroom Teaching,人性化英语课堂教学的思考 金莺 jinying-,Personal perspective on the English classroom teaching,如何提高课堂教学效益?No best way, only better ways. 如何培养学生的学习兴趣?在教学中怎样转化差生?Practice guided by the good theory. 课堂教学与人性有关系吗?To be a teacher, you should first of all be a person with humanity.,That

2、s the good theory!,Language learning includes not only the learning of skills or the acquisition of knowledge. It refers also to learning to learn and learning to think; the modification of attitudes; the acquisition of interests; social values; or social roles; or even changes in personality.H. H.

3、Stern,What does “Humanize” mean?,To make a system more pleasant or more suitable for peopleSo when we say to humanize our classroom teaching, we mean to make our classroom teaching more pleasant or more suitable for our students.,How to do it?,First, humanize your teaching ideas. Second, humanize yo

4、ur teaching behaviors. Third, humanize your teaching activities.,Humanizing your teaching ideas,Love your teaching career and be faithful to it. Love English and try to improve it all your life. Love your students and try all you can to help them.,Attitude to teaching career,Be simple Be tolerant Be

5、 diligent Be creative Share the story of American teacher David (丁大卫),丁大卫:支教中国西部的美国人,1994 广东珠海 1998 甘肃兰州; 东乡回族自治县 2000 实话实说 2008 感动中国1200;950;500;1000000;11,Davids shoes,More stories to share,感动中国的山村教师湖北蕲春四中汪金权“教师是一项需要献身的事业,在我看来,教师更是一项充满激情的事业,让我的智慧得到发挥,让我的个性得到张扬。” 一个中学老师的“教育家梦”-深圳中学马小平“干教育这一行,如果不是十分

6、热爱,干得不愉快,而且还痛苦,那就真正要赶紧改行。但是我们如果执意选择教育,那我们就得朝最好的方面去做。”,胡锦涛接见全国十佳教书育人楷模,Attitude to professional skills and knowledge,A foreign language is a weapon for the struggle of life.To us, teachers of English, the competence of English language is our sharp weapon for efficient teaching.,Learn to do teaching

7、research,一旦学会进行研究,教学过程就不会再那么枯燥(因为你随时都在反思眼前所发生的一切),学生的语言错误不再那么令人愤怒(因为学生的中介语系统能告诉你许多鲜为人知的学习理论),教、学、科研将会成为一个有机的整体(教与学不断向科研提出新问题;科研不断反馈于教和学)。 刘润清 北京外国语大学,Teaching research,课堂观察 (classroom observation) 教学反思 (teaching reflection); 案例研究 (case research)教学反思应该成为教师的一种职业习惯; 教学反思的三段式:课前预设;课中实施;课后反思; 教学反思的目的是发现问

8、题、研究问题、解决问题,提高自身的教学能力。或者发现经验、提炼特色进而发扬光大。,Attitude to our students,Be nice, Be fair,Be careful, Be patient.,Humanizing your teaching behaviors,Believing that students come with multiple intelligences Setting the classroom as an attractive place Acting yourself as a sibling, an elder brother/sister an

9、d helper Always wearing a smile on your face,Believing that students come with multiple intelligences,一、 语言文字智能 (Verbal/Linguistic intelligence) 二、数学逻辑智能 (Logical/Mathematical intelligence ) 三、 视觉空间智能 (Visual/Spatial intelligence) 四 、身体运动智能 (Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence ) 五、 音乐旋律智能 (Musical/Rhyth

10、mic intelligence) 六、 人际关系智能( Inter-personal intelligence) 七 、自我认知智能(Intra-personal intelligence),Setting the classroom as an attractive place,1. Decorate the classroom. 2. Cover the walls with Ss English papers, posters and assignments. 3. Play music before the lesson. 4.Arrive 5 minutes earlier bef

11、ore the start of a class. 5.Correct Ss assignments and feedback timely.,Thats for today!,Easy writing makes hard reading!Salt is one of the things that are very common and necessary. Its mission is to permeate, season and purify things on earth. So remember you are the salt of the earth.,Acting your

12、self as a sibling, an elder brother/sister and helper,Act as a model before an activity starts. Recite together with your students. Receive notes of questions from your students. Write letters to individual students from time to time when needed. Ask Ss permission before erasing the writing or drawi

13、ng on the board. Ask Ss permission before letting Ss listen to the recorder again. Try your best to let Ss work on their own.,Always wearing a smile on your face,Smile is a bridge between you and your students.Just smile whole-heartedly!,Humanizing your teaching activities,Purpose: Make grammar less

14、 dull and boring, Create a more comfortable and more harmonious atmosphere, Offer more opportunities for Ss to practice, Let different Ss develop themselves accordingly.,Lets sort the activities,Controlled activities;答案唯一 Less controlled activities;答案可以不唯一 Open-ended activities;答案一定不唯一Mechanical act

15、ivities Communicative activities,About listening,Let Ss get prepared before listening. Let Ss listen for information. Let Ss do one thing at a certain time. Dont spend too much time in listening in one period. Make full use of the listening material. (在练习听的基础上展开说的训练,最后落实到写),How to deal with knowledg

16、e and grammar:,First easy items, then difficult ones. Connect the new with the old, conclude properly in time. 体验、操练、归纳、运用,About reading,学习在阅读中抓住主旨大意What are they talking about? Whats the main idea of the text? 学习收集信息、整理信息Please get the detailed information from the passage 通过阅读了解作者观点What does the w

17、riter want to tell us 阅读后的进一步思考What would you do if you were on his boots? 学习篇章结构,启转承合,文章布局;学习语言知识。,Guessing games for grammar,Find out the food that he/she would like to eat(chain work)A: I would like to eat the food that tastes good. How about you?B: Id like to eat the food that tastes sweet. How about you?C: I would like to eat the food that is good for healthy.Find out the person who (group work)(Each one writes a note with a sentence)Are you the man who lost money?Are you the boy who wants to be a volunteer?Are you the person who wants to be a reporter?,


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