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1、Unit 9 When was he born?,Deng Yaping ping-pong player Born:,Michael Jordan basketball player Born:,Martina Hingis tennis player Born:,David Beckham football player Born:,1973,1963,1980,1975,International Sports Stars,Deng Yaping is a famous and outstanding athlete.She won lots of gold medals for Chi

2、na.,A: Whos that? B: Thats Deng Yaping.She is a great Chinese ping-pong player.A: When was she born? B: She was born in 1973.,Name :,Time:,Deng Yaping,about 5 years old,Start playing ping-pong,When Deng Yaping was about 5 years old, she started playing ping-pong.,A: Whos that? B: Thats Michael Jorda

3、n _.He is a great _American basketball playerA: When was he born? B: He was born in _ 1963 _.,talented,(有天赋的),unusual,(不寻常的),A: Whos that? B: Thats _.She is a great _. A: When was she born? B: She was born in _.,Martina Hingis,Swiss tennis player,1980,A: Whos that? B: Thats _.He is a great _. A: Whe

4、n was he born? B: He was born in _.,David Beckham,British football player,1975,1922,1990,69 years and 5 months,1981.1.13,1983.9.16,978 days,A: How long did Charles Smith hiccup?B: He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.A: When did he start hiccupping?B: He started in 1922.A: When did he stop hiccupp

5、ing?B: He stopped in 1990.,1922,1990,978 days,Jan 13, 1981,Sep16, 1983,A: How long did Charles Smith hiccup? B: He hiccupped for years and months. A: When did he start hiccupping? B: He started in . A: When did he stop hiccupping? B: He stopped in .,69,5,1922,1990,A: Who is Shirley Temple? B: Shes a

6、 movie star. A: When did she become a movie star? B: When she was three years old.,time:,Yao Ming,Name :,18 years old,Play for national basketball team,When Yao Ming was 18 years old, he played for national basketball team.,Name :,Liu Xuan,Time:,17 years old,win a gold medal,When Liu Xuan was 17 yea

7、rs old, she won a gold medal.,Name :,Tiger Woods,time:,ten months old,Start playing golf,When Tiger Woods was only ten months old, he started playing golf.,玛蒂娜辛吉斯(Martina Hingis,1980年9月30日生于捷克斯洛伐克的科希策)是瑞士网球女运动员。截至目前,她共获得5次四大网球公开赛(大满贯)女子单打冠军,9次大满贯女子双打冠军。她亦曾在1997年、1999年和2000年三度成为WTA单打年终世界排名第一位的球员。 在其巅

8、峰时刻的1998年,她一举囊括了四大满贯的女子双打赛事冠军。她也曾经长期是女子国际网联单打和双打世界排名第一的选手(共209周WTA单打世界排名第一,至今仍是现役女子球员中在位期最长的球后),她亦曾在1997年以不足17岁之龄勇夺四大满贯女子单打赛事的其中三个冠军和余下一个亚军。辛吉斯曾经创造了多项“最年轻选手纪录”,,梅兰芳简介: 梅兰芳(1894-1961),名澜,又名鹤鸣,字畹华、浣华,别署缀玉轩主人,艺名兰芳。江苏泰州人,1894年生于北京,他出生于京剧世家,10岁登台在北京广和楼演出天仙配,工花旦,1908年搭喜连成班,1911年北京各界举行京剧演员评选活动,张贴菊榜,梅兰芳名列第三

9、名探花。1913年他首次到上海演出,在四马路大新路口丹桂第一台演出了彩楼配、玉堂春、穆柯寨等戏,初来上海就风靡了整个江南,当时里巷间有句俗话:“讨老婆要像梅兰芳,生儿子要像周信芳”。他吸收了上海文明戏、新式舞台、灯光、化妆、服装设计等改良成分,返京后创演时装新戏孽海波澜,第二年再次来沪,演了五花洞、真假潘金莲、贵妃醉酒等拿手好戏,一连唱了34天。 回京后,梅兰芳继续排演新戏嫦娥奔月、春香闹学、黛玉葬花等。1916年第三次来沪,连唱45天,1918年后,移居上海,这是他戏剧艺术炉火纯青的顶峰时代,多次在天蟾舞台演出。综合了青衣、花旦、刀马旦的表演方式,创造了醇厚流丽的唱腔,形成独具一格的梅派。1

10、915年,梅. 新闻动态,姓名:罗纳尔多(Ronaldo)国籍:巴西 场上位置:前锋 出生日期:1976年9月22日 身高:180cm 体重:75kg 现效力俱乐部:皇家马德里 曾效力俱乐部:克鲁塞罗、埃因霍温、巴塞罗那、国际米兰,巴西国家队的主力前锋,2002年世界杯上的最佳射 手。职业生涯至今保持相当高的进球率,是一部名 副其实的进球机器,2次世界足球先生称号得主。,刘璇(1979年生)中国女子体操运动员,湖南人。1984年在湖南省长沙市吉祥巷读书时,就开始了体 操训练, 8岁时进入湖南省队,13岁入选国家队。 她是20世纪90年 代 中国 体操女队 全盛时期的主力队员之一,也是中国第一位

11、参加 两届 奥 运会的 女子体操选手。,You are never too young to start doing things.,Talk about your first time:,Talk about your first time:,I first went to a movie when I was 7 years old. It was an action movie called Shaolin Temple. Jack first,A: Who is Shirley Temple?,B: She is a movie star.,A: When did she become

12、 a movie star?,B: When she was three years old.,Pairwork,golfing,10 months old,movie star,3 years old,writing music,4 years old,performing Beijing Opera,10 years old,played for national team,17 years old,World Championships gold medal,17 years old,Writing,Write a passage about your favorite star.,to

13、otostart doing thingsfor examplewrite musicplay fornational team,太而不能 开始做某事 例如 作曲 为比赛 国家队,the well-known Chinese pianistlove musichum songspieces of musicbegin to learn the accordionat the age of fourtake part inwin the first prizein the 70-year history,著名的中国钢琴家 热爱音乐 哼歌 乐曲 开始学习手风琴 在四岁的时候 参加 获得第一名 在70年的历史上,性别:男 地区:内地 职业:演奏家 李云迪生于四川重庆,自幼酷爱音乐,并流露对音乐敏感的天性。四岁开始在重庆市少年宫随谭建明学习手风琴,一年后即在重庆少儿手风琴比赛中获幼儿组第一名。七岁转学钢琴,启蒙于吴勇,九岁起师从但昭义教授,开始接受严格的专业训练,琴艺突飞猛进。94年以第一名的成绩考入四川音乐学院附中,开始从事钢琴专业的正规学习,并陆续在国内外一系列钢琴比赛中崭露头角。.,


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