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1、规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练,为什么要感谢老师?,你为高考做了哪些准备?,你如何才能使你的大学生活丰富多彩?你将如何去做?,规范练,规范练,规范练,Devoted to my study every day,which has good equipment and learned professors,规范练,Instead of being buried in books the whole day,only when we have a common ground can I make my college life more colorful,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练(十

2、三),本课内容结束,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练,写信的目的和自身的情况。,入学的准备工作有哪些。,学校的课程等与学校生活相关的事宜。,规范练,规范练,规范练,which I suppose will benefit me greatly in the long term,规范练,What puzzles me,what to be prepared for the test,I will greatly appreciate it,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练(十四),本课内容结束,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练,向Bob道歉并说明原因。,补救的措施。,规范练,规范练,规范练,N

3、ot being able to go to the bookstore with you makes me so regretful,which is quite out of expectation,规范练,For the first time to visit our city,caused by me,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练(十五),本课内容结束,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练,你推荐的名胜古迹是哪里?,你推荐此名胜的理由。,你的美好祝愿。,规范练,规范练,strongly recommended to you by me,which is visible from outer

4、 space,Owing to Thanks to/As a result of,规范练,embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练(十六),本课内容结束,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练,学汉语是有些难,即使对中国人来说也不容易,无需烦恼。,给出学习汉语的一些方法或建议。,祝其成功。,规范练,规范练,Knowing that you are interested in the traditional Chinese literature,Nothing is harder,It is even hard for na

5、tive Chinese speakers to learn them well,规范练,where you can learn how to read and write the characters,keeping on learning and reading,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练(十七),本课内容结束,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练,陈述现象。,提出措施:,坚持锻炼;,合理计划;,注意饮食。,规范练,规范练,规范练,With time becoming limited and schoolwork beginning to pile up,规范练,To beg

6、in with,to reduce stress and help people relax,,It is the best way to do some physical exercise,is of great importance,what to do,规范练,Only if we can do these three things mentioned above will we,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练(十八),本课内容结束,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练,我喜欢的季节是春天。,我喜欢春天的两个理由:春天万物生长;春天心情愉快。,规范练,规范练,规范练,When aske

7、d which season I like best,规范练,the reason why I like spring best,giving the earth a pretty coat,Walking in nature,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练(十九),本课内容结束,规范练,规范练,规范练,规范练,阐述对此名言的理解。,举例证明我的理解。,规范练,规范练,without being actually carried out,规范练,to outline my goals and practical steps,I eventually was honored with the first prize,which came from,规范练,规范练,规范练(二十),本课内容结束,规范练,


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