(苏教牛津版)四年级英语下册课件 Unit 6(7)

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《(苏教牛津版)四年级英语下册课件 Unit 6(7)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(苏教牛津版)四年级英语下册课件 Unit 6(7)(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Unit6 Lets go by taxi,(苏教牛津版)四年级英语下册课件,Play a game,Whats missing?,hospital,station,airport,supermarket,theatre,library,?,hospital,airport,supermarket,theatre,station,library,library,station,supermarket,theatre,hospital,airport,station,supermarket,theatre,library,hospital,airport,Hospital, hospital,

2、 go to the hospital How, how, how do we go there? Taxi,taxi,by taxi,Theatre, theatre, go to the theatre How, how, how do we go there? Bike, bike, by bike,Chant:,A:Shall we go toby?我们好吗?(表示建议) B:OK./All right.,Make a dialogue,A: Lets go to B: Great! How do we go there? A: Shall we go to theby? B:OK/

3、Good idea.,Is thisfor?,Yes, it is.,这个是去的吗?,是的,它是。,No, it isnt.,不,它不是。,theatre,Is thisfor,theatre,No, it isnt.,No, it isnt.,Yes, it is.,A: Excuse me, is this plane for Beijing?,B: Yes, it is.,A: Excuse me, is this bus for the station?,B: No, it isnt.,David: Lets go to the theatre.,Nancy: Great! How d

4、o we go there?,David: Shall we go to the theatre by bus?,Nancy: OK.,David: Excuse me, is this bus for thetheatre?,Man1: No, it isnt.,Nancy: Were late. Lets go by taxi.,David: All right.,Nancy: The theatre ,please.,Man2: OK.,A Read and say,交通安全要注意,走路靠右最要紧 绿灯行来红灯停 车内勿把头外探 路上学生别嬉戏 先左后右过马路 未满十二不能骑 并排骑车手勿拉 开心出门开心归 安全时时要谨记。,Homework 1.Copy the new words. 2. Invite your friends to travel , then write down your dialogue .,See you!,



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