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1、法律英语常用句型的翻译,Otherwise,Otherwise的翻译,在法律英语中,OTHERWISE通常跟UNLESS引导的从句(让步壮语从句)连用,或置放在连词OR之后使用。还有一种用法是跟THAN一起,通常用来否定句子的主语。 Unlessotherwise otherwise or otherwise than,Otherwise的翻译,Ex 1. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires, “state” means a territory or group of territories having its o

2、wn law of nationality. (Laws of Hong Kong, Cap. 30, Wills Ordinance, Art 2) 本法令中,除上下文另有所指,“国家”指拥有自己国籍法的一领域或一组领域。,Otherwise的翻译,Unless the context otherwise requires这一句型在法律文件的说明部分最为常见。在汉语的译文中几乎一律译成“除另有外”。根据这类条例的上下文,otherwise意思是“不同地”,用来修饰unless从句中的动词requires。但是在被动语态中,otherwise通常置放在主语与动词之间或置放在被动句的助动词be与

3、分词形式的动词之间。汉语中的译法与主动语态相同。,Otherwise的翻译,Ex 2: A notice under subsection (1) shall, unless it otherwise provides, apply to the income from any property specified as it applies to the property itself. (Laws of Hong Kong, Cap. 201, Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, Art. 14A1AA) 根据第(1)款发出的通知书,除另有规定外,也适用于通知

4、书内指明的财产的收入,一如适用于该项财产本身。,Otherwise的翻译,如果otherwise与or连用,其意思与起连接作用的连词or之前的短语相同。例如: Ex 3: If 2 or more persons are defendants(被告)to a claim, as partners or otherwise, a process(传票)may be served(送达)on any of them and an award(判决)may be obtained and execution(执行令)issued against any person so served notwit

5、hstanding that any other persons jointly liable(连带责任)may not have been served or been a party or may not be within the jurisdiction(管辖权)of the Board. (Laws of Hong Kong, Cap. 453, Minor Employment Claims Adjudication Board Ordinance, Art. 251),Otherwise的翻译,如有两名或两名以上的人以合伙人或者其他身份,属于同一诉讼的被告,传票可送达其中任何一人

6、,而判定该收件人败诉的判决可由该被告取得,亦可向该被告发出执行文书,即使任何其他共同有责的人可能未获得传票未参加诉讼,或不属于仲裁处管辖,均无例外。,Otherwise的翻译,Ex 4: Any person who by threats, persuasion or otherwise induces a witness or a party not to give evidence in any hearing before the Board commits an offence. (ibid. Art. 411) 任何人采用恐吓、怂恿或以其他手段诱使证人或一方当事人不在仲裁处审理中作证

7、,即属犯罪。,Otherwise的翻译,在另一些法律文本中,otherwise之后跟上than,可形成otherwise than这一新的句式结构,作用相当于unless。其中的otherwise起一个方式状语的作用。此外,otherwise than这一短语一般只能在否定句中。例如: Ex 5: No claim(赔偿)shall be recoverable hereunder if the benefit of the contract herein contained shall become vested in any other person or persons at law(普

8、通法)or in equity(衡平法)otherwise than by will(遗嘱)or operation of law, unless the written consent of the Insurer thereto shall have first been obtained.,Otherwise的翻译,除非先得到承保人的书面同意,否则若合同利益依法而非按照遗嘱或依照法律的效力,归于其他任何人,则无法取得诉讼所要求的赔偿。,Otherwise的翻译,Ex 6: No will or any part thereof, which is in any manner revoke

9、d (撤销), shall be revived(恢复) otherwise than by the re-execution(重新订立)thereof or by a codicil(遗嘱附书)executed in accordance with section 5 and showing an intention to revive it.,Otherwise的翻译,遗嘱的全部或任何部分,无论以何种方式撤销后,均不得恢复,除非再次订立遗嘱或者按照第五条订立旨在恢复遗嘱的遗嘱附书。,Otherwise的翻译,从例5和6中,我们知道otherwise than意思等同by other mea

10、ns than或unless,词性仍为副词。通常译为“除了以外”或“除非”。Otherwise than与other than词性结构非常相似,意思也十分相近,但用法很不相同。前者修饰总是句子中的动词,后者可修饰名词。虽然,在普通英语里,other than词性上仍然是副词,用来修饰动词,如We cant collect the rent other than by suing the tenant. 意思相当于differently(除非),但在法律英语中,该词也可以用来修饰名词,可译成“除外”、“非”。,Otherwise的翻译,Ex 7: Any person guilty of an

11、offence(罪行)under this Part, other than an offence under section 3, shall be liable 除第3条规定的罪行外,触犯本条所列罪行的,根据以下情况承担责任:,Otherwise的翻译,总之,otherwise是一个使用率很高、用途相当广泛的法律英语用词。通常与置前的unless或or或置后的than连用。在所有例子中,otherwise都只起一个副词的作用。如上各例所示,otherwise的结构在汉语里一般都译成“除了以外”,或“以其他方式”。至于究竟哪一种译法较为合理,通常须根据上下文以及词语的习惯搭配而定。另外一个意义相近的关联短语Other than也值得注意,虽然在普通英语中它与Otherwise than词性和用法相同,但在法律英语中它可当形容词用,用来修饰名词,指代与所修饰的名词相反的事物。,


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