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1、1 00:00:00,000 00:00:06,0002 00:00:06,100 00:00:15,0003 00:01:31,000 00:01:31,810 地壳 30 千米4 00:01:31,840 00:01:32,500 上地幔 720 千米5 00:01:32,670 00:01:33,500 下地幔 2171 千米6 00:01:33,550 00:01:34,516 外核 5100 千米7 00:01:34,580 00:01:35,518 内核 6400 千米8 00:01:42,580 00:01:44,690 地球 (很久很久以前)9 00:02:12,345 00:

2、02:13,835 打门! Goal!10 00:03:04,500 00:03:06,911 冰河世纪 4:大陆漂移11 00:03:24,551 00:03:26,678那是什么?艾莉,你听到了么?What was that? Ellie, did you hear that?12 00:03:26,887 00:03:29,219 我听到了,曼尼,不管是什么,还很远 I heard it, Manny. Whatever it is, its miles away.13 00:03:29,389 00:03:30,720 桃子,你还好么? Peaches, are you all rig

3、ht?14 00:03:31,258 00:03:32,247 她去哪儿了? Where is she?15 00:03:32,526 00:03:34,517 小孩子哪有那么起这么早 No teenager is ever up early.16 00:03:35,595 00:03:37,790 放心啦,典狱长,人家又没给关禁闭 Easy warden, shes not on lockdown.17 00:03:42,469 00:03:44,869 你们俩是怎么当叔叔的! You two were supposed to be responsible uncles!18 00:03:4

4、4,938 00:03:48,169 什么?我才没有看到桃子 15 还是 20 分钟前溜走了 What? I didnt see Peaches sneak off maybe 15 or 20 minutes ago.19 00:03:48,241 00:03:50,402也没有看到她和路易斯去瀑布了 Or that she went with Louis to the falls.20 00:03:50,477 00:03:52,672 瀑布?那群小混混去的地方? The falls? Where the delinquents go?21 00:03:52,746 00:03:54,83

5、9 别紧张,只是孩子们玩的地方罢了 Relax, its just where the kids hang out.22 00:03:54,915 00:03:57,645 才不是,混混就上瘾了 No, no, its a gateway hangout.23 00:03:57,717 00:04:00,413 先是去瀑布,然后穿鼻环 First its the falls, then shes piercing her trunk.24 00:04:00,487 00:04:02,682 下一件,她就要开始吸莓毒了 and the next thing you know, shes addi

6、cted to berries.25 00:04:02,956 00:04:06,221 曼尼!你反应过度啦 Manny! You are overreacting.26 00:04:06,393 00:04:08,657 她不会永远是你的小姑娘 Shes not going to be your little girl forever.27 00:04:08,828 00:04:11,991 我知道,所以我才担心I know. Thats what worries me.28 00:04:14,668 00:04:15,692 快点! Come on!29 00:04:18,572 00:0

7、4:19,630 路易斯! Louis!30 00:04:19,706 00:04:23,073 你能不能把脑袋钻出来一次?外面多好玩啊 Would you get your head out of the ground for once and try to have a little fun?31 00:04:25,145 00:04:28,376 我是个鼹鼠,我头就该在地底下啊 Im a molehog. My heads supposed to be underground.32 00:04:28,448 00:04:32,680 而且我对好玩的定义, 才不是冒险去找可爱的猛犸帅哥 A

8、nd my idea of fun isnt risking death so that you can meet some cute mammoth.33 00:04:32,752 00:04:35,949 伊森不是可爱,人家是性感 Ethan isnt cute. Hes hot.34 00:04:36,923 00:04:39,756 另外,总不能一辈子都睡安生觉吧 Besides, you cant spend your whole life playing it safe.35 00:04:39,826 00:04:41,487- 我肯定愿意 - 老爸? - I know I wou

9、ld. - Dad?36 00:04:42,162 00:04:43,789 不要生气啊 Theres no reason to be mad.37 00:04:43,964 00:04:46,694 你知道我反对你去瀑布的 You know how I feel about you going to the falls.38 00:04:46,766 00:04:47,960 尤其是一个人 Especially alone.39 00:04:48,134 00:04:49,692 她不是一个人,长官 Shes not alone, sir.40 00:04:49,869 00:04:51,0

10、29 你不算,维纳 You dont count, Weiner.41 00:04:51,204 00:04:53,638 好吧,我地位就是这样, 谢谢 Yes, theres my place, and you just put me in it, thank you.42 00:04:53,707 00:04:54,696 走吧,大小姐 Come on, young lady.4300:04:54,941 00:04:57,136 快回家,这样我才能盯着你 Were going home where I can keep an eye on you.44 00:04:59,546 00:0

11、5:03,812 那,我等在这儿,还是 So, should I just wait here, or.45 00:05:21,534 00:05:23,968 哼哼,大地之母,想吓唬我! Yeah, you dont scare me, Mother Nature!46 00:05:24,137 00:05:27,300 尽管放马过来,我都能接招 Theres nothing you can throw at me that I cant handle.47 00:05:31,544 00:05:32,568 我觉得我们快到了! I think were almost there!48 00

12、:05:32,746 00:05:35,306 但愿吧!就是方向盘坏了 We had better be! I just lost the steering.49 00:05:39,219 00:05:42,188 有人见到小贝贝么? 吃饭时间到了 Has anyone seen Precious? Its her feeding time.50 00:05:42,355 00:05:45,347 老妈!奶奶又在说死掉的宠物了 Mom! Grannys talking about her dead pet again.51 00:05:45,525 00:05:47,516 嘿,大家,爪放在空

13、中甩! Hey, paws up, everybody!52 00:05:48,128 00:05:51,359 爪给我放下来!叔叔,拜托!太恶心了 Paws down, Uncle, please! That is nasty.53 00:05:55,535 00:05:58,231 小心点,米尔顿,这样会撞到人的! Be careful, Milton, youre going to hurt somebody!54 00:05:59,205 00:06:00,194 坏猫咪! Bad kitty!55 00:06:00,273 00:06:01,297 石头! Rock!56 00:06

14、:12,819 00:06:16,516 那能不能告诉我, 什么时候我才能去找男生玩? Okay, so tell me, when exactly will I be allowed to hang out with boys?57 00:06:16,690 00:06:20,490 等我死了,外加三天后, 确定一定以及肯定我死了 When Im dead, plus three days. Just to make sure Im dead.58 00:06:37,477 00:06:39,308 曼尼,你还好么? Manny, are you okay?59 00:06:41,781 0

15、0:06:45,478 从我脸上下来! Get off. my face!60 00:06:46,519 00:06:50,785 真有意思,现在,我该先吃谁呢? That was fun. Now, who should I eat first?61 00:06:51,891 00:06:53,051 不要,不要! No, no, no!62 00:06:55,795 00:06:58,730 蘑菇叔叔!真的是你么? Uncle Fungus! Could that really be you?63 00:06:59,232 00:07:00,392 借过,借过 Sorry, sorry.6

16、4 00:07:01,401 00:07:02,732 老妈,老爸! Mom, Dad!65 00:07:04,471 00:07:05,495 马歇尔! Marshall!66 00:07:05,572 00:07:06,698 - 嘿! - 奶奶? - Hey! - Granny?6700:07:06,806 00:07:09,172 这个南瓜熟了,可以采了! This pumpkins ripe for picking!68 00:07:09,342 00:07:11,037 我全家都来了 My whole familia.69 00:07:11,211 00:07:13,202 看到么?他都还在抱他的父母 See? He still hugs his parents.70 00:07:13,379 00:07:18,248 我以为再也见不到我的小宝贝了, 我们到处


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