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1、高中英语微型课教案高中英语微型课教案篇一:微型课教学设计教学设计 Teaching Procedures 教学过程设计 The title of this class is women of achievement. I want to extend both the meaning and the content of great women. Therefore I set an imaginary situation: the TV interview showYang Lan One by One on CCTV1. One day, Yang Lan interviews a hig

2、h school student of Xinxiang No. 12 Middle will provide six pictures of great women on the screen and discuss female and females rights with the student and the audience. Step1 Lead-in the video of Hillary Rodham Clinton and a Chinese saying: women can hold up half of the sky. T: “Good moring ,Ladie

3、s and Gentleman! Sit down please. An old Chinese saying goes like this: women can hold up half of the sky, which emphasizes the importance of women. Here is a video of Hillary Rodham Clinton who spoke for the female rights many times in different political stages. ” 设计意图:把中国的古语:妇女能顶半边天和希拉里克林顿的关于女权的演

4、讲放在一起,从而引出今天的话题:女性伟人。 Step2: Guessing The screen will present several paragraphs of descriptions about great women at home and abroad. Let students guess who she is. Then provide the correct answer with photos and name. 设计意图:猜词游戏不仅引起了学生的兴趣,而且介绍了一些女性伟人的背景知识。她们所做的一切以及对政治经济的影响。 Step3 Brainstorming Here

5、 I will divide the whole class into six groups and let them answer two questions about six women. And most importantly write down useful adjectives which can describe a persons qualities. I will give them three minutes to prepare for it. Then I will invite six students one from each group to present

6、 their answers and finally present the suggested answers on the screen. 设计意图:让学生相互讨论伟人应该具备怎样的人格品质或人格魅力呢。这道题目让学生集思广益,并且讲解两个生词,从而攻克学生们的词汇关。 Step4 : Interviewing Here I set a situation which is similar to Yang Lan One by One. That means every group should make up a dialogue about the topic who is the g

7、reatest woman in the world. And choose two representatives to perform their dialogue. I will work together with other students to evaluate their dialogue. Of course, I will broadcast a record first to provide an example for them.设计意图:此部分用情境教学法让学生充分参与课堂并且执行了以学生为主的新课标理念。让学生动起来,让他们自动地投身于语言学习的活动中,使他们能在课

8、堂教学活动中真正有一种学习主人的滋味,有一种成功的渴望和感受。把他们的表现欲充分调动起来,敢于表现自己,敢于运用所学的语言表达自己的观点、看法和思想。把教学活动变成了真正的交际活动,并将课堂活动推向高潮。在教学过程中学生之间的交流和相互启发、帮助和鼓励,学生从获得知识过渡到对新知识的理解、掌握和运用,激发学生的学习主动性和积极性,使学生变被动为主动,变浅层次的参与为深层次的参与。通过对话发现问题,修正错误,得到提高。使学生能鲜明地感受到学习的意义,显示了学以致用的功效。 Step5: Writing Make a composition according to their discussio

9、n (if time is limited, students can finish this part after class). Since they have discussed and talked violently about the topic, I believe that they will have something to write down, thus writing doesnt seem to be boring as usual. 设计意图:此部分内容是要求学生在上一部分充分讨论的基础上进行扩展。上一部分讨论后学生对材料和话题都有很多要说要写的东西,不至于没有任

10、何头绪,也不至于没有什么可写的。写作并非像学生们想象的那么难不可摧,通过课堂活动的精心设计,学生们会发现英语对话和写作都是非常有趣的。 Step 6 Homework down the dialogue which you have performed. a composition with the title “The Greatest Women in the World.” 篇二:英语微型课教案英语微型课教案 8B Unit 6 A Charity walk Grammar 教学目标: 1. 学习句型“its + adj +(for sb) +to do sth” 以及“ its + a

11、dj + that-clause” 2. 运用以上句型,正确的来表达自己的感受和谈论的对象。 教学重点: 学习句型“its + adj +(for sb) +to do sth” 以及“ its + adj + that-clause” 教学难点: 运用以上句型,正确的来表达自己的感受和谈论的对象。 课前准备: 1. 多媒体课件 2. 学生已经学了本单元关于乐施毅行者的知识,对句型已经有了一定的了解。 3. 教师通过创设真实的语境帮助学生进行知识的巩固。 4. 熟读 Reading 内容,了解乐施毅行者。 Step 1 Warm up 向学生问候 1. What is the most imp

12、ortant in the Oxfam Trailwalker ? 播放课件。导出 team spirit 2. Theres a basketball match in our school. What should you pay attention to before and during the match? 运用 its + adj +to do sth 句型,小组活动,讨论,成果越多越好。 请学生看课件,并讨论, 全班呈现 Step 2 Presentation 呈现: T: Ill show you my advice. (要求学生将相应的建议放到相对应的人物的房子里,见 PPT

13、) 学生总结句型结构 板书:its + adj +(for sb) +to do sth 。 Step 3 Practice 将这些句子改成 that 从句,并总结 its + adj + that-clause”Step 4 Consolidation and extension 1. T: Two pieces of good news,choose A or B? (选其中一个) 两个好消息,学校五月份会有两个活动,选择其中一个,针对问题阐述,小组活动并写下来 1. 朗读小组内容,让学生自己上台讲 2. 让学生区别 its + adj +(for sb) +to do sth its +

14、 adj +(of sb) +to do sth Step 5 Homework 1. Write down what you should do before the coming ORAL ENGLISH competition; 2. Do exercises in the Assessment Book 篇三:英语微型课教案英语微型课教案 PEP(七) Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal 第一课时:Main Scene A. Lets learnGroup work 教学目标: a. 能听、说、读、写动词短语的-ing 形式,如:diving, riding a bike,

15、 collecting stamps, playing the violin, making kites. b. 能运用句子“Whats your hobby?”询问别人的兴趣爱好并作回答。 教学重点: 掌握五个四会动词短语的-ing 形式。 教学难点: 动词短语原形与-ing 形式的区分及句型“Whats your hobby? I like.”的灵活运用。 课前准备: 多媒体课件,调查表,邮票,玩具小狗。 Step 1 Warm up 向学生问候,并出示玩具小狗。 T:Hello, every. Do you like it? Lets see a flash. Its about a d

16、og. 播放课件。 Free Talk T: I think this dog is very cute. Do you think so? Do you like it? I like it very much. You see, I like animals and I take many pictures about them. Look, here are some pictures for you. Talk about the pictures 请学生看课件,并讨论: T: Whats this? / what are these? Which animal do you like? Step 2 Presentation 1. 呈现:Whats your hobby? T: I take so many pictures , so I like taking pictures. What about you? 请学生回答 ( watching TV ,reading books, swim



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