(山东专用)2019年中考英语复习 专题十七 补全对话(试卷部分)(含18年中考真题精解精析)课件

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(山东专用)2019年中考英语复习 专题十七 补全对话(试卷部分)(含18年中考真题精解精析)课件_第1页
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《(山东专用)2019年中考英语复习 专题十七 补全对话(试卷部分)(含18年中考真题精解精析)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(山东专用)2019年中考英语复习 专题十七 补全对话(试卷部分)(含18年中考真题精解精析)课件(139页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题十七 补全对话,中考英语 (山东专用),答案 (1)Yes, we are/Yes/Yes, I am 根据后面一句说“我们现在很忙”可以判断,是正在为春节做 准备。故应用肯定回答。 (2)What are you doing(at the moment/now) 根据答语可以判断,本句是在问对方正在做什么。 (3)Do you like lanterns/them 根据答语可以判断此处问的是:“你喜欢灯笼/它们吗?” (4)No, he isnt/No 根据后面说爸爸仍然在工作可知应用否定回答。 (5)Thank you 前一句表示祝福,此处应表示感谢。,2.(2016聊城,)根据对话内

2、容,在每个标有题号的空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整,合乎情境。 A: (1) ? B:I will go to the old peoples home. A: (2) ? B:Because I want to look after the old people. They have no children around and they are very lonely. A: (3) ? B:I can clean up their rooms, wash their clothes and tell them something interesting around us. Wou

3、ld you like to go there with me? A: (4) . I also want to do something for the old. B:You sing well. I think you could sing songs to cheer them up. A:And I think we should ask more friends to join us so that we can serve the old people better. B: (5) .,答案 (1)Where will you go/What are you going to do

4、/What will you do 由下句要去敬老院,可知问 “你要去哪儿”。 (2)Why/Why will you go there/Why are you going there 由答句因为想照顾老人,可知问“你 为什么去那儿”。 (3)What can you do(for them)/What are you going to do(for them)/What will you do(for them) 由答句可知。 (4)Yes, Id love to/Yes, Id like to/Yes/Sure/Of course/Certainly 上文是“Would you like

5、to.?”,所以回答Yes,Id love to等 (5)Good idea/Great idea/Thats a good idea/Thats a great idea/Great/Youre right/I agree with you “We should.”提出了建议,所以回答“好主意”等。,3.(2015聊城) 根据对话内容,在每个标有题号的空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整,合乎情境。 A:The summer holiday is coming.Will you go to Beijing with me? B:Sorry,I wont.I went there last y

6、ear. A:Have you planned to travel? B:Sure. A: (1) ? B:Im going to Hangzhou. A: (2) ? B:Because my uncle works there.We havent seen each other for several years.I want to visit him. A: (3) ? B:He is a hotel manager.But he likes travelling,so he always changes his workplace.He worked in Shanghai two y

7、ears ago.,A:Has he ever been to many places? B: (4) ,such as Hong Kong,Yunnan,Hainan Island and so on. A:Does he like Liaocheng? B:Yes.He likes our city very much.He will come to work here. A: (5) ? B:Next year. A:Thats great!I hope that he will have a good time here. B:Thank you.,答案 (1)Where are yo

8、u going/Where will you go 由下一句Im going to Hangzhou.可知此处询问去 哪里。 (2)Why/Why are you going to Hangzhou 由下一句Because my uncle works there.可知此处询 问原因。 (3)What does he do/What is his job/What is he 由下一句可知此处询问职业。 (4)Yes,he has/Yes/Sure/Certainly/Of course 空后句子“比如香港、云南、海南岛等”表明他 去过很多地方,故此处应该作肯定回答,故用“Yes,he has

9、/Yes/Sure/Certainly/Of course”。 (5)When/When will he work here/When will he come here/When will he come to work here 由 前一句和答语可知,此处应问“他什么时候来这儿工作”。,题组二 选择型补全对话 1.(2017滨州) 根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子填入对话相应的空白处,使对话完整,合乎情景(有两 个多余选项)。M:Mary L:Lily M:Good morning. This is Mary speaking. (1) L:Hello, Mary. This is L

