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1、大学英语六级讲义(3),外国语学院 吴 翠 2010-4-6,I快速阅读,Bound for the ISS Blast off Suborbital vehicles and orbital cities On the verge of Space agency/accommodation Was scheduled to air in fall 2001 Be eliminated from Rule sb. /sth . out Be underway to do sth . Rotate, rotary, rotation Space shuttle,准备去,朝着,发射升空,爆炸,亚轨

2、道,在.即将发生之际,太空旅行社/住宿,计划于开播,被淘汰,排除,进行中,旋转 转动,宇宙飞船,According to their vision statement Luxurious surroundings Conduct research In regard to have no regard to others Exotic retreat The haves and have-nots Listening comprehension Tenant/lessee/lessor Brush up on Diagnose(sis)/prescribe/symptom I subscrib

3、e to the view that Sneak up on me/endanger Nature/nurture Comprehensive study of. Cater to/notably curb/file a lawsuit/compensation Make a concession/intimidate,愿景陈述,奢华的,做,执行,关于,不顾及他人,有异国情调的度假胜地,穷人/富人,房客租户/承租人/出租人,重温(已经荒疏的知识技巧),诊断/开药/方症状,同意,不知不觉患上/危及,天性/后天培养,综合性的,迎合,满足/明显显著地,马路牙子约束/诉讼/赔偿,让步/恐吓威胁,Utm

4、ost/ultimate Take to drinking/expel sb. From Refined/manual Literate/literacy,literal/literary/literature Bloom period/blossom Broom/groom / boom Reading comprehension Distress/agony/grief(grieve to deathQ29) Weigh sb . down Catastrophic loss,catastrophe大灾难,最大的极度的/达到极限的,上瘾/驱逐,文雅的,精华的/手工的,手册,有读写能力的/字

5、面的/文学的,花期/果树上的花,扫帚/新郎/繁荣,极大/度的痛苦,使人感到沮丧,A close call: almost an accident , disaster or a failure be Better off without sb.sth Now that : because of the fact that(Q48)既然 Passage One elaborate mechanism for processing information A cluster of Retrieve memories Appraise a situation=asses Perspiration O

6、ther than=except,几乎造成,若没更快乐或自在,精细的处理信息的机制,一束,重获,评估,流汗,Perspiration流汗 Other than=except Slump=depression=recession Passage Two Scheming corporate crooks Take the blame for Meet with blank stares Manipulate contracts Constrain-constraint latest rash of corporate scandals Tactic(s)=strategy Alert sb. to the malpractice Be of utmost importance in Ethic(s)-ethnic(Q62)伦理道德;种族的 be deemed to be /that,诡计多端的企业诈骗犯,把某事归咎于,遭遇白眼,操纵合同,约束,不好的大量出现,警告玩忽职守,被视为,被认为,


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