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1、the WTO Agreements (2),Content,State trading enterprisesThe Council of Trade in GoodsRules of Origin,Competition protection principle (P79)State trading enterprises with (1) exclusive or special privileges shall make purchases or sales consistent with the general principles of (2)non-discriminatory

2、treatment and solely in accordance with (3) commercial considerations;,Including price, quality, availability, marketability, transportation and other conditions of purchase or sale and, afford the enterprises of the other Members adequate opportunity, in accordance with customary business practice,

3、 to compete for participation in such purchases or sales. Upon request by an adversely affected member, it shall supply information about its operation. (notification),具有独占权或特权的国营贸易企业在购买或销售时应遵守非歧视性原则,只以商业考虑(包括价格,质量,产品可获得性,产品适销性,运输以及其他交易条件)为根据,并按照商业惯例为其他成员国的国营企业参与交易竞争提供充分的机会。应受影响的成员的要求,它应该提供其与经营有关的信息

4、。,A case relating to STEs,案件名称:加拿大-关于小麦出口和进口谷物处理措施案(Canada-Measures relating to exports of wheat and treatment of imported grain,DS276) 起诉方:美国 被诉方:加拿大 第三方:澳大利亚、智利、中国、欧共体、日本、墨西哥、中国台北案件概要: 美国指控加拿大政府设立加拿大小麦局(CWB),并且赋予该企业某些专有权和特权,包括如用于出口和人类消费的加拿大西部小麦的独家购销权、优惠利率贷款等,违反了GATT1994第17条(国营贸易企业)的规定。,同时,加拿大对于进口谷

5、物的处理采取的诸如国产和进口谷物分离要求、铁路运费封顶要求、谷物生产商车皮项目等歧视性措施,导致给以进口产品的待遇低于给予国产产品的待遇,违反了GATT1994第3条(国民待遇)和TRIMS第2条(国民待遇和数量限制)的规定。 经过专家组和上诉阶段,DSB认为美国没有证明加拿大违反GATT1994第17条的规定,认定美国没有证明生产商车皮项目违反GATT1994第3条,认定加拿大的国产和进口谷物分离要求和铁路运费封顶要求违反GATT1994第3条。 本案涉及主要法律规则:GATT1994第17.1条(国营贸易企业)、GATT1994第3.4条(国内税和国内法规的国民待遇)。,Summary:

6、相对来说,GATT1994第17条国营贸易企业在GATT/WTO众规则中是一个较冷门的问题,极少发生纠纷,因此也较少得到重视。 本案是WTO的第一个有关GATT1994第17条国营贸易企业的争端解决案件,也是迄今为止对于GATT第17条涉及最深入的一个案件,仅从这一点就可以彰显该案件对于理解WTO框架下国营贸易企业法律制度的价值。,GATT and Goods Council (P60),See the chart of the WTO Goods council is made up of representatives from all WTO member countries. A wo

7、rking party on state trading enterprises, and the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) Committee.,Information Technology Products (P60),ITA-Singapore Ministerial Conference in 1996 29 countries or separate customs territories signed the declaration.,Basic principles of the ITAAll products listed i

8、n the Declaration must be covered.All must be reduced to a zero tariff levelAll other duties and charges (ODCs) must be bound at zero.,Normal implementation period 14 stages from 1997 to 2000 Extended staging: In no case, the extended staging period cannot beyond the year 2005,Agreement on Rules of

9、Origin,原产地规则,Contents,Definition Objectives General principles Institutions Consultation, dispute settlement,Cases of NTMs,Example One 欧委会曾发起了一项针对原产于日本的存储器的反倾销诉讼。 欧共体内:组装和检测工序 日本境内:“扩散” 为此,欧委会于1989年颁布了集成电路原产地规则,其中规定:集成电路的原产地应为进行“扩散”工艺的所在地。 目的:迫使外国公司在欧共体内进行“扩散”工艺,否则集成电路不能够取得欧共体原产地资格,进而不能享受欧共体产品的待遇。由此

10、,外国公司在欧共体集成电路行业的投资迅速增加。,Example Two 美国国会于1996年决定将纺织品及服装的原产地判定标准由“裁剪地”修改为“缝制地”,即规定以“缝制地”作为服装的原产地。 由于在过去较长时期内,我输美服装中有相当比重系采取由香港裁剪、内地缝制的加工贸易方式。美国1996年“缝制地”原产地标准的实施将原本应视作香港的服装记到我出口名下,占用了我原本已十分有限的对美纺织品被动配额,达到了进一步限制我服装对美出口的目的。,Where are rules of origin used?To implement measures and instruments of commerc

11、ial policy such as antidumping duties and safeguard measures. To determine whether imported products shall receive MFN treatment For the purpose of trade statistics For the application of labeling and marking requirements and For government procurement,Definition,Rules of origin are defined as those

12、 laws, regulations and administrative determinations of general application by any Member to determine the country of origin of goods.原产地规则被定义为成员为确定货物原产国而实施的普遍适用的那些法律、法规和行政决定。,Objectives,For common rules of origin among all WTO members (harmonization) 建立共同的原产地规则,即协调性 The Agreement sets out a work pr

13、ogram for the harmonization, based on a set of principles, such as objective, understandable and predictable.,General principles,Members are expected to ensure-that their rules of origin are transparent; -that they are administered in a consistent, uniform, impartial and reasonable manner -that they

14、 are based on a positive standard.,Institutions,WTO Committee on Rules on Origin Open to all WTO members; Meets at least once a year To review the implementation and operation of the Agreements.,WCO Technical Committee 世界海关组织技术委员会 Under auspices of the WCO Open to all WTO members; other WCO members

15、Meets at least once a weekTo carry out the work of harmonization;,Consultation, dispute settlement and Common Declaration,The WTO provisions on consultation and settlement of disputes apply to the Agreement. An annex to the agreement sets out a common declaration dealing with the operation of rules

16、of origin on goods which qualify for preferential treatment.,定义与适用范围 (p71)第一条 原产地规则 1本协议第一部分和第四部分中,原产地规则应被定义为任何成员方为确定货物原产国而实施的法律、法规及普遍适用的行政命令。这一原产地规则与契约性的及区域自治性的贸易体制所提供的,超出GATT1994第一条第1款实施范围的关税优惠无关。2上述第1款所述的原产地规则应包括所有用于非优惠性商业政策措施的原产地规则,例如:用于实施GATT1994第一、第二、第三、第十一和第十三条中最惠国待遇,GATT1994第六条中反倾销和反补贴税,第十九条

17、中保障措施,GATT1994第九条中原产地标记要求以及任何歧视性的数量限制或关税配额。它们还应包括政府采购和贸易统计中所使用的原产地规则。,Language points,Key words Key terms,Stipulate (P61) To make an express demand or provision in an agreement. 规定:在约定中清楚地要求或规定 To form an agreement. 制定:形成约定The Declaration stipulated that participants representing approximately 90% of world trade would have to notify their acceptance of the ITA by 1 April, 1997.,


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