九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题 牛津译林版9

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1、1扬州市梅岭中学九年级英语质量检测扬州市梅岭中学九年级英语质量检测(试卷满分:140 分 考试时间:100 分钟) 第第卷卷 选择题选择题 计计 9090 分分 一、听力(一、听力(2020 分)第一部分分)第一部分 听十段对话,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每 段对话听两遍。 1. Who are they talking about?A B C 2. What does the boy begin to do at five?A B C 3. What kind of programme does the girl like best?A B C 4. What com

2、petition does Simon think Kitty should enter for?A B C 5. A. At a library. B. At the doctors. C. At a bookshop. 6. A. $ 50.B. $ 35. C. $70. 7. A. 20 minutes.B. A quarter. C. 5 minutes. 8. A. Twelve.B. Nine. C. Fifteen. 9. A. It will be rainy.B. It will be cloudy. C. It will be sunny. 10. A. Go windo

3、w shopping.B. See a moving. C. Go to a park. 第二部分第二部分 听对话和短文答题听对话和短文答题 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。 听一段对话,回答 1112 题 11. When will the man have the party? A. This Saturday evening.B. Next Friday evening. C. This Sunday Evening. 12. What did the man want the woman to bring for the party? A. A present. B. Nothi

4、ng. C. Her friend. 听短文,回答第 1315 小题 QQ is students favourite letterThe ways of using QQ To talk about 13 and chat; To exchange test answers and chat; To 14 good articles and pictures on it; To make a record of their lives The reasons of using QQ Its 15 to their friendship and they can relax and talk

5、freely.213. A. housework B. homework C. hobbies 14. A. put B. make C. search 15. A. helpful B. harmful C. thankful 听短文,完成 1620 题(听两遍) 16. How do most people go to their workplaces in Nanjing?A. By bus. B. By underground. C. By car. 17. How much is the ticket for the bus?A. Only 1 yuan. B. More than

6、2 yuan.C. 1 or 2 yuan. 18. What will a person do when he doesnt want to help the elderly on the bus?A. He will stand up and look out of the window.B. He will sit on the seat and look at the elderly.C. He will listen to music with eyes closed. 19. Why should we help each other?A. Because we know each

7、 other. B. Because we will need others help one day.C. Because we are students. 20. How can we help a person in need when taking a bus?A. Buy the ticket for him. B. Let the elderly get on the bus first.C. Make the children give their seats to you. 二、单项选择单项选择(每小题 1 分,计 15 分)在下列各题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个能填入

8、题干空白处的最佳答案。 21. -Look! There is beautiful rainbow in the sky-Take the books for me, Id like to take a photo of rainbow before it disappears A. a; the B. the; aC. the; the D. a; a 22. -Its clever _ you to help me work out this difficult maths problem. Thanks. - You are welcome. Now its easier _ you t

9、o understand it. A. of; of B. of; for C. for; of D. for; for 23. -There was hardly anything left after the earthquake, _?-_. People had to rebuild their houses.A. wasnt there; Yes B. was there; No C. wasnt there; No D. was there; Yes 24. -Will you go to Lucys birthday party this Sunday, Li lei? -_ I

10、 if you _. A. So do; go B. So will; go C. Neither do; will go D. So shall; will go 25. -Would you like some salad ? -Yes , please . Its my favourite . I think _ is more delicious than salad . A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 26. _Jimmy knows he may fail, _he will still try.A. Though

11、; but B. Though; / C. But; though D. But; / 27. These broken pieces of plates dont fit together, they _ parts of different ones. A. cant be B. can be C. mustnt beD. must be 28. Nobody except Li Ping and Liu Ying _ at school this time yesterday .A. are B. has been C. was D. were 29. Green represents

12、_. When you feel tired, you can wear green. A. sadness B. purity C. joy D. energy 30. I wanted to buy a copy of The Youth, but there was _ left in the bookshop. 3_has just bought the last one. A. no one; Everybody B. something; Nobody C. anyone; Somebody D. none; Somebody 31. -I dont know _. Can you

13、 help me? -I think you should calm down and read texts.A. how to do B. what to do it C. what to do D. when to do 32. - How do I look white, Mike? -Well, I would choose grey. White looks bad a boy with dark skin A. in; inBon; onCon; inDin; on 33. What _ great difficulty they had _ a living in old day

14、s! A. /, made B. /, making C. a, made D. a, making 34. -Would you mind me turning on the TV? -_. Dad is sleeping.A. Of course not. B. Certainly C. Youd better not. D. No, I wouldnt. 35. -Thank you, Mille and Kitty. It was kind of you to help me with my lessons. - - _A. With pleasure. B. Better not. C. Of course not D. Its our pleasure. 三、三、完完形形填填


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