introduction and grammar hirarchy

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《introduction and grammar hirarchy》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《introduction and grammar hirarchy(69页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、A Course of English Grammar for English Majors,Autumn, 2012 School of Foreign Languages .Hubei Institute for Nationalities,Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body(Sir Richard Steel ),Grammar is to the language what steer is to the ship.,Topics,1. An Introduction to English Grammar2. Cour

2、se Description 3. Grammar hierarchy 4. Sentence structure,Topic One An Introduction to English Grammar1) connotation2)classification 3) form and characteristic,Definition of GRAMMAR,GRAMMAR: the structural system of a language the branch of linguistics that deals with syntax and morphology (and some

3、times also deals with semantics),Linguistics,Grammar,Syntax,Morphology,Semantics,语法是语言的规则 语法是词的构成、变化和用词造句的规则 语法包括词法(morphology)和句法 (syntax) 语法是语言学(linguistic)的一个分支,研究按确定用法来运用的词类、词的屈折变化或表示相互关系的其他手段以及词在句中的功能和关系,语法的涵义,Classification of grammar,Diachronic: traditional grammar Vs. modern grammar(18th-)De

4、scriptive goal: theoretical grammarVs. Teaching grammar,Morphology: how words are formed and what changes the word may undergo when it enters a clause or sentence, i.e. inflections, e.g. buy buys, bought;Syntax: how clauses or sentences are formed, e.g. He bought it. Did he buy it? Semantics: the st

5、udy of language meaning,Topic Two: Course Description,A bout attendeesThis is a one / two-semester course on English grammar for the college students who major in English as a foreign language in China and most of them will become teachers of English in the future. The situation leads to the learnin

6、g objective with three different levels.,Topic Two : Course Description: objectives,The elementary: to expand or enrich what has been known about English grammar; to systemize the understanding of English grammar; The intermediate: to speak and write more accurately; The advanced: to know why some a

7、spects of the English language are the way they are; to consider why Chinese learners tend to make errors or mistakes with respect to some grammatical phenomena; and to know how to design an reliable and valid test on English grammar.,How to use the textbook,Intensive reading of the presentation bef

8、ore class discussion; Intelligent and full use of all the exercises; especially, to consider the way the exercise is designed; Timely reviews after class activities; An adequate understanding and internalization of the organization of the text.,A working Schedule for this semester,How to use the tex

9、t: A working Schedule for the this semester (cont.),How to use the text: A working Schedule for the this semester (cont.),Grammar books for your further reading,黄和斌 戴秀华.2007.英语语法新论.南京:江苏教育出版社. 章振邦. 1997.新编英语语法.上海:上海外语教育出版社. Biber, D., et al. 2000. Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Beiji

10、ng: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Quirk, R., et al. 1985. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. New York: Longman Inc.,Topic Three : Grammar hierarchy,Grammar is the structural system of a language. The grammar of the English languages is organized into five ranks: the sen

11、tence, the clause, the phrase, the word and the morpheme. Each rank is composed of one or more than one grammatical unit of the immediate lower rank. A full sentence can generally be segmented rank by rank down to its smallest constituentsthe morpheme.,Sentence Clause NP VP PrepP Det N Aux Adv MV Pr

12、ep Det N These under-graduate-s are rapid-ly improving in their writ-ing,0.1 Morpheme (词素),The morpheme is the minimum or smallest grammatical unit, also the smallest meaningful element of speech. Morphemes fall into two categories: free morphemes and bound morphemes.,1)Free morphemes (自由词素)本身具有完整意义

13、并能作为“简单词”而单独使用的词素 Examples: boy girl desk kind give take2) Bound morphemes (粘附词素)本身没有完整意义,不能单独使用,必须粘附在自由词素或其他形式上才能表示出意义的词素 Examples : anti-war inactive unlucky postwar movement co-existence,Diagram of Morpheme,Morpheme,Free M,Free morpheme,Affix,Derivative,Free M,Free M,Compound word,Bound morpheme,

14、Inflectional Affix,Derivational Affix,Prefix,Suffix,-s, -s -ing, -ed/-en -est, -er, -s,-es,Affix,Root,Word-formation,Combing form,Discussion: identify the following morphemes,books, (He) drinks (heavily), postwar, employer, taller, childrens (book), waited (for him), working, embody Derivational: po

15、stwar, employer, embody Inflectional: books, drinks, taller, childrens , waited, working,0.2 Words,The word is composed of one or more than one morpheme.Words can be classified in two ways:1) Classification in terms of word-formation2) Classification in terms of grammatical function,In terms of Word-formation,a) Simple Word b) Derivative c) Compound Word,a) Simple Word:,also called Morpheme Word (free morpheme),minor but has frequent appearance and strong derivational ability,the main body of English vocabulary usually the small word,


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