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1、雅思口语蔡旭Effie,Review,Assessment Criteria 口语评分标准,Pronunciation 发音,Lexical resource 词汇量,Grammatical range and accuracy 语法,Fluency and coherence 流利度,IELTS Speaking band descriptors,Part 1的6+1类问题,“6”类 描述类(describe) - Describe your primary school. 喜欢与厌恶(love & hate) - Do you like drawing or painting? 分类(ki

2、nds & types) - What kinds of music do you usually listen to? 特殊疑问(Where? When? Which? How often?.) - How often do you go to the cinema? 是或否(Yes or No?) - Can you sing? 可能与虚拟(would) - Would you like to live near the sea?“1”类 事实陈述类(fact) - When did you get your first mobile phone?,Contents 内容摘要,Part 2

3、 详细讲解 Person Place “Would” Object Event Others,Contents 内容摘要,Part 2 人物题 Person 老年人 成年人 青少年 儿童 名人或角色,Person老年人,相关词汇与表达,Healthy and active She has a very kind face, which is covered in wrinkles. Always look on the bright side/ optimistic Experienced/ wise/ intelligent / sophisticated Role model Althou

4、gh she is quite elderly, shes still able to look after her grandchild and clean her apartment everyday. Has a stoop/ grey hair Play chess/ practice taichi Walking stick,Person成年人,相关词汇与表达,Hard-working Outgoing and sociable Can be very patient Creative and reliable Self-assured and ambitious Knowledge

5、able and articulate Average looking Expand ones outlook Enlightening and inspiring Praise/ compliment,Person青少年,相关词汇与表达,Clever Weve always got on and we hardly ever fall out. Everyone thinks shes good fun. We were inseparable. Share the same interests/ have a lot in common Grow apart Hes very active

6、, a sporty type. Shes a very determined person. When she gets into something, she gives one hundred per cent.,Person儿童,相关词汇与表达,Cute , lovely and adorable Chubby Get good grades at school Its all about hard work, no luck. Naughty Play hide-and- seek,Person名人,相关词汇与表达,Idol/ icon/ the people that I look

7、 up to/ hero/ pop icon/ a legend/ a genius release an album multi-talented/ gifted/ charisma/ graceful Glamorous, slim, gorgeous Fame and wealth Autobiography/ bestseller Low-key/ low-profile Hes considered to be one of the greatest xxx in the world. Fashionable/ stylish/ trendy Celebrity/ artist/ e

8、ntrepreneur Admire/ worship Pass away,Relationships,Get on with sb. = have a good relationship with sb. Look up sb. = respect somebody Be in touch with sb. = be in communication with sb. Be close to sb.=know sb. Well and see or talk to them often Grow up with sb. Take after sb. = resemble somebody i

9、n your family (in appearance or personality) Whenever I am in trouble or difficulties, he is always there with a helping hand and an encouraging smile.I have learned how to treat people and how to deal with problems on my own from her.,使用副词,Positive: Shes _ outgoing and sociable. Shes _ hard-working

10、. (really, so) Negative:Shes moody.Shes immature. ( use : can be a bit/ not very)She can be a bit moody.Shes not very mature.,形容词后加扩展解释,Shes so outgoing and sociable. 扩展 Shes really hard-working. 扩展 She can be a bit moody. 扩展Shes not very mature. 扩展,语法必备- Who引导的定语从句,Ms. Lee, who taught us chemistry

11、at school, was particularly strict. My grandpa, who was a history professor in a University, used to tell me stories about the Chinese history. Id like to choose my high school buddy James, whom I havent seen for over a year. Ive got several old friends around me, but the one who has influenced me s

12、o much is my high school buddy James. My neighbor Ms. Lee, who lives with her son and daughter-in-law, is a very helpful lady.,语法必备- 一般过去时与过去进行时,When I was studying at university, my best buddy told me While I was visiting Germany, I met an old man named James. She gave me some help when I was prepa

13、ring for that competition. When I was choosing my courses, I decided to pick history and so met Ms. Lee. We were studying at university when we joined the same ecology club.,答题思路- 认识的人,Who the person is:Ok, so, the topic on the paper is to describe a science teacher, and I suppose Id have to choose

14、Ms. Lee, who was my chemistry teacher back in high school. How you metShe gave me some help when I was preparing for that competition. 3. Adj. + 扩展She is the most patient teacher Ive ever met. When I was. FinishWe havent seen each other over 2 years. But Im thinking, perhaps, next month, .,答题思路- 名人或

15、角色,Who the person is:Ok, so, the topic on the paper is to describe a famous person, and I suppose Id have to choose xxx, who is one of the most popular sports celebrity in the world. His or her achievement/ His or her storyHe has won xxx 3. How he or she influenced meWhen Im facing big troubles or d

16、ifficulties, I will think about xxx. FinishI always dream about meeting xxx in person. If I could have that opportunity, Id like to ,Contents 内容摘要,Part 2 详细讲解 Person Place “Would” Object Event Others,Contents 内容摘要,Part 2 地点题 Place City Natural beauty Building Restaurant House Historic site Shopping mall Workplace,PlaceCity,相关词汇与表达,Metropolis Skyscrapers Beijing is a vibrant, cosmopolitan city. Polluted and congested Xxx is a city with a long history. I love/ hate all the hustle and bustle. Tourist destination Beijing is a cultural hub. Economic powerhouse Paris is a mecca for fashion lovers.,


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