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1、The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare,About author,William Shakespeare (William Shakespeare, April 23, 1564 - April 23, 1616), English Renaissance thinker, writer, dramatist, poet. Born in 1564 to a wealthy family. He had read in the “grammar school“, after the bankruptcy of her father, dropout. At the

2、 age of 21 to the London theatre work, soon stage acting, and began writing plays and poems,About author,Most of his works are poetic drama, main works are “King Lear“ “Hamlett“ “Osero“ “Romeo and Juliet“ “the merchant of Venice“. His works are the outstanding representatives of the humanist literat

3、ure, occupies a very important position in the history of world literature.,莎士比亚对中国的影响,莎士比亚对中国戏剧有着广泛而深远的影响,19世纪中叶,莎士比亚的名字随着西方的传教士来到了中国。其后,中国思想家严复于1894年、1897年,梁启超于1902年,鲁迅于1907年都在译作中提到过他。他的戏剧,最初是通过对兰姆莎士比亚乐府的译述,介绍给中国人的。清末人士提出了重视“悲剧”的主张,曾以莎士比亚悲剧艺术作为依据。 全国各地先后演出了威尼斯商人、罗密欧与朱丽叶、哈姆雷特、李尔王、奥赛罗等13出莎剧。19831985

4、年间中央戏剧学院成立了莎士比亚研究中心,中国莎士比亚研究会也在上海建立,吉林省也成立了莎士比亚学会。1986年4月几个单位共同主办了中国首届莎士比亚戏剧节,在北京、上海两地共演出了28台莎剧,其中7台是以不同戏曲剧种及话剧的形式出现的。这次活动对于介绍莎士比亚戏剧,提高中国戏剧创作、剧场艺术以及观众欣赏和知识水平,起到了良好作用。,The outline of the story,Antonio is a rich businessman of the city of Venice. Everyone likes him because he is always ready to help o

5、thers. At the time of this story his ships are all at sea to trade with foreign countries.Bassanio , Antonios best friends, is in love with Portia. Portia is a rich and beautiful lady. She loves Bassanio but they cannot get married because he is too poor. Then Bassanio asks Antonio to lend him three

6、 thousand ducats. Being short of money just then Antonio goes to Shylock to borrow the money, Shylock has always hated Antonio, because Antonio has often in public shown how cruel and terrible Shylock is . Shylock agrees to lend Antonio the money, but Antonio must promise to allow Antonio the money,

7、 but Antonio must promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of flesh from any part of his body if he cannot pay the money back after three months. Antonio agrees to this, takes the money and gives it to Bassanio. On the day Bassanio and Portia get married, they receive a letter from Antonio saying th

8、at all his ships have been lost at sea. Now he himself does not have enough money to pay back the three thousand ducats and so he must give Shylock one pound of his flesh. Portia thinks of a clever plan to save Antonio. she asks a good friend who is a doctor of law, to lend her some of his lawyers c

9、lothes and books. Dressed as a lawyer, she arrives at the court of the Duke, where Antonio case is decided.As the Duke is wondering what to do, Portia gives him a letter from the famous lawyer whom she has visited. In the letter it says that Portia is a learned young doctor from Rome who is young bu

10、t very wise. The Duke accepts Portia to take the place of the famous lawyer and handle this difficult case,The main role,Shylock A cruel businessman lends Antonio 3000 ducats. Bassanio Antonios best friend, gets married with Portia with the money borrowed from Shylock. Antonio A kind merchant of Ven

11、ice borrows 3000 ducats from Shylock for Bassanio . Portia A rich and beautiful woman marry Bassanio, also acts as the lawyer.,Purpose and evaluation,The drama through the twists and turns of plot dialogue and vivid characters, a tribute to Portia is smart, friendly and Antonio, Sherlocks wealth suc

12、h as life, cold, selfish, expression of the basic idea of friendship and love is pure and selfless beat grim selfish greed nature, advocating humanistic outlook on life and morality view,中西文化对比,关于中西文化的比较我们从中国吴敬梓的儒林外史中的严监生和威尼斯商人中的夏洛克作比较 严监生是一个典型的吝啬鬼。自此严监生的病,一日重似一日,毫无起色。诸亲六眷,都来问候,五个侄子,穿梭的过来陪郎中弄药。到 中秋以


14、费了油。我如今挑掉一茎就是了。”说罢,忙走去挑掉一茎。众人看严监生时,点一点头,把手垂下,顿时就没了气,中西人物对比,挑灯芯这一笔成为中国文学史上极著名的一笔,它对那些悭吝乡绅的揭露讽 刺可谓入木三分,同时也为严监生的性格塑造添上了极传神的一笔。夏洛克:夏洛克是个资产阶级高利贷者拿着刀子时刻准备要从安东尼奥胸口上割下一磅肉,反映了他的凶残和阴险葛朗台是暴发户一生疯地追逐金钱占有金钱临死前还想把神父手中的金十字架抓到手里暴露了对金钱的狂热和执着。虽然同样的是著名的吝啬鬼,但是严监生和夏洛克还是有区别的。在物质上,严监生对自己抠门对他人比较大方,没有因为敛财而害人;夏洛克、靠牺牲他人利益获取不义之


16、,友情,在他的眼里一文不值,而严监生是处于中,中西人物对比,而严监生是处于中国古代的封建制度下,当时科举制度盛行,能否取得功名是衡量人的重要标准。严监生花钱买功名,在有功名的妻舅面前唯唯诺诺,显得卑微。为了救助哥哥严监生拉拢官差,送酒递钱,唯恐不妥。显示了他在权势下的卑微可怜。卑微的性格就预定了他谨小慎微,不敢有害人之念,有时还不得不从自己身上“割肉”这是与夏洛克有着很大区别的。至于对财产的聚敛,主要靠两种方式:一是靠剥削来占有;二是靠惨淡经营,精打细算,甚至靠生活方式上的自虐来减少开支。同样是吝啬,在自给自足的封建小农经济社会里严监生只是一个过分苛刻节俭的人。他只是在封建制度下的一个悲剧人物。 这种不同的文化背景,造就了不同的两个吝啬鬼的形象。 另外还需补充的一点就是,雨果说夏洛克表现出一个受压迫的民族。我们知道夏洛克是犹太人,几百年来,犹太人一直受欧洲各国的压迫与歧视。所以也有一种说法认为夏洛克坚持要割下安东尼的一磅肉体现了夏洛克的报复心理,


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