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1、2011高考英语语法专题复习系列课件,35将来时态,5 I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.2007 福建卷 Impossible. She TV with me in my home then. A. watched B. had watche C. would watch D. was watching 619. Ouch! You hurt me! I am sorry. But I any harm. I to drive a rat out. 2007 江西卷 A. didnt mea

2、n; tried B. dont mean; am trying C. havent meant; tried D. didnt mean; was trying,将来进行时,1将来进行时的构成 将来进行时是由“shall/will + be +现在分词”构成的。 Dont phone me between 8:00 and 10:00. Well be having classes then. 8点到10点之间不要给我打电话,我们那时正在上课。 Will you be using your bicycle this evening? 今晚你用自行车吗? She wont be having

3、a meeting in her office at 8:00 tomorrow. 明天8点她不在开会。,2将来进行时的用法,将来进行时的基本用法 a. 表示在将来某一时间正在进行的动作 Ill be taking my holiday soon. 我不久就去度假了。 They will be meeting us at the station. 他们会在车站接我们的,b. 在口语中代替will/shall do I hope you will be coming on time. 我希望你按时来。 Ill be seeing Mr. Smith tomorrow. 我明天将见到史密斯先生。

4、The minister will be giving a speech on international affairs. 部长将就国际事务发表演讲。,将来进行时的特殊用法,a. 表示原因、结果或猜测 Please come tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow morning Ill be having a meeting. 请你明天下午来吧。我明天上午有个会。(表原因) Stop the child or he will be falling over. 抓住那个孩子,要不他会掉下去的。(表结果) You will be making a mistake. 你会出错的

5、。(表推测),b. 用在问句中,表示委婉礼貌 Will you be reading anything else? 你还要看点儿什么吗? When shall we be meeting again? 我们什么时候再见面? c. 表示稍后一点儿的安排 The students aer studying Unit 3 this week, and next week well be studying Unit 4. 这星期我们学第三单元,下周我们将学第四单元。 My duties will end in July and I will be returning to Shanghai. 我的任务

6、在7月结束,之后我会回上海。,一般将来时,1 一般将来时的构成,一般将来时是由“will / shall + 动词原形”构成的。 shall只限于第一人称,主要见于英国英语,现在的趋势是第一、二、三人称的单复数形式均用will表示。 在口语中,shall和 will常缩写成“ll”,紧接在主语之后。其否定式shall not 和will not 常简略为shant 和wont。 Ill go and shut the door. 我去关门。 When will you know your exam results? 你什么时候能知道考试结果? I can see youre busy, so

7、I wont stay long. 我看得出你很忙,所以我不会呆太久的。,2一般将来时的用法,表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态 I shall be free this afternoon. Therell be no chemistry classes tomorrow. They will probably go to Shanghai for their holiday. 注意:在口语中,常用will / shall + be doing结构来代替will / shall + 动词原形,以表示生动。 Ill be seeing a friend off at the airport. He

8、ll be going with us tomorrow.,表示将要反复发生的动作,My uncle will come to see me every Saturday. 我叔叔每个星期六都会来看我。 The students will have five English classes per week this term. 本学期学生们每周要上五节英语课。,表示同意或答应做某事,That bag looks heavy. Ill help you with it. I wont tell anyone what happened, I promise. 表示一种倾向或推测 Flowers

9、 will die without water. Water will change into ice at 0. This will be your sister, I guess.,3一般将来时的常用结构,用于“I expect, Im sure, I think, I wonder + 宾语从句”中 Dont worry about the exam. Im sure youll pass. 不要担心这次考试,我确信你会通过的。 I wonder what will happen. 我不知道将会发生什么事。 I dont think the test will be very diffi

10、cult. 。,用于“祈使句 + and + 陈述句”中,1)这种结构可以替换成“条件句 陈述句”。Work hard,and youll be successful in time./If you work hard,you will be successful in time. 注意:祈使句后and可替换成then. 2)祈使句 or 否定陈述句=否定条件句 否定陈述句。 如:Get ready or you wont pass the test./ If you dont get ready,you wont pass the test.,1 Start out right, _ you

11、ll miss the first train. A and B but C or D while 2 Follow your doctors advice, _ your cough will get worse. A or B and C then D so 3Stand over there,_ youll be able to see it better A and B but C or D while,4将来时间的其他表达法,be going to + 动词原形 “be going to+ 动词原形”这一结构常用于口语中。 a. 表示决定或打算要做某事 Im going to buy

12、 a new coat this winter. 今年冬天我打算买一件新大衣。 Are you going to play basketball after class? 下课后你去打篮球吗? He is going to be a doctor when he grows up. 他长大后要当医生。 What are you going to do today?,b. 表示有迹象即将要发生什么事,Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain. 瞧那乌云,天要下雨了。 The car is going to turn over. 汽车要翻了!

13、There is going to be a snowstorm. 将有一场暴风雪。,“be going to + 动词原形”与“will / shall + 动词原形”的区别,1be going to通常表示很快就要发生的事,而will/shall既可表示不久的将来,也可表示长远的将来或不确定的将来 She is going to get better. 她的病要好了。(有恢复健康的迹象) She will get better. 她的病会好的。(认为最终会恢复健康的),2will表示将来,通常是指事先无计划的意图,是临时决定的; be going to则表示事先有计划的意图,是经过考虑的。

14、,1 George phoned while you were out. 你外出的时候乔治打电话来的。 Ok. Ill phone him back. 好的,我给他回电话。(临时决定) 2 Matthew phoned while you were out. 你外出的时候马修打电话来了。 Yes, I know. Im going to phone him back. 是的,我知道了。我准备给他回电话。(早有安排),3表示有迹象显示将要发生某一动作时,要用be going to,不用will或shall。 I feel terrible. I think Im going to be sick

15、. 我觉得不舒服,我想我要生病了。 4be going to 可用于条件句,表示将来时间,will则不能。 If you are going to attend the meeting, youd better leave now. 如果你要出席会议,你最好现在就动身。,be + 动词的-ing形式,“be + 动词的-ing形式”表示根据现在的计划或安排,预期将会发生某事,这种安排不容随意改变。如 arrive, come, go, leave, move, start, stay, get 以及eat, meet, see off, die等,并与表示将来的时间状语连用。如果没有时间状语,

16、则所表示的动作有即将发生之意。 He is leaving for Xinjiang in a few days. 他几天后要动身去新疆 I am dining out tonight. 今晚我将出去吃饭 The plane is taking off soon. 飞机马上就要起飞了 The old man is dying. 那位老人快要死了。, be + 动词不定式 这一结构中的be,只有现在式 (am, is, are) 和过去式 (was, were) 两种形式。,a. 表示按计划或安排将要发生的动 The highway is to be open to traffic in May. 这条公路将在五月份通车。 Am I to take over his work? 我是不是要接管他的工作?,



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