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1、1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,7,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,SBS2- Unit 3,1. soup 2. jam 3. ketchup 4. cereal 5. flour,6. white bread 7. whole wheat bread 8. bananas 9. lettuce 10. eggs,11. ice cream 12. orange juice 13. milk 14. meat 15. cheese,a head of two loaves of a jar of a box ofa pound of a loaf

2、 of a dozen a quart of a can of a bottle of a pint of a bunch of a gallon of a bag of a half pound half a pound,1. a can of soup 一罐 2. a jar of jam 一瓶(广口瓶) 3. a bottle of ketchup 一瓶(小口瓶) 4. a box of cereal 一盒 5. a bag of flour 一包 6. a loaf of white bread 一条 7. two loaves of whole wheat bread 两条 8. a

3、 bunch of bananas 一串、一束 9. a head of lettuce 一颗、一头 10. a dozen eggs 一打(12个) 11. a pint of ice cream 一品脱 12. a quart of orange juice 一夸脱 13. a gallon of milk 一加仑 14. a pound of meat 一磅 15. a half pound / half a pound of cheese 半磅,soup 2. jam 3. ketchup 4. cereal 5. flour 6. white bread 7. whole wheat

4、 bread 8. bananas 9. lettuce 10. eggs 11. ice cream 12. orange juice 13. milk 14. meat 15. cheese,gallon quart pint pound,gal. qt. pt. lb.,表示一定体积的东西,量词用gallon quart pint 1 gallon = 4 quarts 1 quart = 2 pints = 1.136 liters表示一定重量的东西,量词用pound 1 pound =454 g。,Please write down your shopping list:,soup

5、jam ketchup cereal flour white bread whole wheat bread bananas lettuce eggs ice cream orange juice milk chewing gum meat cheese celery tomatoes white bread,1 dollar100 cents,cost verb & noun. 花费 verb past tense: cost 注意cost的主语只能是物,不能说人花了多少钱,说人花了多少钱,用spend。这本书花了我30美元。 This book cost me 30 dollars. I

6、spent 30 dollars on this book.这本书要多少钱? How much does the book cost?,many: 许多,接可数名词 many daysmuch:许多,接不可数名词 much moneya few:一些,接可数名词 a few days few: 几乎没有,接可数名词 few daysa little:一点,接不可数名词 a little moneylittle: 几乎没有,接不可数名词 little moneya lot of:很多,接可数/不可数名词,1) There are _ buses in Shanghai. 2) I dont ha

7、ve_ time for study this week. 3) Please dont make so _noise. 4) Jane doesnt know _ people in Shanghai and only has _ friends here. 5) I dont like too _ butter on my bread. 6) Bob said that he had _ money and he could not go anywhere. 7) There are _ eggs on the counter. Do you want to have more? 8) T

8、here is _ tea left in the teapot. Ill go and make some more. 9) Jane gave me _ help with my work. 10) Your homework is better than usual. You have only _ mistakes.,got home latenothing to eata shopping listnothing in the supermarketwent to bed without dinner,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1,2,3,4,5,6

9、,7,8,9,10,11,1. make a shopping list 列一个购物清单2. rush out of 冲出3. disappointed 令人失望的4. lose ones appetite 没胃口5. so that 如此以至于,1. delicious 美味的 The vegetable soup is delicious. 2. excellent 极好的 The potatoes are excellent. 3. fantastic 极好的 The fish is fantastic. 4. magnificent 宏伟的 The apple pie is magni

10、ficent. 5. out of this world 极好的 The strawberries are out of this world. 6. wonderful 令人惊奇的 The chicken is wonderful.,Describing food,1. d_l_c_ _ _s 美味的2. _ _c_l_ _nt 极好的3. f_nt_ _t_c 极好的4. m_g_ _f_cent 宏伟的5. w_ _d_ _ful 令人惊奇的,anniversarydinnerorderenjoywonderful,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,boiled

11、,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1. continental 大陆的 2. anniversary 周年纪念 wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日 3. be special for 对于很特别 4. on their first date. 在他们第一次约会的日子 5. 吃西餐的顺序: 开胃菜appetizer 汤soup 主菜main course 甜品dessert 6. sit at a table坐在桌子旁边 7. order 点餐 8. enjoy喜欢享受 enjoy sth. / enjoy doing sth. I enjoy the meal.

12、 I enjoy doing the housework.,Food Summary1. apple pie 苹果派 2. baked chicken 烤鸡 3. baking soda 发酵粉 4. broiled fish 烤鱼 5. chocolate ice cream 巧克力冰激凌 6. honey 蜂蜜 7. hot chocolate 热巧克力 8. jam 果酱 9. mushrooms 蘑菇 10. nuts 坚果 coconut 椰子 11. pancakes 薄饼 12. raisins 葡萄干,Food Summary13. scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋 14. soup 汤 15. chicken soup 鸡汤 16. vegetable soup 蔬菜汤 17. strawberries 草莓 18. Swiss cheese 瑞士硬干酪 19. tomato juice 西红柿汁 20. vanilla ice cream 香草冰激凌 21. water 水 22. white bread 白面包 23. whole wheat bread 全麦面包,



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