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1、Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,6,肘静脉、下肢、上腔、右心房、右心室、肺动脉的静脉氧分压?,静脉采血点的氧分压 血压,Hypoxia occurs more easily than hypercarbia.,Why?,PaO2的降低 远多于 PaCO2的升高,出着容易进着难,浓度差、物理弥散化学解离性质,气体分压,Pt,=,+,+,+,P1,P2,P3,P4,气

2、体分压 PO2+ PCO2= a constant,In the alveolus, the mixture of gasses contains nitrogen, water vapor, trace gasses, oxygen and carbon dioxide. At the end of a breath, the pressure in the alveolus = atmospheric pressure. So PB=PN2+ PH2O + Ptracegasses+ PO2+ PCO2Or PO2+ PCO2= a constant一个多了另一个就少了,The burly

3、 alveolus (high V/Q). The weakling alveolus (low V/Q).,A fundamental question:,In terms of arterial O2 and CO2 tensions, can the burly alveolus compensate for the weakling alveolus?for PaO2. Yes or No?for PaCO2. Yes or No?This basic fact explains a lot. Know it cold.,The weakling alveolus (shunt or

4、V/Q mismatch),The burly alveolus,Can the burly alveolus compensate for the weakling alveolus? Not for oxygen! The burly alveolus cant saturate hemoglobin more than 100%. SaO2 of equal admixture of burly and weakling alveolar blood = 89%,pO2 = 50 mm Hg,SaO2 = 75%,pO2 = 50 mm Hg,SaO2 = 80%,SaO2 = 75%,

5、SaO2 = 98%,pO2 = 130 mm Hg,pO2 = 40 mm Hg,pO2 = 130 mm Hg,pO2 = 40 mm Hg,肌体的 储备和动员,The weakling alveolus,The burly alveolus,Can the burly alveolus compensate for the weakling alveolus? Yes, for CO2! The burly alveolus, if it tries real hard, can blow off extra CO2. Pulmonary venous blood pCO2 and Pa

6、CO2 = 40 mm Hg,pCO2 = 44 mm Hg,pCO2 = 44 mm Hg,pCO2 = 36 mm Hg,pCO2 = 46 mm Hg,pCO2 = 36 mm Hg,pCO2 = 46 mm Hg,健壮的肺能排出更多的二氧化碳而吸进和运载储备更多的氧,Shunt, or “weakling” (low V/Q)alveolus SaO2 = 75%,“Burly” (high V/Q) alveolusSaO2 = 99%,Normal alveolus SaO2 = 96%,Equal admixture of “weakling” and “burly” alveo

7、lar blood has SaO2 = (75 + 99)/ 2 = 87%.,Average alveolar PACO2 = 40 mm Hg. Hence, PaCO2 = 40 mm Hg,For CO2, burly alveolus CAN compensate for the weakling alveolus.,Weakling alveolus,Burly alveolus,Normal alveolus,Admixture of burly and weakling alveolar blood,二氧化碳的事好解决,氧的事不好办,面积时间溶解缓冲难受都有余地,有通气量就行

8、。,PaO2 is always slightly lower than PAO2?,问题,什么是肺内分流、肺外分流? 正常肺内分流多少? 分流的形式有哪些? 分流增加的结果? 分流量如何判断评估测算? 怎么减少分流?,1. Gas exchange, 2. A key to lung disorders, 3. Uneven distribution of tidal volume and perfusion, 4. Blood gases, 5. The PO2 - PCO2 diagram, 6. The VA / Q- curve, 7. Blood-R-curves, 8. Dead

9、 space, 9. Anatomic venous-to-arterial shunt, 10. Ficks law of diffusion, 11. Single -breath diffusing capacity, 12. Compensation of VA /Q - mismatch, 13. Pulmonary bloodflow, 14. Regional ventilation. ,Pulmonary Shunting,肺循环、体循环、冠脉循环,肺内分流量(Qsp,Qs/Qt)概念,每一次右心室搏出的血液均进入肺循环,经过氧合作用后流回左心。生理条 件下,心排血量(Qt)只

10、有很小部分未经氧合直接回入左心,此部分血量称为解 剖分流。在没有房、室间隔或其他心血管缺陷的前提下,生理性的解剖分流由支气管 动脉的部分血液营养支气管后,血中氧已被消耗,流回入肺静脉,还有少量冠状 静脉血流通过迷走静脉(Thebesian Vein)也直接回入左心所形成,一般在5% 以下。 在病理情况下,如因炎性渗出液或水肿液充满肺泡腔或因肺不张肺泡完全萎 陷时,吸入气完全不能进入该病变区肺泡内,虽然血流仍经过此区域但不能进行 气体交换,含还原血红蛋白的静脉血直接回入左心,宛如有右至左的分流存在。 此部分因病理原因引起的分流和解剖分流的总和称为肺内分流(Qs)。当肺内分流占心排血量成分过大时,

