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1、大学英语四级考试听力辅导(2),短对话和长对话 -稳中求胜的秘诀,主要内容,听力考试时需要最佳心理状态 长短对话在听力考试中的重要作用 长短对话出题的主要思路 长短对话的主要场景 长短对话的解题技巧 长短对话的应试技巧 六类需要关注的关键词 长短对话的实战练习,调整心理状态,考试中的心理偏差有两种: 一是过于放松,难以集中注意力,总是想起别的东西,无法抓住听力内容的关键词。 二是过于紧张,心跳加快,手心出汗,有头晕的感觉。,解决方式:,一:在平时训练中,一定要集中注意力,不要胡思乱想,注意加强大脑与听觉系统之间的协调与沟通。 二:对自己的能力估计不足,心中无数,有一种惧怕心理。这就要从自身做起

2、,平时加强听力训练,做到有的放矢,弥补弱项。从而充满自信,保持心理稳定。在考前,把指令背熟,然后在放指令的录音时,阅读选择项,并进行有关的预测,这时,紧张的心理自然就消除了,做好长短对话的重要性,短对话8个题,长对话7个题 ,共占15%,这是听力里最容易得分的题。如果你能拿到13分左右,那么你听力总分到25分以上就很容易了。 为后面的听力内容奠定良好的思想基础。前面对话部分做的好坏,会直接影响到后面的情绪状态,情绪好的话,很可能会超常发挥。准确率就会增高。,出题思路一,对话所述事情总是向不好的方面发展,不好的事情一般都是最后的答案。 邀请总落空,作业任务都很难,火车总晚点 M: How abo

3、ut joining me for a cup of coffee? W: Id love to, but Im exhausted. I was up till 3 this morning, writing a paper for my literature class. Q: Why does the woman decline the mans invitation?(08,12) 17,出题思路二,同音、近音词句干扰原则 原文:W: Ive got to buy a new car. M: Really? Q: What does the woman mean? A) She pur

4、chased a car recently. B) She knew the car was in the lot. C) She always forgets to clean her car. D) She really needs a new car.,出题思路三,第二句重点原则 短语对话中,第二句永远比第一句重要;答得永远比问得重要。 M:I just received an Email from one of my former classmates. I was surprised, I hadnt heard from him for ages. W: I have been o

5、ut of touch with most of my old friends, only one or two still drop me a line occasionally. Q: What does the woman mean,A) Only true friendship can last long. B) Letter writing is going out of style. C) She keeps in regular touch with her classmates. D) She has lost contact with most of her old frie

6、nds.,出题思路四,同义替换原则 出题者一般不会在选项中用对话里的原词或短语,而总是用同义词来代替。同上(08,12) 原文提到:I have been out of touch with most of my old friends. 答案:D) She has lost contact with most of her old friends,长短对话的主要场景,娱乐场景(看电影、看戏、出游、游泳、打球,网络等) 租房场景(租金、押金及数额、支付方式,咨询) 校园场景(宿舍、图书馆借书、教室上课、实验室等) 求职场景(个人兴趣、教育、工作经历、对应聘职位的期望) 餐馆场景(定座、点菜、结

7、帐、小费、投诉等) 选课和学习场景(选修课、必修课、参考书目、课程难度) 天气场景(天气变化、温度变化、降雨、降雪、沙尘暴等) 宾馆场景 (预定房间、填写信息、询问预定和餐饮情况等) 交通场景(出门准备、堵车、晚点、交通工具等) 人际关系场景(熟人、联系、失去联系、相处等) 银行场景(取款、存款、汇款、兑换、汇率、旅行支票) 疾病场景( 感冒、扭伤等),娱乐场景 (06,12-1;06,12-17;07,12-1;08,6-12,Global theatre 环球剧院 drama 戏剧 opera too dramatic to be true 太假了 audience 观众 play the

8、 role of 扮演 the greatest hit 大片 a long queue 长队 appreciate 欣赏 sold out 卖完了 performance 表演 attachment 附件 log in 登录 sightseeing,go on a picnic, hiking trip, camping trip, go to a concert, play the ball (basketball, football, soccer, badminton ) ski / jogging Surfing the net basketball season scenery 风

9、景 lawn 草地 museum 博物馆 statue 塑像 Ticket,租房场景(06,6-18;08,12-2,13),apartment (A) / flat temporary accommodation security / damage deposit Utilities (公用设施) landlord tenant double-bedroom heating costs receptionist,furnished Amenity near subway price range rent specific location central air conditioning,校

10、园场景(06,6),dormitory on / off campus library teaching building laboratory borrow/ return / renew /lose books fine Keep drifting away show you around our campus,lecturer 讲师 barely stay awake 几乎不能保持清醒 complicated 复杂 extra copies 多余的篇子 informative 信息量大 presentation 陈述briefing 剪报,求职场景(06,6-1;07,12-2;08,6

11、-2;08,12-18 ),interview 面试 finance 金融 accounting 会计 resume 简历 working experience 工作经历 annual vacation 年假 teaching /research /lab administrative assistant impressive 令人印象深刻的 candidate medical insurance,application procedure salary/ wage /stipend薪水 demand physical enduranceprecareer training(岗前培训) per

12、manent employment part-time job bonus 奖金 Benefit package Personnel Department Market Section,餐馆场景06,6-15;06,12-12,reserve/ / book a table make a reservation Order fruit and vegetable menu steak / French fries/ dissert / ice cream salad be on diet 节食 Italian restaurant,go Dutch Its my treat take orde

13、r 接受订单 waiter / waitress,选课和学习场景(06,6-2),required/ compulsory, / selective/ optional course prerequisite course(预修课程) drop a course(退修课程) nervous 紧张的 contest 比赛 contestant 参赛选手 a large audience 一大群观众 shaking all over 浑身发抖,midterm/ finals count for 50% of your score class discussionseminar take atten

14、dance(点名) elementary /intermediate / advanced course Full mark,天气场景(06,6-14),freezing to death cloud over 天阴起来 clear up 天晴起来 sand storm swing 不稳定,极端 weather forecast 天气预报 coupled with strong wind 伴有强风 freezing 非常冷,temperature drops extreme weather,宾馆场景(07,12-12),reservation check in/ out register di

15、scount fill in the form porter reception desk receptionist,交通场景(06,12-18),flight 航班 gate 登机口 seat belt 安全带 terminal 候机大厅 parking lot 停车场 maintain 保养 break down 抛锚 garage 停车场 scratches 刮蹭,sleeper 卧铺 view 景色 scenery 景色 single lane 单行道 No-parking sign 禁止停车标志 Traffic jam Be held up on the highway Crash,

16、人际关系场景(06,6-11;08,12-11),hear from / recognize sb. get along/on with与相处 be mad with 对某人生气 get in touch with 和联系 lose contact with become the talk of the town 镇上谈论的焦点,银行场景,open an account deposit/ withdraw money cash a check exchange traveling check remittance 汇款 foreign currency外币 rate汇率 credit card,疾病场景(07,12-15,11;08,6-11,have / suffer a cold 感冒 dizzy 头晕 run / have a fever/ temperature 发烧 be exhausted 筋疲力尽的 have the ankle twisted 扭到脚踝 appetite 胃口 high blood pressure 高血压 blood vessel 血管,


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