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1、1邻水县 2014 年小学六年级英语综合训练试题(三)内容:外研社(新标准)小学英语第一册至第八册,全卷共 4 页,满分 100 分,答题时间为 60 分钟。一、单词拼写。根据汉语提示补全单词。 (共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 20 分。 )1.c p (杯子) 2. s cret (秘密) 3.fr nd (朋友) 4.b x (盒子) 5. h se(房屋) 6. S terday (星期六) 7.M (五月) 8. t cher (教师) 9. blackb d (黑板) 10.m lk (牛奶)二、词汇归类。读一读,比一比,选出不同类别的单词,将其番号填入题前括号内。 (共 1

2、0 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分。 )( )1. A. America B. England C. Spain D. Beijing ( ) 2. A. green B. blue C. thirteen D. pink( ) 3. A. coffee B. knife C. tea D. water( ) 4. A. hill B. east C. south D. west( ) 5. A. spring B. summer C. winter D. pencil ( ) 6. A. bread B. restaurant C. cake D. hamburger ( ) 7. A

3、. pet B. man C. woman D. boy ( ) 8. A. zoo B. doorbell C. park D. garden(花园)( ) 9. A . room B. classroom C. nurse D. house( ) 10. A. September B. June C. TV D. July三、情景交际。根据描述的情景,选择最佳答案,并将答案的序号填在题前括号内。 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分。 )( )1. 玲玲买了一件体恤衫,Amy 要夸它太可爱了,应该说:A. Its very lovely! B. Its too big for

4、you. C. Its too long for you.( )2. 向同学介绍你的奶奶时,你应该说:A. It is my mother. B. This is my grandma. C. This is my grandpa( )3. 这个天气符合表示:A. cold B. sunny C. windy ( ) 4. 火车在上山,可以说:2A. The train is up the hill. B. The train is down the hill. C. The train is at the station.( )5. “There are a lot of balloons

5、in the sky.” 把这句话翻译成汉语应该是:A. 空中有很多飞机。 B. 空中有很多气球。 C.空中有很多鸟儿。( )6.当你看见同桌心情不好时,可以问道:A. Whats the matter? B. What are you doing? C. Hello! ( )7. Mr. Zhang 对我们说:“Sit down please.”这时我们应该:A. 站起。 B. 趴下。 C. 坐下。 ( ) 8. 我想去黄桷树公园。这句话用英语说应该是:A. I want to go to Huangjueshu Park. B. I want to take a photo.C. I wa

6、nt to go to Huangjueshu Zoo.( )9. 你的同学小丽马上要转学了,在告别的时候你说我会想念你的。英语应该说:A. Ill think you. B. Ill miss you. C. I love you.( )10. 当同学问: “How do you go to school?”,你应该回答:A. I go to school at half past eight. B. I go to school with Xiaodong .C .I walk to school every day.四、单项选择。从 A. B. C 三个选项中选择最佳答案,并将答案序号填

7、在题前括号内。 (共10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)( )1. Ms Li: Good afternoon, boys and girls!Pupils: A. Good morning, Ms Li! B. Good afternoon, Ms Li! C. Good evening, Ms Li! ( )2.- What colour are your shoes?- _ A. Theyre small. B. Theyre red. C. Theyre mine.( )3. Mr. Zhang: Nice to meet you.Mr. Wang: _A. All right

8、. B. Thank you. C. Nice to meet you, too.( )4. -Can the girl sing a song in English?- A. Yes, she can. B. Yes, she cant. C. No, she can.3( ) 5.- apples do you want?- six, please.A. How many B. How much C. How ( ) 6.- Did you buy a hot dog?- A. Yes, I did. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I did.( )7.-How does Ms

9、 Smart go to work? -She often to work by bus . A. go B. went C. goes( )8. Amy: are you wearing a raincoat(雨衣)?Lingling: Because its going to rain.A. When B. Why C. Where ( )9. Tom is eleven, Jimmy is nine. Jimmy is than Tom . A. young B. younger C. older ( )10. -Where is Daming?- He is the library.

10、A. on B. in C. at 五、补全对话。从对话后的选项中选择适当的选项补全对话,把相应的番号填在题后的横线上。 (共 5 小题,每小题 3 分,满分 15 分)Daming: Do you collect stamps, Simon? Simon: Yes. Collecting stamps is 1 Daming: 2 Simon: They are some stamps from Canada.Daming: Have you got any stamp from China?Simon: 3 All of these stamps are from China.Daming

11、: Oh! These red stamps are 4 .Simon: 5 A. What are those?B. my hobbyC. Yes, I have.D. Thats right! E. from my letters41. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _六、阅读理解。阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的 A. B. C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。 (共 5 小题,每小题 3 分,满分 15 分)In July, Lingling went to Xinjiang(新疆) with her parents. They stayed there for a week. Xin

12、jiang is in the west of China. She rode a horse. She climbed the Tianshan Mountain. Its really beautiful. She visited the Tianchi Lake. It was very beautiful, too. She had a lovely time. ( )1. Lingling went to Xinjiang with her parents in .A.June B. July C. August ( ) 2. She rode a .A. horse B. cow C. panda( ) 3. She climbed .A. the Great Wall B. Mount Qomolangma C. the Tianshan Mountain( ) 4. Xinjiang is in the of China.A. west B. east C. south( ) 5. They stayed there for .A. three days B. five days C



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