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1、北京市东直门南大街 3 号国华投资大厦 5 层/12 层/15 层(100007)5/F, 12/F, 15/F, Guohua Plaza, 3 Dongzhimennan Avenue, Beijing 100007, ChinaTel: +8610-58137799Fax: +8610-581377881中国法通讯China Law Newsletter跨境贸易与投资Cross-border Trade and Investment第 24 期 Issue 242013 年 8 月 August 2013编者按:本刊旨在报道与中国有关的跨境贸易与投资的最新动态与我们的实务经验,但本刊不可

2、替代个案的正式法律意见。您若重复收到本刊或者要订阅、退订或进一步了解本刊的内容,请与大成的有关律师联系。Editors note: the purpose of this publication is to report the most recent developments in the field of cross-border trade and investment in connection with China, as well as our practical experience therein. However, this publication should not be

3、 treated as a substitute for a formal legal opinion in individual cases. If you have received this publication more than once, or would like to subscribe or unsubscribe to this publication, or follow up on any issues raised in this publication, please be in contact with the lawyer you usually deal w

4、ith at Dacheng Law Offices.目录CONTENTS立法新闻 LEGISLATIVE NEWS 31 商务部加强和改善外商投资融资租赁公司审批与管理工作MOFCOM Improves Approval & Management Procedures for Foreign Invested Financing & Leasing Companies2 国家外汇管理局发布服务贸易外汇管理指引及其实施细则State Administration of Foreign Exchange Releases Guidance for Foreign Exchange Managem

5、ent of Service Trade and Implementation Rules3 质检总局发布出入境检验检疫企业信用管理办法The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Releases Measures for Credit Management of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Enterprises大成中国法通讯-跨境贸易与投资- 第 24 期Dacheng China Law Newsletter-Cross-border

6、 Trade and Investment Issue 242投资动态 INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENTS 14 国务院通过上海自由贸易试验区总体方案State Council Approves Overall Scheme for Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone立法新闻LEGISLATIVE NEWS 商务部加强和改善外商投资融资租赁公司审批与管理工作(来源:,2013 年 7 月 18 日)MOFCOM Improves Approval & Management Procedures For Foreign Invested Financing

7、& Leasing Companies (Source: , Jul 18, 2013)商务部日前发布关于加强和改善外商投资融资租赁公司审批与管理工作的通知 。 通知规定:1、对在上一会计年度内未开展实质性融资租赁业务、年检不合格以及发生违法违规行为的企业,各地应责令其整改,并将整改情况及时报商务部。2、外资融资租赁公司不得从事吸收存款、发放贷款、受托发放贷款等活动;未经相关部门批准,不得从事同业拆借、股权投资等业务。3、外资融资租赁公司不得以任何形式为承担政府公益性项目的地方政府融资平台公司提供直接或间接融资。The Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) recentl

8、y issued a Notice on Enhancing and Improving the Approval & Management Procedures of the Foreign Invested Financing & Leasing Companies. The Notice specifies the following: 1. For enterprises failing to conduct any substantial financing and leasing business and to pass the annual inspection, or enga

9、ging in illegal activities, local authorities are obliged to request them to rectify and report the rectification progress to MOFCOM timely; 2. Foreign financing and leasing companies are not allowed to undertake such businesses as attracting deposits, issuing loans or issuing loans on behalf of any

10、 other party; without the prior consent of the relevant authorities, no interbank or equity investment business should be conducted. 3. Foreign financing and leasing companies are prohibited from providing direct or indirect financing to local government financing platform companies operating govern

11、ment public projects.Top 国家外汇管理局发布服务贸易外汇管理指引及其实施细则(来源:国家外汇管理局,2013 年 7 月 25 日)State Administration of Foreign Exchange Releases Guidance for Foreign Exchange Management of Service Trade and Implementation Rules (Source: , Jul 25, 2013)国家外汇管理局发布国家外汇管理局关于印发服务贸易外汇管理法规的通知大成中国法通讯-跨境贸易与投资- 第 24 期Dacheng C

12、hina Law Newsletter-Cross-border Trade and Investment Issue 243(通知 ) ,在全国范围内实施服务贸易外汇管理改革。 通知中包括服务贸易外汇管理指引 、 服务贸易外汇管理指引实施细则及废止文件目录。To implement the reform of foreign exchange management of service trade throughout China, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) released the Circular of the

13、 State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Printing and Distributing Laws and Regulations for Foreign Exchange Management of Service Trade (the Circular) which covers such contents as Guidance for Foreign Exchange Management of Service Trade, Implementing Rules of the Guidance for Foreign Exchange

14、 Management of Service Trade and a directory of repealed files.根据通知 ,此次改革的主要内容包括:小额交易无需审单。服务贸易小额收付汇业务可在金融机构直接办理,金融机构对单笔等值 5 万美元以下的服务贸易收付汇业务原则上可不审核交易单证。境内机构和个人需留存每笔服务贸易外汇收支相关交易单证 5 年备查。According to the Circular, main contents of the reform include: examination of documents is unnecessary for the tran

15、saction in small amount; foreign exchange payment and receipt in small amount for service trade may be processed directly in financial institutions which, in principle, may skip the examination of trade documents for any single transaction of foreign exchange payment and receipt for service trade wi

16、th amount less than USD50,000; domestic institutions and individuals shall keep the documents in connection with each transaction of foreign exchange payment and receipt for service trade for five years for future examination.通知中的废止文件目录,废止 50 多项相关法规文件,为涉外主体办理服务贸易外汇业务提供系统、清晰、透明的法规依据。The directory of abolished files in the Circular includes over 50 laws and regulations, which pro



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