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1、09海淀二模 开放作文(15分),请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。 In an English speech competition, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to the judges how you understand it.,图片信息:1. 一些竖起的方块,方框间距相等,围成几乎一圈; 2. 右边第一块在倒下,导致第二块也倒下 3. 预测其它都会倒下,;,可接受立意: 1. 整体中,个体的作用; 2. 系列事件中,每一个环节的作用; 3.细节决定成败; 4.知识/事物之间环环相扣

2、,相互联系。,(细节与整体) In the picture, we can see a circle of bricks standing next to each other. The first brick on the right is falling down, causing the falling of the next one. In the end, the whole circle will be ruined.The picture conveys a message that the success of a project depends on each individ

3、ual step. When each individual step is given full attention, it is quite likely that the whole project will be a success. In the same way, a mistake in one step may lead to a complete failure of the whole project, as is shown in the picture. So each individual step can make the difference between su

4、ccess and failure. We should try our best every step of the way.,09海淀二模范文1,(个人与集体)In the picture are some bricks standing next to each other in a form of ring. The first brick on the right is falling down, causing the falling of the second one next to it and so on. In the end, the whole ring will be

5、 ruined.What the picture tries to tell us is the importance of each individual in a team. A team is made up of many individual members. Only when everybody tries his/her best and contributes to the team can a team be a powerful one. On the contrary, if somebody does not perform well enough, the whol

6、e team will also be affected, just like the ring in the picture. So, as a team member, each of us should do what we are supposed to do and make contributions to the team. (136 words),09海淀二模范文2,09海淀二模范文3,(生物链) In the picture are some bricks standing next to each other in a circle. The first brick on

7、the right is falling down, causing the falling of the second one next to it and so on. In the end, the whole circle will be ruined. What the picture tries to tell us is the importance of the balance of nature. As is known to all, all creatures depend on each other in the food chain. When one creatur

8、e dies out, other creatures will be affected. If animals become extinct, so will human beings, because we cannot live alone in the world. So, as part of nature, we should help keep the balance. In this way, the food chain can be well kept and we can live in harmony with nature. (130 words),学生作文1,In

9、the picture I can see a lot of bricks forming a circle. Standing side by side, though not linking together, they create an invisible bond with each other. The first brick on the right is falling, causing the second one to follow, and will make every brick fall down one by one.,学生作文1,In my view, the

10、circle of bricks reveals the domino effect. One event causes a series of similar events to happen one after another,mutiplying the consequence. For instance, in the field of environmental protection, cutting down one single tree seems small. But itll reduce the trees ability of preventing the soil f

11、rom washing away.,学生作文1,As the nutrition of the soil flushes away bit by bit, the land might be deserted. Spotting the deserted land, few may realize it is all caused by cutting one tree. The circulation of the bad effect is like domino, one wrong push can bring an unexpected disaster. So as for us,

12、 we should all be aware of what we are doing, trying not to “push the first brick”, to prevent the bad thing from happening. (十一学校 杨博君),学生作文2,As is depicted in the picture, there are a series of donimoes, forming a shape of a circle. However, the one on the right domino falls down unfortunately. App

13、arently, other donimos start to fall down one by one, and everything needs to be rebuilt.,学生作文2,The picture symbolically reveals the fact that individuals affect the whole project. It would be a fantastic job if none of the dominos falls down, while the whole project eventually becomes a failure jus

14、t because of the falling of only one domino. That is to say, only when every part of one certain job is well constructed can the project turns out to be a success.,学生作文2,As far as Im concerned, we should strengthen ouselves, in order to make sure that every part of our knowledge is well mastered. Ot

15、herwise, the test score wont be ideal. (十一学校 褚旸晰),学生作文1 (描图),As is depected in the picture, tens of square bricks are circling around, each facing toward the one in front of it, making the same distance between each one near it as all the others do. The first brick on the right is pushed forward,so

16、it bangs the second piece and the “collipse” is likely to continue. (李博超),学生作文2(描图),As we can see from the picture, a series of bricks stand close together forming a circle. One of them is falling towards the one next to itself and we can foresee that all of the bricks will fall one by one from head to toe.,准确表达:,1. a donimo/ bricka small/flat rectangular blocka small, rectangular objecta set of small flat pieces of wood, plastic etc card, board, plate, cube, cubic object,book, wood,


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