五年级英语上册 unit 4 lesson 25 what do we need for the trip课件 冀教版(三起)

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1、Lesson 25,What do we need for the trip ?,Unit 4 Lets Get Ready!,学习目标,1、知识目标: 听说读写 ticketclothes jacket听说读并理解need pack my suitcase 2、能力目标:创设情境使学生通过所学语言对旅行前所需物品进行简单的描述,进而提高实际语言运用能力,促使学生的语言技能的发展。,学习目标,3、情感态度与价值观:为学生营造出一种和谐愉悦的学习氛围,促使学生积极主动地学习英语,将所学的知识自然有效的运用于生活实践当中去,并培养学生在生活实践中不管做什么事都要做好准备的好习惯。,学习重点,1、通

2、过讨论出行,结合图片和实物学习ticket, clothes, jacket 三个词。 2、复习服装类的单词,如:pants, shoes sweater等。,Tomorrow we leave for Beijing !,Part 1,Can you answer ?,When do they leave for Beijing ? When do they arrive in Beijing ? 3. How do they go to Beijing ?,Discuss:,Are they ready ? 2. What do they need ?,New words:,tomorro

3、w n 明天 need v 需要 ticket n 票 these pron 这些 pack v 打包,包装 6. jacket n 上衣,夹克衫 7. clothes n 衣服, 服装,ticket,tickets,What do we need ? We need train tickets. We need tickets from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.,jacket,pants,shirt,shirts,shoes,socks,sweaters,I need to pack my suitcase with my clothes.,suitcase,These are clothes,ticket,clothes,sweaters,jacket,shoes,sweaters,pants,socks,我知道:,1.jacket_2.sweater_ 3.shirt_4.suitcase_ 5. 衣服6、车票 7、上衣,夹克衫 8、裤子9、鞋,Thank you!,



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