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1、1南京信息工程大学滨江学院2014 2015 学年 第 2 学期商务英语商务英语BECBEC 课程试卷课程试卷试卷类型试卷类型 A (注明注明 A、B 卷卷) 考试类型考试类型 综合练习综合练习 (注明开、闭卷)(注明开、闭卷)注意:1、本课程为 选修 (注明必修或选修) , 学时为 51 ,学分为 3 2、本试卷共、本试卷共 2 页;考试时间页;考试时间 120 分钟分钟; 出卷时间: 2015年 6 月3、姓名、学号等必须写在指定地方; 提交时间: 2015 年 7 月 1 日4、本考卷适用专业年级:、本考卷适用专业年级: 2012 级国际经济与贸易级国际经济与贸易 任课教师: (以上内容

2、为教师填写)(以上内容为教师填写)专业 国际经济与贸易 年级 班级 学号 姓名 题题 号号一一二二三三四四五五六六七七八八九九十十十一十一十二十二总总 分分得得 分分阅卷人阅卷人请仔细阅读以下内容: 1、 考生必须遵守考试纪律,详细内容见南京信息工程大学滨江学院考试纪律规定 。 2、 所有考试材料不得带离考场。 3、 考生进入考场后,须将学生证或身份证放在座位的左上角。 4、 考场内不许抽烟、吃食物、喝饮料。 5、 考生不得将书籍、作业、笔记、草稿纸袋入考场,主考教师允许带入的除外。 6、 考试过程中,不允许考生使用通讯工具。 7、 开考 15 分钟后不允许考生进入考场,考试进行 30 分钟后

3、方可离场。 8、 考生之间不得进行任何形式的信息交流。 9、 除非被允许,否则考生交卷后才能离开座位。 10、考试违纪或作弊的同学将被请出考场,其违纪或作弊行为将上报学院。 本人郑重承诺:我已阅读上述 10 项规定,如果考试是违反了上述 10 项规定,本人将自愿 接受学校按照有关规定所进行的处理。上面姓名栏所填姓名即表示本人已阅读本框的内容 并签名。2一、一、Part One: Economics, please answer the following questions (10% each, 30%)1、Please explain how absolute advantage and c

4、omparative advantage differ, and give an example in which one person has an absolute advantage in doing something but another person has a comparative advantage.答:(1.)Differences: The same producer may have an absolute advantage in the same time, but it is not possible to have a comparative advantag

5、e in two of the two items. Absolute advantage reflects the level of productivity, comparative advantage reflects the relative opportunity cost.(2.) E.g: Muhammad Ali boxing match or whether it is to clean up the garbage in front of their own than the neighbor boy Mike more efficient. Ali, half-hour

6、event will receive $ 50,000, he could finish within half an hour to clean up the garbage. Ali and Mike cleaning up garbage home 1 hour, at the same time, he can go out to work well too $ 10. As can be seen, Ali has absolute advantage in both. But Mike rubbish opportunity cost is $ 10, the opportunit

7、y cost of Ali is $ 50,000. Thus, in the rubbish Mike has a comparative advantage.2、What are the basic functions of national Five Year Plan?答:(1)national economy experienced sustained, rapid and sound development, and overall national strength continued to grow.(2) economic restructuring was extensiv

8、ely carried forward, and a socialist market economy was preliminarily established.(3)we opened wider to the outside world, and the pattern of all-round opening took basic shape.(4)peoples living standards continued to improve ,and generally people began to lead a relatively comfortable life.(5)the d

9、evelopment of science, technology and education was accelerated, and other social undertakings progressed in a comprehensive way.(6)predictive guidance function, namely, the national Five Year Plan not only can predict the coming direction of nations development. but also can guide the market subjec

10、t and follow it and take actions.(7)policy coordination function, that is say, in the process of realizing the objectives of national plans, it can help coordinate all aspects of the policy in order to achieve the established targets.33、Give an example industry which contributes most to the social e

11、conomy development most and try to back up your opinion by quoting the latest statistics to say which industries have much potential?答:In my opinion, The cultural industry contributes most to the development of social economy.The fllow chart is the development of Nan Jing cultural industry and the s

12、tatistics is from 1993 to 2011.From the chart ,you can see that the cultural industry contributes most to the development of social economy. 二、二、Part Two: Management, please answer the following questions (10% each, 30%)1、In your opinion, what is the single most import aspect of the definition of ma

13、nagement? Why? Which of Mintzbergs ten managerial roles do you think you are best equipped to play? Explain.4Answer1Management in all business and organizational activities is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives efficiently and effectively.Management is the

14、process of working with and through others to achieve organizational objectives in a changing environment. Central to this process is the effective andefficient use of limited resources. achieving organizational objectives can ensures that the corporate could reasonably and automatically match up th

15、e departments to coordinate the pace of different work, forming a unified whole.2. I think I can be best equipped to play the role of Resource allocator. The allocation ofhuman resources is to fully make use of physical strength, intelligence, knowledge, creativity and skills, and promote human reso

16、urces and material resources to achieve a more perfect combination, to maximize the social benefit and economic benefit. Reasonable allocation of human resources is one of the basic elements of social vitality. It not only can make the human resource structure of social organization within the reasonable. It can maximize the use, give full scope to the talen


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