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1、Goal,To listen and talk about table manners. To read about life as an exchange student.,Grammar,supposed 与 think 的含义相同, “认为,以为” . be supposed 表示 “被期望或要求应该”, 在 口语中,意为 “不容许,不应当” .,be supposed + to infinitives,动词不定式,eg. You are supposed to arrive on time.,Table Manners,There are many table manners arou

2、nd the world. But different countries have different culture. ,Table Manners,You are supposed to pick up your bowl of rice.,Table Manners,Youre supposed not to eat with your hands.,Table Manners,Youre supposed not to talk at the table.,Table Manners,The youngest person is not supposed to start eatin

3、g first.,How much do you know about table manners around the world?,In the United States, youre not supposed to eat with your hands. 2.In Peru, you are not supposed to talk at the table. 3.In China, youre not supposed to pick up your bowl of rice. 4.In Korea, the youngest person is supposed to start

4、 eating first. 5.In Brazil, you should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink.,?,F,F,F,T,In Japan,make noise while eating noodles,In Japan,eat or drink while walking down the street,In Japan,stick your chopsticks into your food,In Japan,point at anyone with your chopsticks,Numb

5、er the pictures in the order Satoshi talks about them.,4,2,3,1,Listen and match these sentence parts.,You arent supposed to Its polite Its rude You shouldnt,b. to stick your chopsticks into your food.,a. to make noise while eating noodles.,d. eat or drink while walking down the street.,c. point at a

6、nyone with your chopsticks.,PAIRWORK,A: Were supposed to B: Yes, and its rude to ,Read the e-mail message from Wang Kun and answer the questions.,Why was Wang Kun nervous before she arrived in France? 2.Why did she have no reason to be nervous? 3.What differences have occurred in her French? 4.What

7、does she find surprising? 5.What is one particular challenge she is facing?,Check the answers:,Because she had no idea of the life in France. Because her host family is really nice. They go out their way to make her feel at home. Her French has improved greatly. Shes very comfortabe speaking French

8、now. “Youre not supposed to put your bread on your plate. Youre supposed to put it on the table.” Her biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.,GROUPWORK,eating meals with other people making appointments giving compliments introducing other people making a toast at dinner off

9、ering tea speaking to older people,HOMEWORK,Write an e-mail message telling someone from another country about the table manners in your country.,; http:/ 网瑞测速 wpd46xry 了笑,以后的事情以后再说,现在的当务之急是找个铁饭碗,至于将来再危险,也总比现在饿死强。“不过既然都走到这一步了,我恐怕也没有别的路可走了。不是吗?”说话之余,此时他们已经走到了这条街道的尽头,与刚才人来人往热闹景象不同,这里就很少有人路过了,甚至有种荒凉的感觉



12、凌娢此时已经凌乱了。这人也太有才了吧,装的那么像,到了二十一世纪绝对是个祸害。不过听他们说话的口吻,似乎早已计划好要把自己带到这里。可是到底是为了什么呢?注 对角巷*:J.K.罗琳的著名魔幻小说系列哈利波特中英国魔法界最繁华的商业街道。凤凰社*:同为小说哈利波特中的组织。(古风一言)千山暮雪,随君化蝶,随君至海角天边。第009章 传说中的晴穿会眼前这个叫甲晓念的女子竟然就是自己刚刚在街上遇到的老奶奶!慕容凌娢此时已经彻底凌乱了。她看起来也就二十多岁,居然装的那么像,这人真是太有才了。如果到了二十一世纪绝对是个祸害。不过听她还刘钦说话的内容,他们似乎是计划好要把自己带到这里来的。可这是为什么啊?他们又是如何知道自己穿越了,


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