11、将引起低氧血症。此种低氧血症与上述 V/Q失调所引起的低氧血症有所不同,它不伴有CO2分压的升高,而PA-aO2显 著增加,而且不能因提高吸入气氧浓度使之得到改善。,1. The word “shunt” refers to blood that has not exchanged gases that mixes with blood that has exchanged gases.2. Sources of shunt: Thebesian circulationthat perfuses the left ventricle then dumps into the left ventr

12、icle.Bronchial circulation that perfuses lung tissue and empties into the pulmonary vein. In normal people this accounts for about 2-4% of total blood flow. Perfusing collapsed alveoli or having a hole in the wall of the atria or ventricles will producea right to left shunt.,左冠状动脉主要供应左心室前部,右冠状动脉主要供应

13、左心室后部和右心室。 左冠状动脉的血液流经毛细血管和静脉后,主要经由冠状窦回流入右心房, 而右冠状动脉的血液则主要经较细的心前静脉直接回流入右心房。 还有一小部分冠脉血液可通过心最小静脉直接流入左、右心房和心室腔内。,Pulmonary Shunting,PERFUSION WITHOUT VENTILATIONPulmonary shunt is that portion of the cardiac output that enters the left side of the heart without coming in contact with an alveolus. “True”

14、 Shunt No contact Anatomic shunts (Thebesian, Pleural, Bronchial) Cardiac anomaliesintrapulmonary fistulavascular lung tumors“Shunt-Like” (Relative) Shunt contact but not enough Some ventilation, but not enough to allow for complete equilibration between alveolar gas and perfusion.,True Shunt,Anatom

15、ic shunts+Capillary Shunt Alveolar collapse (atelectasis) Alveolar fluid accumulation (pulmonary edema) Alveolar consolidation (pneumonia),Ture Shunts are refractory to oxygen therapy. oxygen therapy will NOT help(at least to the expected degree).,解剖分流,生理情况下,肺内也存在解剖分流(anatomic shunt),即有一小部分静脉血经支气管静脉

16、和肺 内动静脉吻合支直接流入肺静脉,以及心内最小静脉直接流至左心,其分流量约占心输出量 的23。这部分血液未经氧合即流入体循环动脉血中,称之为真性分流(真性静脉血掺杂, ture venous admixture)。解剖分流增加的原因可见于:支气管扩张时伴有支气管血管扩张,和肺小血管栓塞时肺动 脉压增高导致的肺内动静脉短路开放;以及慢性阻塞性肺病时,支气管静脉与肺静脉之间形 成的吻合支等,都使相当多的静脉血掺人动脉血中。肺不张或肺实变时,病变肺泡完全无通气功能,但仍有血流,流经该处的血液完全未进行 气体交换而掺入动脉血中,类似解剖分流。临床呼吸衰竭的发病机制中,单纯通气不足,单纯弥散障碍,单纯

17、的肺内分流或死腔通气 增加的情况较少,常常是几个因素共同或相继发生作用。如慢性阻塞性肺病发生呼吸衰竭的机 制为:支气管炎症、分泌物堵塞等引起气道狭窄或阻塞,而有明显的阻塞性肺通气障碍; 呼吸肌疲劳所致的呼吸动力减弱,肺组织的炎症、间质和肺的纤维化以及累及胸膜,引起肺和 胸廓顺应性的降低,导致限制性肺通气障碍;肺泡的纤维化、炎症等引起肺泡膜损伤,弥散 面积减少和弥散距离增加,导致弥散障碍;由于部分肺泡的通气减少或丧失,造成功能性分 流增加。由于毛细血管床的破坏,血管的重建使部分肺泡的肺血流明显减少,造成死腔样通气 增加,从而导致VAQ失调;由于动静脉吻合支的开放等引起真性分流显著增多。由解剖分流增加引起的换气障碍,其血气变化也仅有PaO2降低。鉴别功能性与真性分流 的一个有效方法是吸入纯氧,若吸入纯氧30min能提高PaO2,则为功能性分流;而对真性分流, 则吸入纯氧无明显提高PaO2的作用。,


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