冀教版英语七下《unit 5 li ming comes to canada》(lesson38)ppt课件

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1、Lesson 38: Always or Never?,New words,Think about it,text,Lets do it,New words,chart n. 图表 dry v. adj. 干的;变干 bike n. 自行车 wear v. 穿 sentence n. 句子,Think about it,Do you do your homework every day? Why or why not? Do you help your mother and father at home? What do you do? What does Danny never do?,di

2、alogue,MW: Ok, everyone. Lets make a chart. Li Ming, do you always do your homework? L: Yes! MW: Good! Lets put a triangle for always. Jenny, do you always help your mother? J: No, I usually help her. I usually dry the dishes. MW: Lets put a circle for usually. Steven, do you always walk to school?

3、S: I sometimes walk to school. Sometimes I ride my bike. MW: Lets put a square for sometimes. Danny, do you wear dresses? D: No! I never wear dresses! MW: Okay. Lets put a line for never.,always,usually,sometimes,never,Lets do it,Draw a chart and practice interviewing with a small group. What else c

4、an you ask? Here are some good questions! Do you always brush your teeth in the morning? Do you always watch TV in the evening?.,Lets make a chart. 让我们绘个图表。 make v. 做,制造;建造。例如: My mother made me a skirt. 我母亲为我做了一条裙子。 拓展:make a fire 生火 make money 赚钱 make war 开战 make trouble 引起麻烦 make sure 查明,弄确实 make

5、 a noise 吵闹 辨析:make与do make表示“做”出一种以前并不存在的实物。例如: -Im making a card. 我在做一张贺卡。 do表示“做”一个动作。例如: -Im doing my homework. 我在做作业。 chart n. 航海图,图表。例如: a weather chart 气象图 a physical chart 地势图,Li Ming, do you always do your homework? 李明,你总是做你的家庭作业吗? Do you always do your homework? 是一般现在时的一般疑问句。答语用:Yes, I do.

6、/ No, I dont. 例如: -Do you always go to work by bus? 你总是乘公共汽车去上班吗? -Yes, I do. /No, I dont. 是的,我是。/不,我不是。 always adv. 总是,永远,一直(反义词:never从来不)。例如: The sun always rises in the east. 太阳总是从东方升起来。,Good! Lets put a triangle for always. 好!让我们画上个三角来代替“总是”吧。 put v. 放;摆;移动,拨动;写上;标上。例如: put the children to bed 把

7、孩子放到床上。 Put down your name here. 把你的名字写在这。 拓展:put 构成的常用词组: put away 把收起来 put on 穿上(衣服) put off 推迟 put back 把(钟表)拨慢 put down 平定 triangle n. 三角形;三角形物体。例如: a triangle of land 三角形陆地,Jenny, do you always help your mother? 詹妮,你总是帮助你妈妈吗? help v. 帮助。 常用句型:help sb. do sth. / help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事。例如: Li

8、 Lei often helps me learn English. = Li Lei often helps me with my English. 李蕾经常帮助我学英语。 拓展:Help! Help! (呼救用语)救命啊!救命啊! help oneself 自用(实物) He got up and helped himself to some coffee.他站起身来给自己倒了些咖啡。,No, I usually help her. I usually dry the dishes. 不,通常我帮助她(不总是帮)。我通常把盘子擦干。 usually adv. 平常,通常(反义词:unusu

9、ally)。例如: We usually eat out on Fridays. 星期五我们通常在外面吃饭。 dry v. 把弄干;弄干;变干。例如: Our clothes soon dried. 我们的衣服不久就干了。 adj. 干的;干燥的;口干的。例如: What a dry weather! 多么干燥的天气啊! I feel dry. (dry同thirsty) 我口渴了。 拓展:dry cleaner 干洗机 dry cleaning (衣服)干洗,Lets put a circle for usually. 让我们画个圆代替“通常”。 1)circle n. 圆;圈;环状物;循环

10、。例如: a circle of trees 一圈树木 He has a large circle of friends.他又一大群朋友。 The circle of the seasons has brought us again to spring. 四季的循环再度把我们带进了春天。 2)v. 画圆圈;绕圈子。例如: The birds circled around in the air.鸟在空中绕圈子。,I sometimes walk to school . Sometimes I ride my bike.我有时候步行去上学,有时候骑自行去。 sometimes adv. 有时候。例

11、如: Sometimes I have noodles. 有时候我吃面条。 She is sometimes late.她有时迟到。,Lets put a square for sometimes. 我们画个正方形代替“有时”吧。 square n. 正方形;广场。例如: A square has four sides. 正方形有四条边。 Lets go to Tiananmen Square. 我们去天安门广场吧。 adj. 正方形的;直角的;平方的;宽而结实的。例如: There is a square box. 有一个正方形的盒子。 three square feet 3平方英尺 square shoulder 宽肩,Goodbye!,


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