2011年江苏牛津7b unit 1基础知识复习归纳课件(新授与中考复习均可)

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2011年江苏牛津7b unit 1基础知识复习归纳课件(新授与中考复习均可)_第1页
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1、,2011届江苏省中考一轮复习基础知识7B Unit 3,Book 7B Unit Three Finding your way,Comic strip and welcome to the unit Follow me, Eddie.埃迪,跟我来。follow v. 跟随Follow me, please. Ill show you the way.请跟我走。我来给你指路。I think were being followed.我认为有人跟踪我们。The boy often follows me home.to the park.,I dont want you to follow my e

2、xample.我不希望你走我的老路。2. Finding your way. 找出路。way n. 路,路线Can you tell me the way to the park?你能告诉我去公园的路吗?We went the long way around.我们绕了个大圈子。Its the shortest way from A to B.这是从A地到B地最短的路线。,Which is the way to the museum?向到博物馆怎么走? 3. Lets go down here.咱们从这儿下。down adv. 向下 prep. 沿而下He jumped down off the

3、 tree.他从树上跳下。She looked down at her feet.她低头看着她的脚。He bent down to pick up his gloves.他俯身捡起了手套。,The teacher has to go and lie down for a while.老师不得不去躺一会儿。Tears ran down her face. (=along)泪水顺着她的脸庞流下来。Go down this road till you reach the traffic lights.沿着这条路一直走到红绿灯处。Lots of stones are rolling down the

4、hill.好多石头正从山上滚下。 5. Dont be afraid. 别怕。afraid adj. 害怕,担心;恐怕 (=frightened)be afraid of sth /sb 害怕某物/某人,She is very afraid of dogs.她很怕狗。Are you afraid of your teachers?你怕你的老师吗?be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事=be afraid to do sthThe girl is afraid of going out alone at night.The girl is afraid to go out al

5、one at night.那女孩害怕夜间单独出门。He isnt afraid of singing at all before us.He isnt afraid to sing at all before us.他一点都不害怕在我们面前唱歌。,be afraid that( 句子) 恐怕I am afraid that I cant help you.恐怕我帮不了你的忙。I am afraid we cant come.恐怕(很遗憾),我们来不了。Is there any left? Im afraid not.还有剩的吗?恐怕没有了。Will it hurt? Im afraid so.

6、会疼吗? 恐怕会疼。,The zoo is north of Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.动物园位于北京阳光中学北侧。north n. 北,北方,北部south n. 南,南方,南部west n. 西,西方,西部east n. 东,东方,东部north-east n. 东北,东北方north-west n. 西北,西北方south-east n. 东南,东南方south-west n. 西南,西南方,关于表示方位的几种用法:1)A地处于B地的范围内时,用:be in the of Nantong is in the north of Jiangsu.南通

7、位于江苏的北部。(南通在江苏内)His house is in the east of Nantong.他家位于南通的东部。(他家在南通内)Is Wolf Hill in the south of our city?狼山在我市的南侧吗?(狼山在我市内)Taiwan is _ the south-east of China.,in,2)A地处于B地的范围外时,用:be to the of . (此种用法中 to the 可省去)Japan is to the east of China.Japan is east of China. 日本位于中国的东部。Nantong Hospital is t

8、o the east of our school.Nantong Hospital is east of our school.南通医院位于我校的东侧。The Peoples Park is to the west of my house.The Peoples Park is west of my house.人民公园在我家南侧。Nanjiao Park is to the south of Nantong University.Nanjiao Park is south of Nantong University.,3)A地与B地相接壤时,则用:be on the of North Kor

9、ea is on the north-east of China.朝鲜位于中国的东北部。India is on the south-west of China.印度位于中国的西南部。Zhejiang is on the south of Jiangsu.浙江在江苏的南部。Anhui is on the west of Jiangsu.安徽在江苏的西部。Shandong is on the north of Jiangsu.山东在江苏的北部。,Reading:1. the twin brothers 双胞胎兄弟twin adj. 双胞胎的 n. 双胞胎Tom is Millies twin br

10、other.汤姆是米莉的孪生弟弟。Millie is Toms twin sister.米莉是汤姆的孪生姐姐。Millie and Tom are twins.米莉和汤姆是双胞胎。 2. three men in police uniform三个着警服的男子,police (常与the连用)警察,警方Lets call the police, shall we?我们报警,好吗?She is a very good policewoman. 她是位好警察。A man is arrested by the police.一名男子被警方逮捕了。Look! Here comes a police ca

11、r.瞧!来了辆警车。uniform n. 制服police /nurses uniform 警服/ 护士服soldiers/sailers in uniform穿制服的士兵/水手,3.character n. 人物a major character in the book书中的主要人物cartoon characters (动画片中的角色)卡通人物 4. The telephone rings.电话铃响了。ring v. (钟、铃等)响, 使响起铃声Someone is ringing the doorbell.有人在按门铃。The church bell rings.教堂的钟声响了。Just

12、 ring for the nurse if you need ner.如果需要护士,按一下铃就行了。,5. There are some robbers in the building.大楼内有几个盗贼。robber n. 盗贼,抢劫者,强盗He was a bank robber.他是位银行抢劫犯。Two robbers were arrested by the police just now.两位抢劫犯刚才被警方逮捕了。 6. Lets drive to Hill Building quickly.咱们快点开车去希尔大厅吧。Dont drive so fast!别开这么快。,My mum

13、 will drive to work tomorrow.明天我妈将开车去上班。My father drives me to school every day.我爸天天开车送我上学。Can you drive me home?你能开车送我回家吗?drive to. 开车去.drive sb to. 开车送某人去.quickly adv. 迅速地,飞快地He has breakfast quickly and goes to school.他迅速吃好早饭就去上学了。,Afrer my mother came back home from work, she went to the hospita

14、l quickly to see my grandma.我妈下班回家后就迅速去了医院,看望我祖母。She answered my letter quickly.她立即回复了我的信件。 7. They get out of their car at once.他们立即下了汽车。下车 get off the bus (大型车辆)上车 get on the busget out of the car (小型车辆)get into the car,at once = immediately 立即,马上You mum ask you to go home at once.你妈叫你马上回家。 When s

15、he feels sick, she goes to the doctor at once.当她感到不舒服时,她立即去看医生了。Do your homework at once.马上做作业。 8. They just put Justin and Paul into the back of agreen van and drive away.他们只是把贾斯廷保罗推进绿色货车后部就开走了。push v. 推 (反义词:拉 pull )He pushes the cup towards me.,他把杯子推向我这边。 We pushed and pushed but the pian wouldnt

16、 move.我们推了又推,可钢琴却纹丝不动。Push hard when I tell you to.我叫你推时,你使劲推。van n. 厢式货车He will buy a van next weekThe van under the tree is very expensive. 9. Paul tries to open the door but fails. 保罗试图打开门,可未打得开。fail v. 失败,She failed to get into a key middle school.她未能进入重点中学。He failed his driving test.他驾驶考试不及格。Millie failed in the English exam.Millie failed the English exam.Millie failed to pass the English exam.米莉英语考试不及格。 10. He uses a knife and tries again.他用小刀又试了一次。again adv. 再, 又 (=once again)Can you read this passage again?,


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