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1、我们一起 做过的题,Mr.Green,On the behalf of the Students Union,Im writing this letter to invite you participate in our New Year Evening.The party is going to held in the school meeting hall from 7 pm. to 9 pm. on next Friday. Many wonderful performances,present by the teachers and students in our school,wou

2、ld be shown on the stage,such as the Chinese folk songs and dances,Chinese musical instruments,short plays of traditional style and so on. But it will surely offer you good opportunity to obtain a clearer picture of Chinese traditional culture.We should be very delighted unless you could come and gi

3、ve a performance.We are looking forward eager to your participation.Yours,Li Ming,Dear Mr.Green,On the behalf of the Students Union,Im writing this letter to invite you to participate in our New Year Evening.The party is going to be held in the school meeting hall from 7 pm. to 9 pm. on next Friday.

4、 Many wonderful performances,presented by the teachers and students in our school,will be shown on the stage,such as the Chinese folk songs and dances,Chinese musical instruments,short plays of traditional style and so on. So it will surely offer you a good opportunity to obtain a clearer picture of

5、 Chinese traditional culture.We should be very delighted if you could come and give a performance.We are looking forward eagerly to your participation.Yours,Li Ming,1.我谨代表学生会写信给您,邀请你参加我们的新年晚会。,On behalf of the Studentss Union, Im writing to invite you to participate in our New Year Evening.,2.我很荣幸的邀

6、请您参加我们下个月举行的会议。,Its my great honor to invite you to attend the conference to be held next month.,3.该晚会将于下周五下午7点至9点在学校会议厅举行。,The party is going to be held in the school meeting hall from 7p.m to 9p.m.next Friday.,4.良好的健康要靠良好的食物、运动和充足的睡眠。,Good health depends on good food , exercise and getting enough

7、sleep.,Good health results from good food , exercise and getting enough sleep.,5.他试图解决这道难题,但最终还是未能算出来。,He tried to solve the problem, but he didnt work it out at last.,He tried to solve the problem, but in vain.,6.他养成了早起的好习惯。,He gets into the habit of getting up early.,He forms the habit of getting

8、up early.,He picks up the habit of getting up early.,7.他既有知识,又有经验。,He has experience as well as knowledge.,You must stand in other persons shoes and look at the situation through their eyes in order to truly understand their perspectives.,你必须处在别人的境地,通过他们的眼睛来审视情况,以便真是的理解他们的观点。,8.他努力思考,最后想出一个解决这个问题的办法

9、。,He thought hard and found a way to solve the problem at last.,9.我送给他一份小礼物以感谢他的帮助。,I sent him a gift in return for his help.,He was admitted to hospital with minor burns.,他因为轻度烧伤而入院。,Too many times we forget what we have and concerntrate on what we dont have.,太多次我们忘却了我们拥有的东西,去追求我们没有的东西。,10.我们必须致力于改

10、善环境问题,We must concentrate our efforts on improve the environment.,We must spare no effort to improve the environment.,We must devote ourselves to improving the environment.,11.作为年轻人,你应该听父母的教诲。,As a young man, you should take your parents words to heart.,As a young man, you should keep your parents words in mind.,As a young man, you should follow your parents advice.,12.然而,分数仍然是考察学生的有效途径。,However ,the score is still a useful means of testing students.,13.We decided to return blow for blow.,我们决定以牙还牙。,


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