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1、大连交通大学 2011 届本科生毕业设计 (论文) 外文翻译原文:New Competencies for HR What does it take to make it big in HR? What skills and expertise do you need? Since 1988, Dave Ulrich, professor of business administration at the University of Michigan, and his associates have been on a quest to provide the answers. This ye

2、ar, theyve released an all-new 2007 Human Resource Competency Study (HRCS). The findings and interpretations lay out professional guidance for HR for at least the next few years. “People want to know what set of skills high-achieving HR people need to perform even better,” says Ulrich, co-director o

3、f the project along with Wayne Brockbank, also a professor of business at the University of Michigan. Conducted under the auspices of the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and The RBL Group in Salt Lake City, with regional partners including the Society for Human Resource Managem

4、ent (SHRM) in North America and other institutions in Latin America, Europe, China and Australia, HRCS is the longest- running, most extensive global HR competency study in existence. “In reaching our conclusions, weve looked across more than 400 companies and are able to report with statistical acc

5、uracy what HR executives say and do,” Ulrich says. “The research continues to demonstrate the dynamic nature of the human resource management profession,” says SHRM President and CEO Susan R. Meisinger, SPHR. “The findings also highlight what an exciting time it is to be in the profession. We contin

6、ue to have the ability to really add value to an organization.” “HRCS is foundational work that is really important to HR as a profession,” says Cynthia McCague, senior vice president of the Coca-Cola Co., who participated in the study. “They have created and continue to enhance a framework for thin

7、king about how HR drives organizational performance.” Whats New Researchers identified six core competencies that high-performing HR professionals embody. These supersede the five competencies outlined in the 2002 HRCSthe last study publishedreflecting the continuing evolution of the HR profession.

8、Each competency is broken out into performance elements. “This is the fifth round, so we can look at past models and compare where the profession is going,” says Evren Esen, survey program manager at SHRM, which provided the sample of HR professionals surveyed in North America. “We can actually see

9、the profession changing. Some core areas remain the same, but others, 大连交通大学 2011 届本科生毕业设计 (论文) 外文翻译based on how the raters assess and perceive HR, are new.” (For more information, see “The Competencies and Their Elements,” at right.) To some degree, the new competencies reflect a change in nomencla

10、ture or a shuffling of the competency deck. However, there are some key differences. Five years ago, HRs role in managing culture was embedded within a broader competency. Now its importance merits a competency of its own. Knowledge of technology, a stand-alone competency in 2002, now appears within

11、 Business Ally. In other instances, the new competencies carry expectations that promise to change the way HR views its role. For example, the Credible Activist calls for HR to eschew neutrality and to take a standto practice the craft “with an attitude.” To put the competencies in perspective, its

12、helpful to view them as a three-tier pyramid with Credible Activist at the pinnacle. Credible Activist. This competency is the top indicator in predicting overall outstanding performance, suggesting that mastering it should be a priority. “Youve got to be good at all of them, but, no question, this

13、competency is key,” Ulrich says. “But you cant be a Credible Activist without having all the other competencies. In a sense, its the whole package.” “Its a deal breaker,” agrees Dani Johnson, project manager of the Human Resource Competency Study at The RBL Group in Salt Lake City. “If you dont come

14、 to the table with it, youre done. It permeates everything you do.” The Credible Activist is at the heart of what it takes to be an effective HR leader. “The best HR people do not hold back; they step forward and advocate for their position,” says Susan Harmansky, SPHR, senior director of domestic r

15、estaurant operations for HR at Papa Johns International in Louisville, Ky., and former chair of the Human Resource Certification Institute. “CEOs are not waiting for HR to come in with optionsthey want your recommendations; they want you to speak from your position as an expert, similar to what you

16、see from legal or finance executives.” “You dont want to be credible without being an activist, because essentially youre worthless to the business,” Johnson says. “People like you, but you have no impact. On the other hand, you dont want to be an activist without being credible. You can be dangerous in a situation like that.” Below Credible Activist on the pyramid is a cluster of three competencies: Cultural Steward, Talent M


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