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1、Lesson 8,Left for Dead,CATALOGUE,Discourse Analysis,Language Points,Keys To Exercises,Oral Practice And Discussion,text,About the Author,About the Author,Norma Hutchinson: a contemporary writer in the United States. Her works were published in Readers Digest and other magazines.,Discourse Analysis,P

2、art I (para.1-8): Troy Sallee was robbed in his own video store.Part II. (para.9-17): Sallee was and repeatedly stabbed and left for dead.Part III. (para.18-38): Salles strong will, calmness and desire to live helped him survive.,Language Points,1. call in (line 2, para. 2),1) to ask (sb.) to attend

3、 招来,招去,Mother was so ill last night that we had to call the doctor in., 昨晚母亲病得很厉害,我们不得不请医生来。, 人们请来警察帮助寻找失踪女孩。,Police have been called in to help find the missing girl.,2) order or request the return of (sth.) 下令收回; 请求收回, 金币已被政府下令收回。,Gold coins were called in by the Government.,Language Points, 他非常缺钱

4、,所以不得不收回他所借出的款了。,3) to pay a short visit 访问,He was so short of money that he had to call in the loans he had made., 进城请随时造访,我会很高兴见到你。,Please call in any time youre in town, I shall be glad to see you., 请在5点钟时来访。,Please call in at five.,Language Points,2. pull up (line 1, para. 3),1) to (cause to) co

5、me to a stop 停下;把车开到某处停下,There would be a lot more to say, but I must pull up., 还有好多话要说,但我必须打住了。, 信号灯变红时,随着(刹车时)车胎发出的尖声, 小车立马停住了。,The car pulled up with a loud noise of its tyres when the light turned red., 司机及时停车,避免了公共汽车撞上小孩。,The driver pulled the bus up only just in time to avoid hitting the child

6、.,Language Points,2) to correct; improve 提高;改进,Youll have to pull up your English to a higher standard if you want to pass the examination.,你要想通过考试,必须提高你的英语水平。,3) to scold; find fault with; correct (sb.) 责备,责骂; 纠正;制止, 吉姆跟母亲说话没礼貌,父亲责备了他。,Jim talked rudely to Mother, and Father pulled him up., 安说美洲是在1

7、634年被发现的,老师纠正了他。,Ann said that America was discovered in 1634, and the teacher pulled her up.,Language Points,3. accommodate (line 3, para. 4),v. 1) have, provide lodging for 供给住宿,This hotel can accommodate 600 guests., 这旅馆可供600位客人住宿。, 我们希望你能在你的旅馆为他提供膳宿方便。,We hope you will be able to accommodate him

8、 at your hotel.,2) accommodate sb. (with sth.): grant sth. to sb.; do sb. a favor 答应某人(某件事);帮某人一个忙;对予以照顾性考虑, 银行将贷给你一笔款。,The bank will accommodate you with a loan.,Language Points, 政府不得不照顾到不同集团的特殊利益。,3) accommodate sth. to: change sth. so that it fits with or is in harmony with (sth. else) 使某事物配合(其他

9、事物);使适应,The government has to accommodate the special interests of various groups., 我将修改我的计划以配合你的计划。,I will accommodate my plans to yours., 总统似乎愿意按参议院意图行事。,The President seemed willing to accommodate himself to Senate desires.,Language Points,4. so far, so good (para. 8),up to now everything has gon

10、e well 到目前为止,一切良好,Asked about the condition of the baby boy who was born two months prematurely, he said: So far, so good., 别人问到那个早产两个月的男婴情况如何,他 说:“到目前为止,情况还算良好。”, “你在伦敦的研究进展如何?” - “到目前为止, 一切顺利。”,How are you getting along with you study in London? - So far, so good.,Language Points,5. comply (line 3

11、, para. 10),v. do as one is requested, commanded, etc; obey 按要求、命令去做;依从;顺从,You must comply with the rules., 你必须遵守规则。, 矿主们不能遵守安全条例,结果损失惨重。,The mine owners couldnt comply with safety regulations and consequently suffered a lot., 他拒绝服从。,He refused to comply.,Language Points,6. slash (line 2, para. 12),

12、1) make a cut or cut sth. with a sweeping stroke; strike sb./sth. with a whip 砍(某物);用鞭抽(某人/ 某物),Dont slash your horse in that cruel way., 不要那么残忍地鞭打你的马。, 他用手杖挥击高高的野草。,He slashed at the tall weeds with his stick., 男孩用刀将树皮砍下。,The boy slashed the bark off the tree with a knife.,Language Points,2) condem

13、n vigorously and outspokenly 严厉批评; 猛烈抨击,The daily newspaper slashed the new play., 日报严厉批评这出新戏。, 反对党将对政府政策进行猛烈抨击。,The Opposition is going to make a slashing attack on the governments policy.,3) (colloq) cut, reduce drastically 大幅度削减,砍削,删减, 这个非洲国家去年大幅度削减政府开支。,This African country slashed government sp

14、ending last year., 政府最近砍掉了预算中的浪费部分。,The government has recently slashed waste out of the budget.,Language Points,7. yank (line3, para. 12),v. give a sudden sharp pull to 用力猛拉;使劲拉,Tom yanked the bed-clothes off his brother and told him to get up., 汤姆一把拉开他弟弟的被子,叫他起床。, 他猛地拔掉了那颗痛牙。,He yanked out the sor

15、e tooth., 他把她一把拉起。,He yanked her to her feet.,Language Points,8. sever (line 2, para. 13),v. 1) cut 切断;割开,The sailor severed the rope with a knife., 水手用刀把绳子割断。, 他的左腿在车祸中折断了。,His left leg was severed in the car accident.,2) break 使分裂,使分离; 断绝,中断, 大海把英法两国隔开。,The sea severs England and France.,Language

16、Points, 小小的误会可能导致终身的朋友疏远。, 战争使他与家庭离散。,Slight misunderstanding may sever lifelong friends.,He was severed from his family by the war., 两国将断绝外交关系。,The two countries will sever diplomatic relations., 她不得不断绝与父母的一切关系。,She has to sever all ties with her parents.,Language Points,9. to advantage (line 1, para. 14),in a way that enable sth. to be seen, used, etc. in the best way 更加;越发有效地,The painting is seen to better advantage from a distance.,



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