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1、高考书信英语作文高考书信英语作文篇一:高考英语书信类作文高 考 英 语 书 信 类 作 文 一.英文书信概述: 1. 信头: 包括寄信人的地址和寄信日期,写在第一页信纸的右上角,先写地址,后写日期. 地址由小写到大, 顺序为:门牌号, 街名,市名,省份名,国名. 2. 信内地址: 收信人的称呼和地址,写在信头下面一行处的信纸左边; 商业函和公函必须 写信头和信内地址; 亲友、熟人之间可不写信内地址,信头只写发信日期。 3. 称呼语:对收信人的敬语,写在信内地址下面两行,从左边顶格写。 4. 正文:信的本体。如果是回信,通常先提到收到对方的信,并感谢,如:Thank you for your l

2、etter of 或者 I am glad to receive your letter and know that 5. 结束语:正文下两三行处,常见为:yours truly, yours sincerely 或 sincerely 等。 6. 签名:写在结束语下面一行。 信 头 信内地址和姓名 称呼 二.建议信的写作要点: 1. 开门见山, 点明自己所发现的问题或现象; 不偏离题目,不漫无边际. 2. 建议应明确对应所提的问题, 且用词恰当,不以偏概全, 建议应合理和可行 3. 书信语气和称呼要处理得当. 例: 假设你叫李华,是一名高二学生,你所在的城市交通局正在通过媒体向广大市民征集如

3、何改善交通状况的建议.请写一封信,建议交通局采取措施方便残疾人出行, 如在主干道设立残疾人停车的车位;研发部分方便残疾人使用的出租车;加强宣传,号召广大市民爱残、助残 Dear Sir, Im Li Hua, a middle school student. I am a middle school student. I am happy to read about your collection of suggestions on how to improve the transportation of our city, and I think it is beneficial to th

4、e society. Here I beg you to pay more attention to the rights and convenience for the disabled, especially people I wheelchairs. As we know, it is very difficult for people in wheelchairs to get around. Would you please consider setting up some parking spaces for the disabled along the main roads? I

5、n addition, I hope you can develop some special taxis for the disabled in wheelchairs, I also hope that you will step up publicity, educating people to care for and help the disabled while they are out on the road. Thank you for reading my letter and your kind consideration of my suggestions will be

6、 highly appreciated. Sincerely, Li Hua 结束语 签名 正 文 (事由) 三.写回信的写作要点. 1. 首先感谢对方给自己的来信. 2. 理解写信人的意图, 对信中所提到的问题给予明确的答复或建议 3. 写出自己的期待,并欢迎再次来信. Dear Jack Thank you for your letter. Yes, I have some difficulty in learning English. For example, I cant tell the difference between written English and spoken En

7、glish. Sometimes I often make mistakes while speaking to others. I want to improve my spoken English. But I dont know how. Would you please give me some advice? As you say, it is difficult to write Chinese characters, but dont worry about it. Have you considered doing plenty of practice? And I sugge

8、st you write them as much as possible I think it will be of great help. I am looking forward to hearing from you again. Yours Aaron 四. 求职信 求职信的内容大体分为三部分: 1. 写信目的, 这部分要直截了当的在信的开头. 2. 自我介绍,主要包括:自己学历、工作经历、解决问题能力等等。书写的时候要表达自 信和诚恳的态度。语言简明扼要,突出优点特长并紧扣用人单位的需求。 3. 提出进一步联系的意向和联系方式,如:电话号码,地址。还可以主动提出接受面试 Dear

9、Sir I have just read in the newspaper that a secretary of the English language is wanted in your company. I am therefore writing to you to introduce myself. Id like to get the job. I am a girl college student of 22 years old. My name is Li Ying. I am studying in the language department. I can speak

10、read and write English very well. As a second language, I can read and speak a little French. I have some work experience as a typist in my spare time at school and as a tourist guide during summer holidays. The bosses I worked for were all satisfied with my work. I am sure Ill satisfy you as well.

11、You can get more information about my studies and work from the college. I am looking forward to visiting your office at any time for an interview or a test. Faithfully Li Ying Exercise: 假设你是刘军,加拿大一所学校将于今年暑假组织学生来你的学校参观访问。 期 间 Andy Smith 将借住在你家。 请你代表全家写信给他,欢迎他的到来,信的要点如下: 上午:学校活动 下午:游览市区 晚上:看电视,玩游戏,聊天

12、。字数 120字左右。 Dear Andy, 篇二:高考英语作文书信类to prepare for it. The grade is made up of three parts. The final exams will make up 55% of our grade, the research work 20 and the mid-term exams 25% of it. Please feel free to contact if you are still not clear about it. Hope you will recover soon and also get a

13、satisfactory mark in the exam. Passage4 (广西玉林高中、南宁二中 XX 届高三上学期联考) 假如你是校报负责人,急需在学校内聘一位同学任英语版的编辑,请你用英文以An English Editor Wanted为题目写一则招聘启事。内容要点如下: 1该工作主要包括两部分: 1)从英文报刊杂志及互联网上选择适合学生的文章;2)选择与编辑同学们的来稿。 2希望该同学满足下列要求: 1)乐意奉献出一些业余时间为同学们服务; 2)英文与美术皆好;能熟练使用电脑。 3感兴趣的同学请在本周内与学生会(Students Union)联系 参考词汇:满足要求 meet

14、the requirements 注意:1)词数 100 左右 2)不要逐字翻译,要组成一篇通顺连贯的短文。 An English Editor Wanted Our school newspaper is looking for an editor for its English edition. Students Union【参考范文】 An English Editor Wanted Our school newspaper is looking for an editor for its Engl(来自: 小 龙 文档网:高考书信英语作文)ish edition. The job ma

15、inly includes two parts: One is to choose proper English articles from other newspapers, magazines or Internet for us students. The other is to pick out articles from students in our school and edit them for use. We hope that he/she could meet the following requirements: First, he/she is willing to

16、devote some of the spare time to serving the others. Second, its necessary for him/ her to be good at both English and fine art. Needless to say that the ability to use the computer is important as well. Those who are interested in the job, please get in touch with the Students Union this week. Students Union Passage 5 (河北省秦皇岛市山海关一中 XX 届高三第一次月考)篇三:高考英语作文详解 书信 高考英语作文详解 书信 、书信写作要求 书信(Letter)一般可分为事务信件或公函(Business Letter or Offical Correspondence)以及私人信件 (Private Letter)两大


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