专八听力会话 4大题型及解题技巧

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《专八听力会话 4大题型及解题技巧》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专八听力会话 4大题型及解题技巧(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第二周第二周 听力会话听力会话 留篇章页。今日讲堂今日讲堂星期星期 1 Monday 4 大题型及解题技巧大题型及解题技巧纵观历年真题,会话的形式分为对话与访谈两类,近年来考试以访谈为主。访谈又可 分为采访与面试。无论是对话、采访还是面试,试题按照考查内容划分可以分为四种题型: 主旨题、细节题、推断题、观点态度题。 一、主旨题一、主旨题 主旨题主要考查考生对访谈或对话的主题(topic 或 main point)和访谈或对话的大 意(main idea)的概括或判断能力。 这种题型考试中比例不是很大,此题型常见的提问方式有: The interview mainly focus on The

2、main idea of this interview is The interview is mainly about From the conversation, we get the impression that 【例 1】(09-5) 5. The interview mainly focuses on A the background information. B the description of training courses. C the requirements of public speaking. D the overall personal growth.M: G

3、ood morning, Mrs. Collins, welcome to our studio. As a distinguished member of Toastmasters International, could you tell us a bit about the background of the organization? W:It was founded in 1924 by Ralph Smedley and its headquartered in California. M: Then, who is Toastmasters open to? And what k

4、ind of members do you have now? 【分析】文中主要内容都是围绕 Toastmasters 这一组织进行介绍,包括它所面向的人群、 训练内容和方法、对受训的个体能带来的好处等,这些均属于对 Toastmasters 的背景知识 的介绍。排版注意:下面几个排版注意:下面几个【解题技巧解题技巧】排版方式,排版方式, “解题技巧解题技巧”四个字排在小菱形格内,即类似四个字排在小菱形格内,即类似 于下面形式于下面形式【解题技巧】 1 利用录音中读 direction 的时间预览题干和选项,注意重复频率较高的词或短语,听音 时,基本上对主题有个大概的了解,缩小听音重点。 2

5、同时,听音时注意寻听主题句。由于文体不同,对话或访谈主题句在文中的位置不尽 相同。但多数听力原文的主题句位于访谈或对话的开始或结尾的总结句。二、细节题二、细节题 细节题主要针对对话或访谈中的某个细节提问。考查对于会话中所提及的多项具体信 息的辨别能力和理解能力。这类命题占到试题比例的 80%左右。根据其具体考查方式的不同,又可以分为两种情 况: 1细节理解题细节理解题 考查对交谈中某个表达或者说法的理解或阐释,或考查对话双方或被采访者所做某事 的原因、过程、结果等细节的理解。提问方式有: The interview says that is What said means that Accor

6、ding to ,means 【例 2】 (08-4)4. Mary thinks that people dont need to do much travel nowadays as a result of A less emphasis on personal contact. B advances in modern telecommunications. C recent changes in peoples concepts. D more potential damage to the area.W: Yeah, but its, its just so, so damaging

7、 to the whole area, I think, airports, from my point of view, the whole concept is out-dated, really. Um, with modern technology, were going to make a lot of travel unnecessary really.【分析】选B。女士认为人们现在根本不需要那么多旅行的原因是现代技术的进步,随后 又给出了例证,通过电话和客户交流就可以免受旅行奔波之苦。因此,答案为B。2细节辨认题细节辨认题考查对话或访谈中提到三个或三个以上的事物的辨别能力,即某一

8、细节或事实是否在对 话双方或被采访的回答中被提及。问题为排除或者直接提问其中的一个,既要求对号入座。 此类题型答案一般包含于原文之中。提问中的标志性词语是 not,except。 【例 3】 (09-2)2. The following are job benefits by joining Toastmasters EXCEPT A becoming familiar with various means of communication. B learning how to deliver messages in an organized way. C becoming aware of

9、audience expectations. D learning how to get along with friends.M: Another question is how can Toastmasters help you in job situations? W: By becoming involved in Toastmasters, you will learn different methods of communicating what you really want to say. And equally important, you will learn what y

10、our audience expects from you so you can deliver that message to them in a logical fashion. Some people are comfortable around friends, but when they appear before a group they dont know, they get tense. 【分析】文中提到了 Toastmasters 能够帮助学员学到不同的沟通方式,了解听众需要并有 逻辑性地、有效地将信息传达给听众(. you will learn different meth

11、ods of communicatingwhat your audience expects from you so you can deliver that message to them in a logical fashion.) 。由此可见,只有D未被提到,故为答案。 【解题技巧】 1 对于细节理解题,采用的方法主要就是抓住信号词和关键词并对接下来的内容做重点 笔记;若题干内容为采访人的明确提问,当听到采访人提问时要注意下面的回答并记 下重点。同时记住正确答案往往是“句意解释” 、 “同义转换”和“信息再现”等。 2 对于细节辨认题,把所给的选择项大体上看一下,然后,根据选择项提供的线

12、索,寻 听文中相应的部分,记下重点,与文中内容一致的即可肯定,不一致的即可否定。三、推断题三、推断题 推断题主要考查考生对对话重要细节的引申含义的理解,要求考生在理解原文所直接 陈述的观点或事实的基础上,进行合乎逻辑的进一步推理,领悟作者的言外之意。 推断题是相对较难的一种题型,需要考生对一个或几个细节有深层次的理解。常见的 提问方式有: Which of the following statements is CORRECT? According to, .It can be assumed/inferred from the interview 【例 4】 (10-5)5. Accordi

13、ng to the interview, religious diversity A was most evident between 1990 and 2000. B exists among Muslim immigrants. C is restricted to certain places in the US. D is spreading to more parts of the country.M: But the point is that these religions didnt settle everywhere. They settled mainly in Calif

14、ornian and major Northeastern and Midwestern cities, such as New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and Minneapolis.【分析】男士最后谈到 religious diversity 时说these religions didnt settle everywhere. They settled mainly in Californian and major Northeastern and Midwestern cities,由此可以推断, 宗教差异主要局限于几个城市,C为答案。【解题技巧】1 听音

15、前,根据选项特点及选项内容,推测问题可能考查的核心内容,确定听音时应重 点关注哪些细节,以便更好地进行推断。 2 听音时,留意那些表明上下文逻辑关系的关联词,如并列、转折、因果等关系的关联 词,通过这些关联语,抓住重点信息,从面提高推理与判断的准确性。 3 此外,因为问题考查的内容一般都与主题相关。因此,听音时重点留意与主题密切相 关的选项,与主题无关的选项直接排除。 四、观点态度题四、观点态度题 观点态度题主要针对会话双方对所讨论的话题所表现的个人态度进行提问。要求考生 根据对话者说话的语音、语调、语气以及谈话内容,判断出说话者对某人、某事或某物的 态度及观点。 观点态度题在考试中所占比例也

16、不是很大,题干中的标志性词语是 attitude towards, 选项多为表示观点态度的形容词,如:negative, positive, ambiguous, neutral, optimistic, pessimistic, indifferent, critical, disappointed, depressed, impartial 等等。 【例 5】 (08-5)5. We learn from the conversation that Freddy M: Yes, youre right. But for a lot of people, is _ Marys ideas. A strongly in favour of B mildl


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