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1、英语辩论赛主席稿英语辩论赛主席稿以下是辩论赛主席稿!由为大家提供,供大家参考借鉴。Good afternoon boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the English Speech contest of *. Firstly, lets introduce todays honorable leader and guests: the only leader and judge ,our teacher *and all the schoolmates of class two , welcome! Now please wel

2、come Ms * to give us a speech远大的理想在这时孕育,高尚的情操在这时萌生,生命的辉煌在这时奠基,良好的习惯在这时养成。光阴易逝,韶华有时,青春靓丽,正当立志奋发时!Thank you, Ms *This class will be our stage to show our strong ability in debating and Im your chief judge.I think you all have known the topic today“ Should different cultures Merge into each other or ma

3、intain their unique factures?“比赛要求#Time is up! Thank you, after just both a debate, next is their talent, is also the time for the most wonderful moments - debate free debate. Well, now I declare the official start of free debate, please speak first square, time began.(一)首先,进入我们的 第一环节,即:开篇立论环节。在本环节中

4、,双方各有 3 分钟时间对己方观点进行 立论陈词 。时间剩余 30 秒时,会有计时员警示音提示;铃声响起时,请辩手停止发言。First,lets introduce the two teams : Sit on my right hand side is the positive side, They hold the opinion different cultures should Merge into each other. Welcome! #正方发言 # thank you for the Wonderful opening of positive side.Sit on my le

5、ft hand side is the negative side, They hold the opinion different cultures should matain their unique factures. Welcome! #反方发言# thank you for the Wonderful opening of negative side.As everybody is ready now, here starts the debate. Let us listen to both sides of the opponentThen, entered the first

6、stage, lets listen to the debater one of positive is how the first. Time for three minutes. Timing begins.#Thank you for the wonderful speech. now lets listen to the debater one of negatives speech. time is also three minutes. Timing begins!#Good afternoon boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, welco

7、me to the English Speech contest of *. Firstly, lets introduce todays honorable leader and guests: the only leader and judge ,our teacher *and all the schoolmates of class two , welcome! Now please welcome Ms * to give us a speechYou can see the specification in speech, both the opponent is assuranc

8、e. Next we will enter the test individual should debate the ability of attack of the argument. Please debater two of positive side select debater two or three of negative side to the questions. #Time is one and half minutes. Timing begins!#.According to the law, every single individual is born with

9、the right to keep living. Since death is just a part of life, to suggest that it is a right is to grant that it is a freedom to decide when and where to give up this kind of right. In a manner of speaking, it is a mans right to commit suicide.Time is up! Please debater three of positive side select

10、debater two or three of negative side to the questions. #Time is one and half minutes. Timing begins!#.Time is up! Now Please debater two of negative side select debater two or three of positive side to the questions. Time is one and half minutes. the timer starts.#Time is up! Now Please debater thr

11、ee of negative side select debater two or three of positive side to the questions. Time is one and half minutes. the timer starts.#好,谢谢正方四辩的精彩陈词,今天这场辩论赛可谓美轮美奂!能否取得好成绩往往取决于真正地理解和掌握辩题的内涵, 谢谢双方四辩的总结陈词。Well, Im not so sure about that. Im inclined to disagree with that. No, I dont think so really. F 如何强烈

12、反对对方某一观点 I disagree.Time is up! Thank you, after just both a debate, next is their talent, is also the time for the most wonderful moments - debate free debate. Well, now I declare the official start of free debate, please speak first square, time began.Well, everyone audience, just this free debate

13、 has been very exciting, but both contestants on the fourth summary statement to be done, often more important. We start with four anti-party debate, and the time is 2 minutes, time began.-主持甲:同学们都知道在我们生活中网络几乎无处不在。要查资料,上网;要玩电脑游戏,上网;要聊天,上网。对了,你家可以上网吧?Thank you, we now please do contend for four squar

14、e square summarizing statements, time is 2 minutes, timer starts.反方四辩回答:.多成功人能力取得、人 gvS m 成功。仕事、能力持、最 K 的 Y 果、?良人 gvS 、成功、仕事能力、仕事完了。Well, thank you for the wonderful debator, party win debates, please give everyone a objective and impartial judge the answer, please judges contestants and evaluation,

15、 and the audience friends, please wait a moment.Below I announced a game best debator is: * * *. The team won the game is: * * * * * *.Up to now, the game has all over.Once again thank guests as coming, thank you for your attention and support! Thank you!下面让我来介绍一下今晚参加决赛的两支队伍,他们分别是: 正方: 化工学院代表队 反方: 人文学院代表队



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