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1、苹果发布会发言稿苹果发布会发言稿篇一:【免费】iPad 发布会的演讲稿9:09AM Were in line waiting to get inside. People are seriously crowding. Lets hope we dont get trampled! 9:09AM 我们正排队进场,现场人山人海的,希望不要发生踩踏! 9:11AM Overall the mood is really jovial right now. Its basically a party in the U.S.A.9:11AM 会场气氛非常愉悦,这基本上是整个美国的派对9:42AM Okay

2、! Were in our seats and theres some Dylan playing on the sound system!9:42AM 好了!我们已经入座了,现场正在放着些Dylan 的音乐。9:43AM The setup on stage is really interesting. Theres a chair with a table next to it. very unusual for an Apple event.9:43AM 台上的布置很有意思。有张桌子,旁边还有一把椅子对于苹果发布会来说这可不常见。9:50AM So, more Dylan. We swe

3、ar, if Bob Dylan shows up at this event, were going to seriously freak out. In a good way.9:50AM 还是 Dylan, 我发誓,如果 Bob Dylan 在这里出现的话,我绝对会发狂的9:51AM The electric version of Baby Let Me Follow You Down - in case you were wondering.9:51AM 会场播放着“Baby Let Me Follow You Down”9:54AM Everyone is really all sm

4、iles here. Sure, the WiFi just went out, but generally everyone seems to be quite excited. Makes sense, gadgets and money will be flowing like sweet summer wine when this thing is all over. Right?9:54AM 尽管现场已经关闭了 WIFI 无线网络,不过各路人马还是面带笑容和非常兴奋。9:55AM Sitting next Jim Dalrymple from The Loop. whos curre

5、ntly dealing with the aforementioned WiFi issues.9:55AM Jim Dalrymple 目前正在解决上面所说的 WIFI问题。9:56AM “Please silence your phones. our program will begin shortly.“ Oooh.9:56AM “请将手机设置静音,发布会即将开始”!10:00AM The lights are going down. here we go!10:00AM 灯光亮起,开始啦!10:01AM And Steve is out! Huge applause. and a s

6、tanding ovation from some audience members. 10:01AM 乔布斯出场。全场掌声响起。甚至还有观众站起来欢呼。10:01AM Steve is soaking it in. “Good morning and thank you all for coming.“10:01AM “乔布斯开场。早上好。感谢你们到场。10:02AM “We want to kick of XX by introducing a magical and revolutionary product today. but first I have a few updates.“

7、10:02AM 今天,我们将推出一款神奇的革命性的产品。但首先我先介绍几项更新。10:03AM “But first I have a few updates. A few weeks ago we sold our 250mth iPod. The second update is about our stores - we now have 284. Its amazing. Last quarter we had 50m visitors.“10:03AM 截止到几周前,我们已经销售了 2.5 亿iPod。另外,我们已经拥有 284 家零售店。这是不错的成绩。上个季度,我们拥有 5000

8、 万的访问者。10:03AM Now Steve is talking about the new Apple store in NYC. “Here it is on opening day. Its so wonderful to put these stores in the neighborhoods with our customers.“10:03AM 乔布斯正在谈论纽约新开的苹果零售店。这是开张的现场照片。10:04AM “Next update - the app store. We have over 140k apps, and a few weeks ago we ann

9、ounced a user downloaded 3b apps.“10:04AM 下一个更新:App Store。我们拥有 14 万个应用,截止到几周前,我们有 30 亿的下载量。10:05AM “Lastly - we started Apple in 1976 - 34 years later we just ended our holiday quarter with 50.6b dollars of revenue.“ He showed a pic of him and Woz!10:05AM 最后一项更新。1976 年,我们创办了苹果公司。34 年后,我们拥有 506 亿收入。乔

10、布斯展示了他跟沃兹的老照片。10:06AM “Now where do we get this revenue? iPods, iPhones, and Macs. Whats interesting is that iPods are mobile devices, the iPhone is, and most of our computers. Were a mobile company. Thats what we do. How do we stack up against all the other companies that sell mobile devices? Were

11、the largest mobile devicecompany in the world. Larger than Sony, bigger than Samsung“10:06AM “那么我们是从何处得到的这些收入?iPod、iPhone 和 Mac。有趣的是 iPod 属于移动设备,iPhone 也是,而我们大部分的电脑也是。所以说,我们是个移动设备公司。这就是我们的工作。那我们是如何对抗其他那些也出售移动设备的公司呢?我们是世界上最大的移动设备公司。比 SONY、三星都要大”10:06AM “And by revenue. its even bigger than Nokia.“10:

12、06AM “而就收入而言我们甚至比 NOKIA 还要厉害10:06AM “So those are the updates that we have today.“10:06AM “这些就是今天要说的一些更新。 ”10:07AM “So lets get to the main event.“10:07AM “那么现在,让我们进入主题吧。 ”10:07AM “Lets go back to 1991, when we first shipped our Powerbooks. The first with a TFT screen, the first with palm rests, and

13、 had an integrated pointing device. Just a few years ago in XX we reinvented the phone. and a few years later we got the iPhone 3GS.“10:07AM “让我们先回到 1991 年,那时我们的Powerbook 刚刚发售。它是第一个拥有 TFT 屏幕,第一个拥有触摸板的笔记本电脑,并且它还拥有个综合指针控制器。而几年前,也就是 XX 年,我们再次“发明”了电话而几年后的今天,我们拥有了 iPhone 3GS。 ”10:08AM “SO all of us use l

14、aptops and smartphones. the question has arisen; is there room for something in the middle. Weve wondered for years as well - in order to create that category, they have to be far better at doing some key tasks. better than the laptop, better than the smartphone.“10:08AM “我们所有的人都使用笔记本电脑与只能手机那么问题来了:在

15、这者之间能不能有一款新型的设备。我们也为此研究了好几年为了弥补这个空白,这个新型的设备一定要在几个关键功能上非常出色要比笔记本好,更要比只能手机好。 ”10:09AM “What kind of tasks? Browsing the web. Doing email. Enjoying and sharing pics. Watching videos. Enjoying music. Playing games. Reading ebooks.“10:09AM “那这些关键功能有哪些?浏览网页,收发邮件,观赏与分享图片,观看视频,欣赏音乐,享受游戏,阅读电子书。 ”10:09AM “If

16、theres gonna be a third category, it has to be better at these tasks - otherwise it has no reason for being.“10:09AM “如果要创造出这么一个新型的设备,那就一定要比其他设备更好的完成以上提到的那些功能否则它就没有存在的意义了。 ”10:09AM “Now some people thought that was a netbook - the problem is that netbooks arent better than anything!“ Big cheers! Ha!10:09AM “有些人想这可能会是个上网本但关键是,上网本的功能不必任何东西好!”观众欢呼!哈! 10:10AM “We think weve got something that is better. And we call it the iPad.“10:10AM 我想我们找到了更好的, 我


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