2012年中考英语冲刺 八u7t3sa

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1、Topic 3 Welcome to our food festival!,UNIT 7 Food Festival,Section A,1. lady 女士,夫人 2. gentleman 绅士 3. satisfy 满足,使满意 4. guest 客人 5. kind-hearted 好心的,Words and expressions in Section A,6. menu 菜单 7. beer 啤酒 8. wine 酒 9. soft drink 清凉饮料 10. bill 账单,1.女士,夫人 2.绅士 3.满足,使满意 4.好心的 5.客人,lady,gentleman,satis

2、fy,kind-hearted,Words and expressions in Section A,guest,- ladies,/men,6. 菜单 7. 啤酒 8. 酒 9.清凉饮料 10.账单,menu,beer,wine,soft drink,bill,1,Look, listen and say,1.What can you see? I can see many people and many balloons. 2. How do they feel? They all feel happy and excited.,Listen and fill in the blanks:

3、,The first Renai International Food Festival is now _! Many different _ foods are for sale, such as fried rice, apple pies and Indian curries. Well try to _all the guests.The students are very kind-hearted. They will _ all the money to a school in Nigeria. Lets wish them _! I hope everyone has a _ti

4、me!,open,delicious,satisfy,send,success,wonderful,1,Look, listen and say,Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Renai International School! The first Renai International Food Festival is now open! Thanks for coming! I hope everyone has a wonderful time!,1,Look, listen and say,开幕,谢谢光临,过得开心,Look! Many diffe

5、rent delicious foods are for sale, such as fried rice, apple pies and Indian curries. Well try to satisfy all the guests. 3.The students are very kind-hearted. They will send all the money to a school,不同的美食在出售,使所有的宾客满意,是好心的,in Nigeria. Lets wish them success! 4. Enjoy yourselves!,让我们祝愿他们成功,玩得开心,Ladi

6、es and gentlemen, welcome to Renai International School! The first Renai International Food Festival is now open! Thanks for coming! I hope everyone has a wonderful time!,1,Look, listen and say,Look! Many different delicious foods are for sale, such as fried rice, apple pies and Indian curries. Well

7、 try to satisfy all the guests. 3.The students are very kind-hearted. They will send all the money to a school in Nigeria. Lets wish them success! 4. Enjoy yourselves!,for sale 待售,出售 on sale 出售,上市,削价 e.g 1)请问,这些书是准备出售的吗? Excuse me, are these books for sale? 2)这个新手机明年上市。 The new cellphone will be on

8、sale next year. 3)这些牛奶在降价出售,你想买一些吗? The milk is on sale. Do you want to buy some?,2. satisfy v. 使满意,满足,-satisfied 满意的,be satisfied with 对感到满意,e.g 1) 他将尽力使他父母满意。 He will try his best to satisfy his parents. 2) His parents _ _ _ his study.(对感到满意),are satisfied with,3. wish v./ n. 祝愿 ,希望 wish sb. sth.

9、祝愿某人 wish to do sth. 希望某人做某事 wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事 e.g 1)祝你好运! I wish you good luck. 2) I wish _ (have)supper with you. 3)Tom wishes you _ (go) there. 4) Best _ (wish) to you.,to have,to go,wishes,beer 啤酒,soft drink 清凉饮料,wine 酒,menu 菜单,bill 账单,RENAI INTERNATIONAL FOOD FESTIVAL BILL,Beijing Roa

10、st Duck 38.00 Vegetable soup 3.50 Tsingtao beer 10.00 TOTAL:51.50,Thank you for coming!,RENAI INTERNATIONAL FOOD FESTIVAL BILL,Beijing Roast Duck 38.00 Vegetable soup 3.50 Tsingtao beer 10.00 Tea 2.00 Rice(2) 2.00 TOTAL: ¥55.50,Thank you for coming!,1.Where did they go? They went to the food festiva

11、l . 2.Which kind of drink did they have? A bottle of Tsingtao beer and a cup of tea.,Listen and answer the questions:,Watch the video and read after it:,2a,Look, listen and say,Waitress: Good morning. Welcome to our food festival. This way, please. Mr. Yang: Thank you. Waitress: Heres a table for tw

12、o. Is it OK? Mr. Yang: Sure. Waitress: Take a seat, please. Heres the menu. (A few minutes later),请这边走,这儿有一张双人桌,请坐,菜单在这儿,May I take your order? Mr. Yang: Sure. Wed like Beijing Roast Duck and vegetable soup. Waitress: Which kind of drink would you like, beer, wine or a soft drink? Mr. Yang: Id like

13、a bottle of Tsingtao beer. Mrs. Yang: I think Ill have a cup of tea.,我可以给你们点菜了吗,你们想要哪种饮料,Waitress: Anything else? Mrs. Yang: Two bowls of rice. Waitress: OK. Thanks for your order. Mrs. Yang: (Twenty minutes later) Mm, how delicious! The Beijing Roast Duck smells nice and tastes delicious. Mr. Yang:

14、 (Forty-five minutes later),还有别的吗,谢谢点餐,May I have the bill,please? Waitress: Let me see. Its 55.50. Mr. Yang: Here you are. Waitress: Heres your change. Thanks for coming!,请问,我可以结账吗,让我看看,这儿是找您的钱,谢谢光临,1. May I have the bill? 可以结帐了吗? have the bill 付帐,还可以说 get/pay the bill 2. Heres the menu. 菜单在这儿。(请您点

15、菜) 这是一个倒装句,由副词 here/there/now/then 等+come/ go/ be等动词的一般现在时 名词构成。,Language points:,e.g. Here comes the train. 火车来了。 There goes the bell. 铃响了。 但当主语为代词时,不能用倒装。 Here she comes. 她来了。 Here it is. 它在这儿。,2a,Look, listen and say,Waitress: Good morning. Welcome to our food festival. This way, please. Mr. Yang: Thank you. Waitress: Heres a table for two. Is it OK? Mr. Yang: Sure. Waitress: Take a seat, please. Heres the menu. (A few minutes later) May I take your order?,



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