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1、 1初二上册 期末考试复习资料Module1 How to learn English1、词汇correct: v. 纠正;adj. 正确的_ adv. 正确地spelling: n. 拼写spell: v. 拼写 practise: v. 练习 _: n. 练习,实践meaning: n. 意义 mean: v. 意思是;adj.小气的 complete: v. 使完整completely adv.完全地understand: v. 明白 understanding: n. 认识 nature, n.自然_,adj.自然的suggest, v.建议_,n.建议 pronounce,v.发的音

2、_,n.发音2、短语1. a number of +可数名词复数+V(复数):许多、大量;the number of+可数名词复数+V(单数)2. a piece of _一条建议; write it/them down 把.写下来 3. the meaning of.的意思 take a deep breath 深呼吸 _放弃4. leave sth. 落下什么东西 improve oneself 提高某人 be away from 远离5. want to do sth. teacher with glasses 戴眼镜的老师3、句式1. advise sb. _ sth. 建议某人去做某

3、事 help sb. _ sth. 帮助某人做. 2. It is _ for sb. to do sth. It is a good idea to do sth.3. spend on sth. spend (in) _sth.花费时间做某事sth cost sb some money It takes sb. sometime _ sth.4. talk _ sth._ sb.跟某人谈论某事 finish doing sth. 完成做某事16171819202125. 表示建议的句子What about doing=How about doing? Why not do=Why dont

4、 you do?Try (not) to do sth. should do Its a good idea to do sth.Would you like to do sth. Let sb do sth. Remember to do sth.= Dont forget to do sth. youd better do sth.6. 作文话题 语言如:假如你是王平,请根据下面的内容提示给你加拿大的笔友 Bob 写一封电子邮件,向他介绍一下你是如何学习英语的以及你在学习中的困惑,请求他给你提出建议。词数:70 以上。邮件的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。内容提示:(1)你不敢和同学们一起学英

5、语,也害怕在课堂上讲英语,总是在晚上自己学习;(2)费了很大的劲,却记不住单词;(3)经常听录音,但听不懂。Dear Bob,I write to you to ask for some good advice on learning EnglishYou know,I like English very much,but Im afraid to learn English with my classmatesIm also afraid to speak English in classI always learn English alone at homeI find it hard t

6、o remember the words I usually spend much time reading and writing the new wordsI want to improve my listening because I cant understand what my teacher says in classI try to listen to tapes,but I cant understand at allWhat shall I do? Can you help me?Module2 My home town and my country1、短语31. trave

7、l around the world 环球旅行 stay with sb. 跟某人呆在一起2. put on 穿上 take off,脱下 land in 着陆 take off 起飞3. dream of/about sth.梦到某物 more than=_ 超过4. millions of 数以百万计的 具体数字+million5. none of+可数名词复数+V 单数,如:None of girls comes back now.2、句式1. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人去做某事 because+句子 because of +n./名词短语2. What do

8、you think of?你认为.如何 How do you like? 你觉得.怎么样?3. have been to 去了回来了 have gone to 去了没回来Module3 Sports1、单词bored: adj. 感到无聊的_: adj.令人无聊的 train: v.训练_:n.训练exciting: adj.令人兴奋的_:adj.感到兴奋的 confident: adj.自信_: n.自信enjoy: v.欣赏_:adj. 有乐趣的 miss: v. 未达到_: n. 遗失care: v.关心_: adj. 小心的_:adj. 粗心的2、短语stay at home 待在家

9、go to the stadium 去体育馆 _别介意 plenty of 许许多多 use sth. to do 用.做 _为.加油 fan club 粉丝俱乐部 asas so that43、句式1. Whats the matter with you? Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis. 2. We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to warm up. 3. That means we have a better chance of winning. 4. W

10、hat a pity! 4、作文话题 如:学校英语广播站就“My favourite sport”为题进行征文活动,请你根据以下要点写一篇英语短文进行投稿。1介绍你最喜欢的运动项目;2喜欢这一运动项目的理由;3最喜欢的运动员(player)。要求:语句通顺、要点全面,可适当拓展。70 词左右。提示:exciting,popular,healthyMy favourite sportI like sports very much and basketball is my favourite sportI often play basketball with my friends on Sunda

11、ysI can throw the basketball in the netI thinks it is easyBut someone thinks it is hardI also watch basketball matches on TVI like it because it is exciting and its popular all around the worldIt can keep me healthy and strongMy favourite player is Yao MingI want to be a basketball player,too.Module

12、4 Planes, ships and trains1、短语the same as 和.一样 all the time 一直 be late for 迟到2、交通的表达1. by+交通工具 如:骑自行车_;注意:走路是 on foot52. take _+交通工具, 如:take a bus , take a train;注意:骑自行车ride a bike3、句式1. What happened? How does Tony go to school ? 2. He lives the farthest from school, so he takes the underground.3.

13、Her home is the closest to school, so she walks.4. What is the best way to travel from London to Amsterdam ? 5. The more information, the better . Module5 Lao She Teahouse1、短语the traditional Beijing Opera 传统京剧 _决定做某事tell sb. sth. ( = tell sth. to sb.)告诉某人某事 _中国社会all over the world 全世界 advise sb. to do 建议某人做某事2、句式1. I wanted to see the Beijing Opera. offer to do sth. 提供做某事2. Lao She is one of the greatest Chinese writers of the twentieth century.(one of the+最高级+名词复数)3. Lao She


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