许田教授:how to give oral presentations

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《许田教授:how to give oral presentations》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《许田教授:how to give oral presentations(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、How to Give Oral Presentations,许田 教授,下周二:马兰教授:如何正确地使用图表,复旦大学新视野系列研究生课程:科研论文的构思、撰写和发表,许田教授 82年复旦大学遗传专业毕业,87年获耶鲁大学生物学专业硕士学位、90年获博士学位,90年-93年在UC-Berkeley从事博士后研究。93到耶鲁大学执教,先后任助理教授、副教授、教授、系副主任和休斯医学研究所成员。 发明在果蝇研究中广泛使用的镶嵌体分析技术,领导研究组在抑癌基因、发育及疾病的产生机制方面有诸多重要贡献,在Cell和Nature Genetics等刊物上发表了多篇论文并获发明专利6项。 96年起在复旦

2、大学讲授研究生课程,2001年与韩珉、庄原教授一起创建了复旦大学发育生物学基地。2002年起参加本课程教学,被学生评为最佳报告人。,How to Give Oral Presentations,Tian Xu,Howard Hughes Medical Institute,Yale University,Fudan University,How to Give A Good Oral Presentations,You Need to Have Good Data!,Give Good Oral Presentations Is Essential,Communication is as im

3、portant as doing experiments,* Stimulate thoughts,* Leading the pack,* Exchange data and ideas,“Should”,Respect Yourself and Others,* Spend Time to Prepare,* Write Down Your Talk,* Practice Your Talk,* Reference Others Work,* Keep the Audience Awake,* Dont Talk About Things Unsure,Size DOES matter!,

4、“Should Not”,* Too Long,* Too Much Data,* Too Much Detail,* Too Fast,How to Prepare A Slide,Simple, Clear, Precise, Focused,* A Title for Each Slide,* Write as Brief as Possible,* Use Contrast and Comparison,Use Powerpoint,Style: Bold,Font: Comic Sans MS?,Color: Balanced,Import Images and Graphics,S

5、pelling Check: Always,Background: Dark Blue?,Animation: Yes,Use Diagrams and Images,Style: Simple and Clear,Label: Always,A picture is better than a thousand words,Give Oral Presentations,YES,NO,Shy,Panic,Use Humor,Use Intonation,Be Cool,Be Yourself,Be Polite,Organize Your Talk,Define Question,Give

6、Credits to Others,Relate to Others Work,Background,One point at A Time,Historical Events/Views,Outline Approach,Present Data,Draw Conclusion,Put into the Big Picture,Acknowledgements,Give credits to the people who have done the work and who have helped you!,Answer Questions,* Respect audience,* Listen carefully before answering questions,* When you are not sure about the question,* When you dont know the answer,Thank You For Your Attention,Dont Forget to Thank Your Audience,



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