《新视野大学英语》unit7 sectionA

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1、Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life,CONTENTS,B,E,Lead-in,Pre-reading Activities,Text Study,Paragraph Writing,Summary,Lead-in,Topic-centered Discussion,What causes undue stress?,How to define your stressors?,How to fight undue stress?,What causes undue stress?,随 笔,Stress refers to the effect a situa

2、tion produces on your mind. Proper stress will work for you and turn into a pushing force behind your struggle. Just as Wang Jin-xi (王进喜) used to say, “A well under little pressure will produce no oil whereas a man under little stress will get light-headed.” If stress affects you beyond a certain ap

3、propriate point, however, it is an undue stress, which will do harm to your health.,Tips,Tips,For more,The top stressors in life include: 1) Death of your beloved family member; 2) Worsening of your health or financial state; 3) Getting into trouble with law; 4) Fear for new challenges; 5) Uncertain

4、ty about future; 6) Doubt about ones abilities; ,How to define your stressors?,To get stress under control, you have first to identify the situations that may turn into your stressors. To achieve this, you must become more aware of your reactions to different situations. Ask yourself, “Does this per

5、son, place, or thing _”1) Get my muscles tense? 2) Keep me in low spirits? 3) Render me liable to get angry? 4) Give me a knot in my stomach? 5) Deprive me of sleep? 6) Make a mess of my life?,Tips,随 笔,Tips,How to fight undue stress?,As stated above, stress, once out of hand, will be on the way to d

6、estroying your health. In view of that, there is every need to lessen its effect on you. The most effective steps to fighting undue stress are: 1) Learn to relax in the face of your stressors;2) Be realistic;3) Keep your lines of communication open;4) Make time for self-renewal;5) Take pleasure in r

7、egular exercise; 6) Keep balance between your life and work;7) Get enough sleep every night;8) Focus on the positive;,Tips,Tips,随 笔,Pre-reading Activities,B,Background Information,Compound Dictation,Watch and Discuss,Dr. Robert S. Eliot,复合听写,视頻讨论,随 笔,The University of Nebraska,The University of Nebr

8、aska, founded in 1869, is the states only public university. To learn more about the university, check out its website at http:/www.nebraska.edu.,复合听写,视頻讨论,随 笔,Compound Dictation,背景知识,视頻讨论,For Details,随 笔,Directions: You will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the second time,

9、you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S8 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered S9 to S11 you are required to fill in missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own wo

10、rds. Now listen to the passage.,Compound Dictation,The time you spend at the office may be the most stressful part of your day, but it doesnt have to be. You have a greater ability to S01 _ your office environment than you may S02 _.Take breaks throughout the day. It will help clear your mind and S0

11、3 _ pressure. Something as simple as going to the water cooler for a drink may do the S04 _.,shape,realize,背景知识,视頻讨论,随 笔,relieve,trick,Compound Dictation,Try listening to music recordings, such as a pounding S05 _ or songbirds, to help you S06 _. Such tapes are sold S07 _. Use headphones if youll be

12、 listening to them in the middle of the S08 _.Get to work early or stay late once a week. S09 _ _.,surf,relax,commercially,workday,You may be able to accomplish more when you vary your routine,背景知识,视頻讨论,随 笔,Compound Dictation,S10_ _. Update your resume, and remind yourself of your skills and strengt

13、hs. S11 _ _. This will make you valuable to employers.,If your stress comes from job insecurity, take stock of yourself,Also, make sure you keep up with new developments in your field,背景知识,视頻讨论,随 笔,Watch & Discuss,Directions: Watch the video and then discuss the topics as follows:,Video watching,2.

14、How to tackle the stress at work?,What causes stress at work?,key,key,背景知识,复合听写,随 笔,Stress in the Workplace,视频文件放在这个绿色的框内,不要超出去。也不要遮挡绿框的黑边。,What causes stress at work?,Recent research finds that todays working people, though exposed to less physical stress, are experiencing much more psychological s

15、tress than ever in history. The factors for such stress can be listed as follows: (1) The demand of your job;,(2) The control staff have over how you do your work; (3) The support you receive from your colleagues and superiors; (4) Your relationship with your colleagues; (5) Whether you understand your roles or your responsibilities; (6) High staff turnover;,(7) Lack of communication with your fellows; (8) Lack of feedback on performance; (9) Radical changes in technology; (10) Inadequate awareness of roles and responsibilities; (11) Lack of skills as required at work.,


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