10、ily. M: (2) I didnt recognize your voice just now. L:Yes, I have a cold. I am not feeling very well. M: (3) And I wonder if you can join us tomorrow evening. L:Whats up? M:Peter has just come back from America. (4) L:Sounds great. I havent seen him for many years. When and where? M:At the Red Star R

11、estaurant at 7:00 tomorrow evening. I hope you will be there.,L:OK. Im sure to go. Who else will go to the party? M:Linda, Andy and David. I dont have the telephone number of John, or Ill invite him. L:I know his telephone number. (5) M:Its really nice of you. See you tomorrow! L:See you! A.Can I he

12、lp you? B.Ill hold a welcome party for him. C.Do you have a cold? D.Whos that, please? E:Ill call him about the party. F.I will show you around the restaurant. G.Im sorry to hear that.,答案 (1)D 根据This is Mary speaking.可以判断为电话用语,由答语This is Lily.可知,设空处应该是 问对方是谁。故选D。 (2)C 根据下面的回答Yes, I have a cold.可以判断此

13、处问题是:“你感冒了吗?” 故选C。 (3)G 由上文可知对方感冒,根据日常交际用语的用法可知选G。 (4)B 根据上下文可知,Peter刚从美国回来,Mary要给他办一个欢迎晚会。 (5)E 根据上下文可判断此处应该是:“我会给他打电话并告诉他聚会的事情。” 深度解析 补全对话是一个综合性很高的题目。需要考生理解上下文的意思,能够判断出对 话发生的场合,还要会根据上下文的内容判断问题和答语。,2.(2014菏泽) 阅读下面对话,从方框中选择五个最适当的句子完成对话。(其中有两个选项是多余的) Yu Bing:Hi,Mark!Have you watched the TV news this

14、morning? Mark:No.(1) Yu Bing:Flight(航班)MH370 from Malaysia(马来西亚)to China disappeared last night. Mark:(2) How many passengers are there? Yu Bing:(3) Many countries are now searching for MH370,and yet we have no idea what happened to it. Mark:(4) Yu Bing:We are looking forward to finding the missing

15、flight earlier. Mark:(5) A.Whats going on? B.Dont worry. C.Its hard to believe!,D.I hope so. E.Im sorry to hear that. F.There are 239 people on board. G.It doesnt matter. 请将选项的代号填入下面对应的横线上: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5),答案 语篇解读 本文是就马航MH370航班失联为话题展开的对话。 (1)A 根据答语可知询问“有什么事发生”,故选A项。 (2)E 对上句“飞机昨晚失踪”的反应,表示同情,故选E项

16、。 (3)F 根据上句问数量,故答案为F项。 (4)C 上文说“至今我们还不知道发生了什么”,对此表示惊讶,故答案为C项。 (5)D 是对上句“我们期望早日找到失踪客机。”的回应,故答案为D项。,答案 (1)What about you/How about you/What about your speech/How about your speech/And you/How is your speech going/. 本题考查询问对方情况的常用句式。表示“怎么样?”时,what about和how about 通用。 (2)My favorite sport is football/Foo

17、tball is my favorite(sport)/Football/Soccer/I like football best/I love football best/. 本题考查介绍个人爱好的常用句型。favorite 与like/love.best可以互相 转换。 (3)How can I collect the information/How can I do it/What can I do/How can I prepare for it/. 考查征求意见的常用句型。根据答语可知询问怎么做或做什么,用“How can.do it?”或 “What can.do?”句式。 (4)T

18、hat sounds good/Thats a good idea/Thats great/OK, I will do that/OK, I will try/You are right/I agree(with you)/That would be great/I will do as what you say/That makes sense/. 本题 考查同意或赞成的常用句式,有多种表达。 (5)Youre welcome/Thats all right/Its my pleasure/Not at all/Thats OK/Dont mention it/No problem/. 考查回答对方道谢时的常用语,有多种表达形式。,



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