第十一板块 选修六 Module 1 Small Talk

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1、考题回放2009高考天津卷假设你是晨光中学的学生会主席李华。学生会将举办每年一度的英语演讲比赛,本年度的主题为“The English Novel I Like Best”。作为组织者,你将在演讲比赛开幕时发言,请你根据以下提示用英语写一篇发言稿。1.说明比赛的意义,如提高英语听说能力,养成读书的习惯等;2.说明比赛的注意事项,如每人演讲不超过5分钟,语言流利,发音准确等;,3.预祝比赛圆满成功。注意:1.词数:不少于100词;2.可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯;3.发言稿的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen,Welcom

2、e to this years English speech competition. Thank you!,熟背佳作Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to this years English speech competition.As an annual activity,which is popular with students,the purpose of the English speech competition is to help us improve our ability of communicating in Eng

3、lish.In addition,it can also help to develop the good habit of reading.Im sure we can make progress in our listening,speaking,reading and writing through the competition.,The topic of the speech for this year is The English Novel I Like Best.Anyone who will take part in the competition can choose an

4、y novel you consider the best.Then you can introduce it to the others.In the speech you should also explain the reason why you like the novel best in fluent English within five minutes.Remember that correct pronunciation is required in the competition too. We sincerely hope the competition will be a

5、 success.Thank you!,1. adj. 非正式的,2. adj. 严肃的,3. v. 缺乏,缺少,4. adj. 预先的;在前的,5. n. 机会,6. n. 恩惠;照顾,informal,serious,lack,advance,opportunity,favour,7. n. 回答;答复;回信,11. adv. 不管怎么说,无论如何,10. adj. 谨慎的,慎重的;小心的,9. adj. 成熟的,8. n. 缺点,短处,12. n. 目的,reply,shortcoming,mature,cautious,anyhow,purpose,13. pron. 某些,16. a

6、dv.自信地 adj.自信的,15. n.申请 v.申请,14. n. 功能,certain,function,application,apply,confidently,confident,17. adj.不礼貌的 adj.有礼貌的,impolite,polite,18. n.缺乏,不存在 adj.缺席的,不在的,21. v.解释,给下定义 n.定义;释义,20. v.打断 n.打扰;打断,19. n.道歉,致歉 v.道歉,absence,apology,interrupt,interruption,define,definition,22. v.想象 n.想象力;幻想;空想,imagine

7、,imagination,absent,apologise/apologize,1.lack v.缺乏,缺少(作不及物动词时常接for或in)n.没有;不足,缺乏,lack for缺少(不用于被动语态,多用于否定句中) lack for nothing 应有尽有 lack common sense/courage 缺乏常识/勇气 be lacking in缺少(品质、特点等),不足,for/through/due to/because of (a) lack of因缺少 no lack of 不缺少;足够 a complete/total/distinct lack of 完全/明显缺乏,Th

8、ey are lacking in nothing,but real happiness. 除了真正的幸福以外,他们什么都不缺。 Lack of vitamin B can produce a variety of symptoms. 缺少维生素B会引发多种症状。 There was no lack of willing helpers. 不缺乏自愿帮助者。 Russells parents made sure that he . 拉塞尔的父母确保他什么都不缺。 The plants died water. 这些植物因缺水而枯死。,lacked for nothing,for lack of,

9、2.advance adj. 预先的,在前的v.&n.进展,前进;预先,advance in sth. 在某方面有进步 advance to/towards 朝前进 advance sb.to a higher position使某人提升(升迁,in advance 预先,事先 in advance of 在之前;超时 ahead of time 提前,advanced adj.高级的;先进的;年老的;发达的 advanced English/maths高级英语/高等数学,Let the world know more about China;let China advance towards

10、 the world. 让世界更多地了解中国,让中国走向世界。 I should warn you that we may be delayed. 我得预先提醒你,我们也许会被耽搁。 We arent learners of English. 我们都不是高级程度的英语学习者。,in advance,advanced,ahead of time,in advance ahead of time指比原定时间提前完成。 in advance指事先或预先做某事。,自填助记 Book a ticket .提前订票。 The work was finished . 这项工作提前完成了。,in advanc

11、e,ahead of time,3.imagine v.想象,imagine that/what/how/why. 想象 imagine doing sth. 想象做某事 imagine sb.doing sth. 想象某人做某事 imagine sb./sth.as 把某人(物)想象成 You cant imagine. 你想象不到,Close your eyes and imagine a tropical island. 闭上眼睛,想象一个热带岛屿。 You cant what a terrible week we had. 你简直想象不出我们经历了多么可怕的一个星期。 Imagine

12、going all that way for nothing! 真想不到走了那么远却毫无所获!,imagine,imaginative,imaginable,imaginary 这三者都是形容词。 (1)imaginative表示“富有想象力的,爱想象的”。 (2)imaginable是“可以想象到的”,常与形容词最高级或all,every,only等连用,可放在被修饰的名词后面。 (3)imaginary是“想象的,虚构的,假想的”。,自填助记 Zhang Yimou is an artist. 张艺谋是一位富有想象力的艺术家。 The story is . 这个故事是虚构的。 This is the only solution up to now. 这是目前为止唯一想得出的方法。,imaginative,imaginary,imaginable,4.apologise v.道歉,apology n. 道歉 make an apology to sb.for (doing)sth.因 向某人道歉 accept sb.s apology 接受某人的道歉 owe sb.an apology 应向某人道歉,


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