外研社五年级上册are you feeling sad?

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《外研社五年级上册are you feeling sad?》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研社五年级上册are you feeling sad?(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 9 Unit1 Are you feeling sad?,如果你高兴,你就拍拍手,If youre happy,clap your hands,Lets sing together.,Im feeling happy.,feel 感觉到,1.Is she feeling sad?,2.Is she feeling angry?,3.Is she feeling bored?,No,she isnt.,1.Is she feeling sad?,2.Is she feeling angry?,3.Is she feeling bored?,No,she isnt.,No,she i

2、snt.,1.Does she miss China?2.Does she want to play chess?3.Whats the secret?,No,she doesnt.,No,she doesnt.,Lingling is going to make a surprise cake for Amy.,Can you read?,feel sad miss bored angry nothing secret tell surprise,感觉到 难过的 想念 无聊的 生气的 没什么 秘密 告诉 使人意外的,意外的,Pick up apples.,感觉到,难过的,想念,无聊的,生气的

3、,秘密,告诉,意外,没什么,比一比看谁能快速地说出英语。,feel,miss,sad,bored,tell,angry,nothing,secret,surprise,摘苹果,Read the dialogue and act it out in your ways. 小组活动,选择自己喜欢的方式将课文展示给大家。,Activity:,询问别人的感受:小组活动,一个人做 表情,其他同学问。,Are you feeling sad/happy/angry/bored?Yes,I am./No,Im not.,Activity:,Have a chant:,Are you feeling sad,

4、sad,sad? No,Im not,not,not. Are you feeling bored,bored,bored? No,Im not,not,not. Are you feeling happy,happy,happy? Yes,I am,am,am.,1.The dog is feeling . 2.She is feeling . 3.The boy is feeling . 4.They are feeling .,sad,angry,bored,happy,Is she /he feeling sad/happy? Yes,he/she is. No,he/she isnt.,Look and say,1,moved 感动的,How are you feeling?,观察图片,谈谈你的感受。Im feeling,Homework:,Read the dialogue and ask about others feeling.,


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